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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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Please email any news of San Salvador and the BFS.">

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Seeking (Anna & Alfredo) ORZA & (daughters-
(Danielle & Gabrielle)PICCININI....They just moved to Port Orange a few weeks ago. ANY info. on our family members please e-mail at
We are ALL VERY WORRIED ! Thank You,
From their Aunt Kathie

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I am looking for information on Chas Walsh
who was staying in small house in Southern
part of Elbow Cay near Aunt Pat's Bay on
Buckingham Palace Road. Was Elbow split
in half at White Sound? Chas's cousin
John Walsh is concerned in Ft. Laud. FL.
Respond to e-mail address of Thank you, Judy Dahl

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We are trying to get info about Cat Island. Our parents were on the island (Donna & Jerry Ornberg). If anyone has heard, please e-mail or call 407-331-8930 (collect). Thanx!

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Hello - just a little update on the East Coast. I am from Maryland and we are under a tropical storm watch, flood watch, etc. Schools are closed tomorrow. They forecast the major part to pass over Baltimore and surrounding areas tomorrow at some point with very high winds, heavy rain, and thunderstorms. Maryland has already been declared a State of Emergency. Our news did show a clip of Nassau and the high winds. But no other detailed information on the outer Islands as of yet. I am so glad that this message board has been developed as well as the other sites that I use. Love my Bahamas. Hope all turns out to be not as bad as expected.

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If anyone has any information about Arthurs Town, Cat Island, Please email me. I have family there. If anyone in Cat Island can get this please tell Hugo Page we are thinking of him. Tabby and Rob

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New Jersey Update-
Waves 8 foot plus-2 Surfers off of Ocean city.
Atlantic City in the middle of Casino strike and Miss America is waiting for a Blind Date with a guy named Floyd. Many town meetings scheduled tonite-- People are scared because its been many years since anything like this. People are boarding up Windows and a visit to Home Depot was a joke!! At a normal High tide we get water on many streets.


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We have family in Ponce Inlet. We would like to know what kind of damage they have had and if the power is out on the beach. Also what kind of beach irrosion has occurred. Someone please let us know something. We have tried to reach by phone and do not get any answers.

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I am looking for information on Sally and Thomas Sweeting of Man-of-War. Their daughters are very concerned about them. If anyone knows how they fared the storm, please reply. Thank you!

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Any news on Long Island my little sister lives Deadmans Cay with her husband. Niki and Matthew WELLS
Its hard to get any news here in England

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Have sister in Carriage Cove, Daytona
Beach, Florida (off Nova). Can anyone tell me
if everyone in park is okay. Would appreciate
any info. Contact

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RE: Harbour Island

This afternoon, a plane from Twin Air (Ft. Lauderdale) flew about Briland and reported that much of the beach appears to have disappeared, as has a good deal of the vegetation, but that the hotels and other structures were still standing. I am getting this report second-hand, so was not able to ask if there had been any radio contact. Since it is likely that there is no power and batteries might well be all used up by now, there may have been none. I was told that there are no reports of fatalities.

God bless you and yours!

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Anyone with information on Tami and Marty Hopetown. Tell them we love them and will be there as soon as possible. Sheree And Ira

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My little update on Man-o-war Cay: I heard earlier today from my husband, who had heard from his mom, who had heard from my brother-in-laws mom (via radio?), that my brother- and sister-in-law (Wendy Meyer and Jim Cyganek) are alive and well. Considering they were staying 10' from the ocean, I guess that's *really* great news. Thought I'd share some good news... hope everyone else finds out the same.

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Trying to find out information about Eleuthera namely we are concerned about our friends there. Has anyone heard from the folks at the rainbow inn
Ken & Charlie ? Also has anyone heard anything from the Cove Eleuthera we have tried to reach George and Anne Mullens but have been unable to reach anyone. Is there any confimred news about Governors Harbor Airport being destroyed? I keep getting conflicting reports.
Alana and Steve Sechrist

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