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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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Looking for any info on Eastern shores, Marsh Harbour.( Wakefields Or Bob Buckan)">

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Looking for any information regarding the welfare of my family, Joe and Bea Shirley, residing on Man-O-War Cay. Please Contact Bill Shirley at @AOL.COM">HMWCAD@AOL.COM Thank you.

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Hello out is everyone doing in Nassau, and the Family Islands? Only been hearing bits and pieces from different sources. Is no news -- good news or news not available yet?? I understand, Nassau did not get the brunt of this monster. Can't wait to find out how the other Islands faired in this storm. Take care all !!!! Although I am on the East Coast, we have no valid info on the track of Floyd as far as my state yet. I think everyone is aware of the evacuation of Georgia, Florida and Charleston, S.C.

Linda R.

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I still seek news of the fate of Harbour Island. I know that it's early, but will appreciate hearing from anyone with news...


Thanks so much and God bless, Ric Rowe

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I live in Summerville S.C. about 30 miles inland{Charleston} from the beach, Floyd is on the way and I can't get my wife to leave. I have theaten to take my 4 year old girl and leave. We don't have much time left. I try to book a motel room but everything is full for the next two States. She rode Hurricane Hugo out at her parnets house and intends to do the same with Floyd, She won't let me take our Daughter and leave. She is putting all of our lifes in Danger. Please HELP

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I have heard from a very reliable source that things are cooling down in the Abaco's. The winds are about 50MPH and the men are probably out and about making sure everything is ok. No injuries have been reported on Green Turtle Cay and the damage report is really unknown. Good luck to all of you and to all of those in the islands. God Bless and remember, People that live in the Bahamas are not dumb and have been preparing for something of this nature their entire lives. I am very optimistic but I am still praying for all of their safety.

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Need information about family in Charleston, Gwen, Anni & Jonathan Corey. Are you all ok? Family in KY can't locate you.

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If anyone hears anything from Sea Fever, please email me @
Thank you.

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I'm trying to find out any information on Great Harbor Cay. Has anyone heard anything?
Sarah Wilson

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To all of our friends at Man-O-War Cay and the rest of the Abacos - our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are anxiously awaiting word and pray that the damage is not as horrible as we suspect.

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i am also patiently(anxiously) awaiting news on Abaco and the in minnesota they do not report extensivly on hurricannes in the carribean and or off the shore of florida..all that seems to be imnportant is the possible impact on the florida coast, etc. i pray that all my family and friends are samfe, espcially since i hope to see them as soon as Sept 24th...april hewitt, roseville mn

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Want to Leave.
If you try the interstate and find it too heavy for comfort (it took my mom 7 hours to get to I-95) you may want to try what my mom did and get off on 178. She was headed towards Clemson and that took her right into Anderson. If you want to head into Georgia/Tennessee type places, this could be a good option. It will put you on I-85 about 20 miles from Georgia and past all the bad construction in Greenville/Spartanburg. There are no hotels anywhere around, thousands of C of C students have been evacuated here and put wherever they'll fit - closets, kitchens, gyms . . . Clemson is the kind of town where we get a traffic jam during lunch. I can't imagine what a few thousand more smiling faces will do. Besides that, there are no rooms to be had anywhere nearby. Atlanta is a nightmare. Toccoa, GA is a few miles down I-85 and I know there is lodging there. Good luck to all!

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To all of my friends at the NWS Housing Office my heart goes out to you guys.... I miss you and wish I was there to help. Debbie, I hope you evacuated Downtown. All of you are in my prayers. Stop taking care of the "babies" and take care of yourselves also..... God bless all of you.... Anyone with updates please let me know. I'm worried about all of you.

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Low Country! Best of Luck!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you tonight and throughout the next few days. God, keep the Low Country safe! Best Wishes from family and friends in Lexington, KY!

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God help all of you in the path of this storm,
we all pray for you and my Brother Jeff & Family in Jacksonville.........
Ron Conrad
Laguna Beach , Ca.

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