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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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Please, any information on Lee Stocking Island, just around Great Exuma, my son is there on a research island, no communication from him, I am desperate to know if there has been any word form them, or how badly they were hit.
will stay on this website,so if any one has any word please post it.

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Please post any word on Elbow Key or Marsh Harbour. Have many friends there and cannot get through -

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Any news on Governor's Harbour in Eleuthera? I would be very grateful for an update.

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I live in NC and on the news it says floyd is gonna hit on thursday with winds of 70 mph

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Please keep me posted on what's happening in the out Islands, especially Elurthea where we have many friends. Hope "Kadaffi" is well. Have cottage on Ten Bay. My heart goes out to you and may a miracle happen and the damage be slight. Love and prayers to you all.

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Anxious about friends on Harbour Island. Any news?

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to our friend in freeport, marian, our thoughts are with you today. We trust that this hurricane will miss you but we'll help with money if you need it. Good Luck Kent and Betsy Shade and the three boys.

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Am very anxious to hear ANY news from anyone with a computer concerning Marsh Harbour and Dundas Town, Abaco. Marilyn, Tina, Britino and Preeya are hoping all is well with family---Grenada Sawyer&Tony Adderley. Please send news soon!!!!

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Just talked to my husband and friends near and in West End, GB. (I lucked out and happened to be in Florida for a visit when all this began.) The water and winds are rising. So far power is intermittent and phones are still on there. Radio reports they are getting indicate bad conditions in Abaco, sorry didn't get any details. Cell phones should work at least for a while after the power goes out completely, so if anyone you know has one, try that. The Fishin' Hole road between Eight Mile Rock has been closed since early this morning due to high water, so anyone who didn't make it to Freeport is trapped. Prayers and good luck are needed badly.

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The web page for Abaco island has a message board where people from around the Bahamas are posting storm reports, mostly from Ham radio operators in the area. Latest reports have the hurricane making landfall in Southern Abaco.

To view the message board, go to

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I'm in Toronto and am concerned about my newlywed
sister and brother-in-law who are vacationing at the Raddison Cable Beach Resort. Does anyone know what the situation is in that area?

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My prayers are with you in Flordia and surounding areas!!!!! From North Carolina

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I am trying to get a message to Vince and Cheryl on VHF at DRIFTWOOD,
saying that I can come to help if need be, and that they are in our thought and godbless....
If someone can even do this verbally I would greatly appreciate it, if its at all humanly possible. They are near Milo's T-Shirt Shop and near the Guana Cay school!
Thank You,

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Based on the 2pm estimate of the center (which has a plus or minus ten mile error, the forecast track and speed,
I have estimated the closest approach and time for the closest approach of the center of Floyd.

The eye is about 25 miles in diameter, with all the variables I would not be surprised if
some of the following places to be inside the wall at some point, which has the most
dangerous winds and surge:

Place-Closest Approach- Time
Little Harbour 15mi, 3pm
Marsh Harbour 22mi, 4pm
Hopetown, MOW 25 mi, 4pm
Guana 25 mi, 4:30pm
Treasure Cay, 17 mi, 5pm
Green Turtle, 21 mi, 5:30-6pm

Fox Town, incidently, looks to be right on the path. They should be
in the thick of it in about 6 hours.

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According to Steve Rutledge, Bob in Little Harour is reporting that the eye was overhead at 2:40 PM. So it sounds like it's a bit ahead of your time schedule, perhaps due at Marsh Harbour and MOW a bit earlier than 4 PM. Please keep us all posted. Good luck to all our friends in the Abacos!!!

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