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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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I am on the Broad River, not far from the Broad River Bridge. HHI was closed at 7 last night and remains closed. Reports were 90% evacted. It is starting to hit hard now. We have sustained at 40 or 50 and gust must be in the 80's or more. The next four or five hours will be the real deal

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To cheri Howell,

Information on Hope Town. thru a kind lady (ham operator) heard that my sister Tanny Key and family are all right. There are no phones there and wont be for many days. North end is gone. downtown is there with some damage - do not know much. I think I know your daddy - house right on the beach? You can call me if you want242-327-8657.

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We're very worried about our beach-front house because of the surge and erosion. If anybody knows about Edisto, please post!


Elizabeth Sheehan

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Chatam County and Savannah will open tomorrow at 8am but power is out everywhere. School closed till Monday, I-16 will be normal again in a few hours. This is live frm the EMS director on Channel 3 right now

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Are there any updates available on the damage incurred so far in the James Island area? My Mother lives in Riverland Terrace and I am hoping that her house receives no damage. I am currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan and have no way of contacting anyone due to the manditory evacuation, so if anyone has any updates I would truly appreciate hearing what you know! Thanks!

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I need to know the condition of the Bear Creek comunity in Ormond Beach Fl. Can anyone help?


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Jack Pitard flew into Marsh Harbour late this afternoon with son in law of Rex and Judie Albury of Casuarina Pt. Sad to say they lost their home, but they are safe. Their cottages did not sustain damage fortunately. There was much damage to homes at Casuarina. Dale and Louise Blank of Bahama Palm Shores are fine. Most of the houses there are fine, but road is partially washed out to get there. Messages were relayed to Albury's daughter in Florida via satellite telephone that Mr. Pitard brought in , courtesy of UAL.No report from Cherokee yet. Marsh Harbor is in very bad shape according to the message. As I receive more on this I will post.

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We are searching for Barry Imhoff and Johnny Williams. Last known location
Man O'War Cay. What are conditions? please e-mail

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Wondering about my family and friends in the Daytona Beach/Port Orange/Oak Hill areas. I have a brother who owns a manufactured home in Daytona and we haven't heard anything from them (brother, his wife, 2 nephews). I also have an Aunt and Uncle in Port Orange. If anyone has any additional info on the area, please email me.

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For anyone who knows someone staying @ the Coral Towers on Nassau, thier phones are working & no injuries have been reported. I spoke with my parents this afternoon, tha's where they are staying.

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Here in St. George, SC, winds are still at high gusts and earlier they said we were to get the worse of Floyd by tonight, no signs of that yet. We still have power! It's been raining here all day. I hope everyone in the Charleston area and Myrtle Beach-N. Carolina are ok. Well thats it for now.

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Gulfstream is donating planes for supplies. Picked this up on gobeach board.
Gulfstream Intl Airlines has coordinated flights to bring goods to the Abacos.
donations should go to Gulfstream Warehouse:

5925 Ravenswood Road
Bay 14-16
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312

954-266-3000 x200

They ask that contents of boxes be marked on outside Canned goods, water,
tarps etc...
Just received info on what they need,water,towels,deodorant,baby food,chainsaws,generators,plastic sheeting,tarps,gloves,bleach,rakes,mosquito spray,screening,toothpast,diapers,batteries,vhf radios,safety gogles wheelbarrows,soap hurricane lamps and oil lumber shovels flashlights blankets.
and anything else you might think would help...
Robert Meister of Treasure Cay Services will receive and distribute on the other end . Do not know him but seems to be putting a lot of effort into this.
Thanks for your help, they sure need it .. Standing by

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Listen to Ham Radio Live on the Internet.
Here are a few web sites where you can listen to live Ham Radiocommunications. /" TARGET="_top">
Suggested Frequencies:
Hurricane Watch Net 14325 khz (or 14.325mhz) USB mode 2.4k filter
Water Way Net 7268 khz (or 7.268 mhz) LSB mode 2.4k filter
Reception may not be very good, depending on the transmitting station's
antenna andpower situation. Some Hams in the Hurricane affected areas are using
emergency power and wire antennas.
This information is being offered as a public service only.
Please do not contact me for technical support on using these web sites.
Thank you,Julio Ripoll, WD4JNS

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Here in Columbia SC, it is just starting to get a little bad. Winds to 65 MPH with heavy rain. This puppy is nothing compared to Hugo and thank goodness for that. Our thoughts and prayers are with those near Myrtle beach and Wilmington NC.
Hey, those people from NC say they are "the real Carolina," then let them have the hurricane. LOL

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