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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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I'm looking for my husband and who left home from Texas on July 19,1999. He was last seen in Gainesville, Ga before the Hurricane hit. If you know his whereabout please e-mail me at His name is Reynaldo F. Zamora salt& pepper hair, mustache. We love him and miss him. Tell him we are looking for him. His daughters and his wife miss him very much. The last note we got from him was from North metro Ga. Thank you for helping me hear from him. yoliz

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Hurricane Floyd Disaster Update
Washington September 22, 1999 -- Following are highlights of current
activities in the continuing federal response and recovery effort for
Hurricane Floyd.

* President Clinton today declared a major disaster for Florida that
provides federal funding for restoring damaged public property in nine
* The President declared major disasters yesterday for hurricane damage in
Delaware and South Carolina. Other previously declared states include New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
* FEMA Director Jams Lee Witt toured damaged areas in New Jersey and New
York yesterday, visited with hurricane victims, and met with federal,
state and local officials.
* More than 21,000 hurricane victims in five states had registered for
federal aid as of yesterday.
* Nearly 7,100 homes are reported to be either destroyed or heavily
damaged in areas surveyed so far by federal and state damage assessment
* Casualties currently reported include 52 hurricane-related fatalities,
11 injuries and four missing persons.
* A total of 324,671 homes are still without power, 223,000 without water
and 35,300 without telephone service in hurricane-affected states.
* Thirty-seven shelters remain open housing 5,314 people, most of them in
North Carolina.

North Carolina
* Three Federal/State Disaster Recovery Centers have been opened. Six more
are to open today.
* The federal government has established a no-fly zone over part of
Edgecombe County except for emergency aircraft. The Greenville Airport
remains closed.
* The Tar, Neuse, Cape Fear and Lumber rivers remain out of banks, with
crests expected today through Saturday.
* Search and rescue missions continue and underwater body-recovery teams
are on site if needed.
* Two mobile incinerators have been set up in Duplin and Jones counties to
dispose of dead livestock.
* Water systems in nine counties were contaminated. A water purification
plant was delivered to Tarboro after the town's water treatment plant shut
down because of flooding. Water systems failed or have been shut down in
Greenville and in Wilson, Pitt, Duplin and Lenoir counties.
* Many wastewater treatment plants are wholly or partly out of operation.
* Confirmed deaths total 35, with 4 more people presumed dead.
* An estimated 30,000 homes were damaged or destroyed by the storm and
* 20,687 customers remain without electricity.
* About 5,000 people remain in American Red Cross shelters.
* Agricultural impacts are estimated at more than $1 billion. More than
110,000 hogs and a million chickens and turkeys were killed by the storm.
* 236 highways and 40 bridges remain closed.
* Freight train service east of Raleigh is shut down until water recedes.
* Sixteen school systems are closed. Estimated damage to schools is $7
* Ten truckloads of water have been delivered to staging areas.
* 480,000 pounds of ice have been delivered to staging areas and
distribution sites.
* The American Red Cross is operating 31 shelters housing 3,105 people.

* Four disaster-related deaths have been reported.
* Up to 1,900 homes were damaged or destroyed by Floyd.
* 796,000 gallons of water from Federal supplies have been sent to five
distribution points.
* Potable water service has been restored to the city of Portsmouth.
* A Federal/State Disaster Recovery Center has been opened in Hampton. A
second center is being opened in Newport News.
* The American Red Cross is operating two shelters housing 74 people.
* The state has asked for federal help in identifying, removing and
disposing of hazardous materials and dead animals.
* Up to 95 percent of the state's electrical power is to be restored by
the end of the day.

New Jersey
* Three drowning deaths have been confirmed and three people remain
* A total of 461,358 liters of water and 360,000 pounds of ice have been
delivered to armories in the affected counties.
* The Elizabethtown water plant is back in operation, producing 20 million
gallons per day. The plant is to produce another 20 million gallons per
day starting today.
* Three Federal/State Disaster Recovery Centers are planned. Locations are
not yet set.

* Six storm-related deaths have been reported.
* Approximately 2,200 homes were damaged or destroyed.
* Disaster recovery centers are opening today in Montgomery, Bucks,
Chester, Delaware and Philadelphia counties.
* American Red Cross shelters are closed.

South Carolina
* The President issued a federal disaster declaration Sept. 21, making
Charleston, Georgetown and Horry counties eligible for aid to government
agencies, individuals and businesses, and for Beaufort, Berkeley,
Colleton, Jasper and Marion counties for aid to government agencies.
* More than 200 homes were damaged or destroyed by Floyd.
* Approximately 9,500 customers still have no electricity.
* One sewage treatment plant is out of service.

* The President issued a federal disaster declaration Sept. 21 making New
Castle County eligible for aid to government agencies, individuals and

Project Impact
* Minimizing future losses: As cleanup and rebuilding begins, there are
steps that individuals, businesses and communities can take to minimize
the effects of future disasters. Through an initiative called Project
Impact: Building Disaster Resistant Communities, communities are going on
the offensive to make these changes. The result - an America that is more

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Office of Public Affairs --- Washington, D.C.

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To Conrad Man-O-War
RE: list of MOW boats

I am the owner of Poubelle. Can you tell me more about the extent of the damage? Darvin Sands at Edwins Boat Yard should know the extent of the damage, but I have been unable to reach him. Thank you. Rob Fordham

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Motorolas' special government division is working with the Bahamian government to get them some hand held satellite telephones. I will inform you as to who has the phones and hopefully where they will be disbursed so that people that do not have access to communications at least know where to go to make a call.

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"Terry L.Wilson" wrote:

The Christropher Foundation is making raffle proceeds available to
seeking funds for hurricane relief. Raffle Tickets Sales provide the
possibility of a valuable prize condominium vacation to the buyer plus a
valuable tax deduction for supporting a cause that the buyer already is
inclined to support. The Relif Raffle is the catalyst that loosens up
the purse strings to turn concern to dollars.Raffles are organized for
group and individual paticipation with flexible relief needs and are
providing needed assistance today.
Details are available @

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The Princeville Montessori School in N.C. is still under water and is a total loss. The entire town of Princeville remains closed to its residents and most of them have no homes to return to. When they do get out of the shelters they will have to spend the little funds they do have on just the basic costs of surrival. There will be no extras for the school and the children.
My son attends this wonderful school and I know how devasted he is over the loss. We still have our home but most of the other children do not. If you can help with any school supplies please e-mail me. These children need to feel secure again and if we can fill their school with new materials and a lot of love, I know it will be a step toward a normal life. Thanks!

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Concerning The Princeville Montessori School - Denise's Email is

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If anyone has Any photos of elethrua/Tarpum Bay or
surrounding areas Please send them to me.@ Thanks in forward

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trying to reach anyone on
Aklins Island. Please contact me I live in Plant City, Fl.

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Any news from Eleuthera Govenor's Harbour or Gregory Town please contact us in Australia thank's Barry& Dorothy.

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