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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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Posted by Steve Rutledge on September 14, 1999 at 20:33:31:

I was on the air for about 15 minutes with Earl. He is afraid his roof is going to come off. He said his neighbor's roof has come loose. Earl is in his house with 14 other people. Several of them are small children and his wife's elderly parents who live with them. Earl says he is safe for now in the house and has no water on the ground floor. If the roof departs, that is where they will have to go. The wind is blowing too hard (160MPH) to evacuate. His daughter, Lynn, looked at the Green Turtle Club as the eye passed. Some of you may know that she is the manager. Catastropic damage resulted. I got this info from Jim Nawn, who owns the club. He called me from Ft. Lauderdale. Earl is very concerned but not panicked. I will provide more info as I get it.

I apologize for not having any info on the other Cays but there is no one passing info out of these locations. The second I hear anything via the radio, I will pass it to you.

Sinclair, Webmaster, has a satellite phone. However, they don't work in cloud cover and rain. I am sure he will give someone a good description tomorrow of the situation.

Steve Rutledge

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looking for any information on family staying at the clarion resort south ocean nassau bahamas
(kevin,ryan,scott and company) from canada. any
information would be apreciated. email us please
thank you!!

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Was speaking to my parents in Grand Bahama at 1:30pm today when the line went dead. There's been no phone service available since. Anyone with satellite phone access or ham radio reports from Lucaya, Grand Bahama - I would really, really like to hear from you.

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please contact with any info about the people in little harbor and cherokee - e-mail"> marsha and bryce

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I am a native Virginian and I now live in Maine. I have alot of family that still live in Virginia and my husbands family lives in Florida. My prayers are with everybody that has to endure Floyd and I hope that everyone is safe. If there are any updates about this Hurricane and it's path to Virginis please contact me at Thank You Amy and Normand Lambert

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Just got a phone call from my parents! They have no power at all, but intermittent phone service. No major damage - some minor damage to the roof, no broken glass. Very little flooding. The worst of it is past although there's still some punch left to absorb.

However, they did say they heard that flooding at Freeport airport was so bad, they had to send rescue workers in on jet skis!

It seems Lucaya got off fairly easy relative to the other reports coming in.

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THINKING OF YOU CHARLESTON! Currently living in California, I wait and pray for my entire family in Charleston as well as all who must endure this absolute disaster. In preparation for the need to get home to Charleston to assist my friends and family, I have contacted airlines find a cost of approx $2000!
How do people afford to assist in time of unexpected need? I can only pray that this is not necessary. Any suggestions? BE SAFE!

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Any info on Hope Town, and its' residents much appreciated. Anxious to hear of Doodah, any Malones, Cash's, Alburys, Bethels, will somebody look in and report on Iver please?. Will be glad to relay land line messages from Hopetown to family in States. E-mail me at, God belss you, our prayers are with the Family Islands. -Eric Lacey and family.

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By Joan Brownell on Tuesday, September 14. 1999 at 10:05pm
Would like to find out how some friends made out after the passage of Hurricane Floyd. Ken and Margo and Vanessa pinder live on Spanish Wells. Please send us any information you might receive. Our prayers are with them.

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I'm stuck in Tampa and want to know how my family and friends are in Spanish Wells. Please reply with any information you might have.

Anthony "Budda" Pinder

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Need imfo on Hope Town in Abacco..area of Sunrise beach.

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looking for info on george cross. he is my brother . he lives in the same area that earl lives in at blacksound on green turtle cay . any info e-mail me at"> pam

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Interested in any news from Cat Island and the status of our friends at Fernandez Bay Village.

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JAMZ Radio in Nassau is back on the air - hope they will let us all know what is happening.

see our website

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looking for info on Rocky and Cherie Thompson and children on Elbow Cay...very anxious for them.

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