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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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- Great Guana Cay Community Report/Johnny Roberts
* Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 12:58:38 EDT

Lynn Borrow and Myself will be flying over with
the generators to Guana Cay
this Wednesday.

The Community has Elected me as the Guana Cay
spokes person to organize our
relief efforts. The community has supplied me
with a List of items needed.
Donna and Charles Sands, Johnny Robert's and the
Robert's Family, The
Gravelle Family, The Bethel Family basically the
Community has made a list of
the locals who need specific items. So if you
want to help please Please!
contact me via phone at the home of Mr. Lynn &
Michelle Borrow (305)
868-0005. I am going to pick up photos of Guana
I have about 100 of them
that Michelle will Post for your review on Monday.

If you have supplies you wish to send or a
monetary donation please send it

Lynn Borrow
2650 West 84th Street
Hialeah, FL 33016

I am going to post a Great Guana Cay report of
conditions as well as the
Guana Beach Resort fire and the community
emotional state right now.

Thank you for your concern.

God Bless

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Seeking information on house (Rusty Pelican) located in north east corner of White Sound between Scotia house and Hidden Cove. Our concerns
are for everyone.

Harry & Joyce Simms
Thank you

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I just talked to Carrie Cash. Some of the phones in Hopetown are working again. She says 95% of the EC properties she manages survived. Three homes were lost, including Crossing Bay, Down Through and Mary Rice's home. Al Shapiro is down there and will return home tomorrow. Joe Shier should call me. Your home is okay, but perched precariously. The carpenters would like an engineer to take a look at it to see how it can be saved. Mary and Keith Leckie should call me at 517-351-6287 or e-mail me your address. Carrie also said she needs help repairing damages. Any able bodied owners who have muscles and/or carpentry skills should also call me.

Jim Modisette should bring shingles. House is okay, but roof isn't.

She said many homes will be ready by Thanksgiving and most will be ready for the Holiday season.

This morning I talked to John Talbott. He suggested that all damage reports be coordinated through island satellite phone and U.S. e-mail link. Aerial sat photos are available of the Abacos and Elbow Cay and more photos will be available as crews survey the damage. Some photos are now available on the Abaco board. Go to Scrapbook for photos and print them for future property claims.

For more information, contact John Talbot at http://www.Outisland Or call him at 812-898-2777 after 9 a.m. tomorrow (Monday) morning.

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Thanks to William Hoffman and other Rainbow Bay Property Owners' Association members there is lots of info re ELEUTHERA and particularly RAINBOW BAY area on

All their friends in England will be glad to hear Ken & Charlie at Rainbow Inn are OK [Ken just as Krabby as ever!]

"Bonefish" Graham & Carol

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Satellite telephones in some parts of the Bahamas are the only method of communication right now, and problably for several months to come. Please email me for more information on our hand held satellite phones.
Does anyone know how to get in touch with the local governments in the Bahamas to offer free phones from Motorola to help in the rebuilding process????

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I just talked with Marilyn who just returned from
two days in GHB
She had some messages concerning specific houses
and I have talked to all of you -- So if I didn't
contact you then I have no info at this time.
Here is what was said- I will talk with her again
tomorrow and I am sure she will have more info.
There is power on -- not sure if all have power
but it is on in GHB and places North of GHB
Water is back on-- not sure if all have water but
it is on in GHB and places North
International Phone Calls will not be working for
at least 4-6 weeks.
Mundy Tours is setting up a relay station in
Nassau and will be forwarding messages to GHB.
When I know the Number I will let you all know.
The Food store and Hardware store are both open
for business.
The vegetation is all turning brown from the Salt
The road coming into GHB from the North-- by the
light has some damage but is ok.
That is all I have right at the moment I am sorry
most of the conversation was concerning homes and
I have been making calls to them.
I will talk with Marilyn again tomorrow and try to
get more details on GHB
She said alittle paint and some clean up and
things will look normal in G

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We are hearing very little news about Sandy Point does anyone have any information?

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Any news welcome to Canadian families of DAVID COTE and ANNA FERNANDER/COTE and family.

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David and I returned last night from a one day
trip with relief supplies.
We tried to visit as many houses as we could in
the time we had. I will
send individual pictures to those of you whose
homes I saw.

The good news is that the G&G came in yesterday
with water which is still
needed. What we found was water running in a few
places but definitely not
everywhere as they are using it from the reservoir
and afraid of draining
it. The airport bathrooms do work! They have
rebuilt the connection to
Cupid's Cay so they boats can be unloaded. It is
a round about way, but it

It has been one week since the storm and the
people are really doing great.
They have worked together, gotten Queens Hwy open
from the bridge south (it
is one lane in a couple of places and tree limbs
stick out some places --
but definitely passable). The worst part was in
downtown GH and then north
of the airport toward James Cistern.
We know there is power on the main line from the
airport down to Savannah
Sound. I know it is in Palmetto Point at some
homes but not sure if at all.
Bahamas Electric is really working hard. It will
probably not be around the
Heron Hill area south to Double Bay for at least a
few more weeks due to
trees and poles down, plus less population there.

