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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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What is current conditions as of now with the hurricane?????

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the sea was angry that day my freinds

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Hurricane update from Nassau - 2.49 pm

Winds picking up, seas rough, people have put their boats on dry dock, and most people have secured their windows, belongings etc..

There was chaos this morning at the local foodstores, as unfortunately the Bahamas is not prepared for disasters of this or any other type. By 11 am there was no drinking water in gallons or 5 gallon bottles at any store on Nassau. One of the major Water depots closed as they ran out of water and were not making any more. The only other main water depot had long lines and it looked like the end of the world. There was so much traffic that the water depot could not get any trucks out to deliver to other stores. At about 2pm they started to deliver(finally 🙂

So, trafic is terrible, and there is basically alot of tension and worry among Bahamians. Persons living on the ocean have been advised to Evacuate inland more.

In all, if this storm hits us with 155 mph winds, there will be alot of devistation throughout the Bahamas, including complete damage to the small houses made of wood, and the beautiful scenery.
Perhaps there will also be many unfortunate deaths as with any disaster.

Good luck to all who are in the Bahamas during this huge storm. Buckle down and don't go out wandering. I will personally be filming the storm from my window at different times. These will be freely available online at a later date.

Rory Knowles

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Anyone know if there are any live webcams set up anywhere in the Bahamas? Good luck to all. I have class mate who is in the Defense Force.

Brad Youngkin
Elizabeth City, NC

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Canada's thoughts are with you. We've been watching each storm as it approaches the Caribbean and this one is obviously a doozie. I experienced "Bertha" in '96 but Floyd is a beast. We can only imagine the anxiety you must be feeling and the chaos that must be ensuing. We wish you all the best of luck and hope all is well now, during, and afterwards.

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I just read about how the space shuttle program is at risk with this hurricane coming so close to we really care if the space shuttle is completely destroyed? I would think human life would be a more important catastrophe to worry about. Honestly this royally chaps my hide and I dont even live anywhere near Florida. America needs to get off it already!!

Heather Spears
Anchorage, AK

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A quick Hello from York, England

Just wanted to say TAKE CARE and BE WELL

and hopefully be seeing you Thursday

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Weather channel hoping that cold front approaching from Montana area, will help keep Floyd away from US Coast..

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We are following floyd from Canada and would like to know where she be.. the time here is 9:38 pm eastern time. Anyone who can let me know I would appreciate it..

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Winds currently 23 mph Gusting to 39 mph ..
First Tropical Force Squal of winds coming on now.

by 7am we should have full force hurricane winds, no power, and no phones.

Good luck ..

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To all my friends and family in Abaco, my prayers are with you. Will be there in three weeks, hope nothing much will have changed. Its in God's hands.

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What do you think the chances are of Floyd coming up and hitting New England???

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To Rory and Ben -- as well as others, thank you so much for using this and keeping us posted. I am so concerned about what is going on down there. Our news is understandably more concerned with Florida and the East Coast(which part of the East Coast is me but we may only get heavy rain-after effects), however, no "detailed" news on the Bahamas is available. I will have this up and working for as long as I can keep my eyes open and in the morning and at work. God Bless and Good Luck to all Bahamas. Linda R.

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To David , Jacquiline and family in Jupiter, Fl. If you happen to read this, we are praying for you in Ohio. I wish you had gotten out before this hits. Please let us know that you are alright when this is all over. Nothing this material is that important, material things can be replaced, .... family cannot not. your sister in Cleveland

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