Some phones on the island are working to call
other phones on the island
that are working! Still nothing off the island.

They have put a large dumpster in GH and they move
it daily for people to
throw out their debris. They take it to the dump
on Wed. and burn it.

As mentioned in someone else's e-mail, the island
is brown. The only color
you see occasionally is a Croton. It looked like
Florida after a freeze.
You can see sights previously hidden by foliage.
This is called eco-shock
and most of the plants will return. We even saw
signs of some of the palms
already putting out new shoots. All of the citrus
was blown off the trees.

Another good thing--the birds were not all blown
away. After Andrew it took
almost a year for the song birds to return.

Now for the other news. The most extensive damage
was roof damage as to be
expected. Roofing materials will be in high
demand. In flying over the
island blue tarps were plainly visible, especially
over JC. It was hard to
determine from the air, the damage at Hatchet Bay
but did
see sail boats up on land. Saw the graveyard they
have talked about.
Austin Knowles called from Nassau on Sat. night
and said that was the worst
part of all of this, cleaning up the bodies.

The spirits of the people are high and recovery is
in full process. For
those of you who know her, Lois Hanson stayed and
is working on getting her
roof covered. Her son is getting married here in
the States in 2 weeks so
she is really feeling pressure.

The worst damage was to Manon's house, Flipper,
where she lost the second
story and one wall.

If you are planning on going over: take your own
water and food. Your
cistern could be contaminated and food supplies
limited. More good news,
Mate and Jenny's survived and I believe will
reopen on schedule in Oct.

Tweety had said to bring pampers which were really
a big hit as were D size

We had no problems with customs. We followed the
procedure on the internet
of faxing off our request and getting the
permission. Yes, they were very
quick. When we arrived we were prepared to pay
duty on those specific items
we had for specific individuals (such as the chain
saws), but they said no
problem, just deliver them, which we did.

Hope this helps.
Judy McGinty

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Read carefully for details as to what carries an
import duty tax, and on which island:

The Government of the People of The Bahamas
wishes to express appreciation for
the numerous offers of assistance being
received in the aftermath of Hurricane

As announced yesterday, the Minister of
Finance has waived all customs and stamp
tax on the importation of drinking water to
those Family Islands seriously
affected by Hurricane Floyd.

It is to be recalled that Mayaguana, Acklins,
Crooked Island, Long Cay, Ragged
Island and Cays, Cat Island and Andros have
been declared customs duty and stamp
tax free for the purpose of the importation
of construction materials for the
rehabilitation, remodeling, or extension of
new or existing buildings under the
Family Island Development Act.

Inagua, San Salvador, Long Island and Exuma
and Cays have been declared customs
duty free under the Act for the importation
of construction materials for the
same purpose.
a.. Further, so as to facilitate the
entry of relief goods and to ensure that the
b.. maximum benefit of donations reach
those residents most seriously affected by
c.. the hurricane, the Minister of
Finance will also approve the waiver of stamp and
d.. customs duty on the importation of
approved relief materials consigned to the
e.. most seriously affected Family
Islands of Abaco, Eleuthera and Cays, Harbour
f.. Island and Spanish Wells, Cat Island
and San Salvador, the latter of which only
g.. qualified for customs duty exemption
under the Family Island Development Act.

h.. All requests for waivers of customs
and stamp tax on hurricane relief materials
i.. for the islands of Abaco, Eleuthera
and Cays, Harbour Island and Spanish Wells,
j.. and for stamp tax relief in San
Salvador must be made in writing to the
k.. Hurricane Floyd Relief Committee at
Fax Number (242) 327-5807 and must be
l.. approved for importation in advance.
More detailed information now available on
damage caused by the storm in the
various island communities indicates that the
items most in need in the affected
Family Island communities are as follows:
a.. Potable drinking water
b.. All canned foods and juices
c.. Non-perishable dry foods (rice,
flour, grits)
d.. Generators
e.. Chain saws
f.. Construction materials:
g.. Material required for roof repairs
(sheet rock, plywood, shingles, roof
h.. felting, facia boards, lumber (2x4,
2x6), roof nails, tacks, hurricane clips and
i.. wiring)
j.. tarpaulin and visequeen (heavy
plastic sheeting)
k.. furni

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I saw message by a person named Leslie, she mentioned she spoke with Marilyn about EL. I have a house there and am desperately seeking info. If you can help me please respond.

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Anybody know about San Sal. Nick and Sandra Pitt? Chris Mc Laughlin?
Thanks, Kirk KA2USA

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Very little information from M.O.W.Cay..Have been watching for news from there.....What was the extent of damage there? We want information about Cole and Alice Walters...Can anyone help?

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Very little information from M.O.W.Cay..Have been watching for news from there.....What was the extent of damage there? We want information about Cole and Alice Walters...Can anyone help?

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Very little information from M.O.W.Cay..Have been watching for news from there.....What was the extent of damage there? We want information about Cole and Alice Walters...Can anyone help?

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