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Read Hurricane Lenny Messages

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We have just had a rather serious radio report with the 1 p.m. status of  this dangerous hurricane LENNY... it is now 17.9 and 63.2...that means it has moved 12 miles closer to us....not good news... It is now 95 miles due west of Barbuda and 100 miles northwest of Antigua.   The hurricane winds extend out 70 miles so it is only about 30 miles away from us...however the system is hardly moving... so they cannot  tell us when it may be with us...we still hope for a miracle of a turn but it is looking worse for us and our surrounding islands...   I am going to move downstairs now...have remained on my computer upstairs but think it is time to move...
will be busy for some hope I am back to you later...

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Hurricane Lenny update on Saba

For any of those needing to get in contact with Saba, we can't get through
either. However, we were able to get in contact with Stmaarten.

Saba's current status, Hurricane LEnny stationary, about 30 miles west
southwest of Stmaarten. The worst is still yet to come, so far there has
been little damage in Saba. The winds will continue like this for at least
another 12 hours seeing the storm is stationary.

Anyone having information, or knows of anyone's phone still working, or
any other information, please contact us, Steve and Kathy Hassell, at email:

As soon we have more information we will post it.

Steve and Kathy Hassell

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For those with RealPlayer, audio updates from one of Curacao's radio stations are available. They've got some phone contact with St. Maarten's Laser 101. Located at then click on listen. Can download RealPlayer from there also. Broadcast is primarily in Papiemento but updates regarding SXM, Statia and Saba are bilingual.

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Does anybody knows something about Sint Maarten? My last contact with my friends was yesterday but today I do not get phonecontact anymore. Heard in the German news that Lenny is moving directly to the island. In germany we are 5 hours in advance, so it is now 2p.m. in Sint Maarten. Please inform me via
Many thanks

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Has anyone heard anything from Anguilla? My parents are vacationing there this week and I have not been able to make any sort of contact. If anyone has any information and/or updates, please let me know A.S.A.P. at


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Has anyone had any contact from St. Maarten??My cousin is on the island in Guana Bay. I am extremely concerned about her safety. Living tru Hurricane Luis was horrendous. I can only imagine how this one must be, being a cat.4. Please post any latest report. May God keep them all safe.

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I am looking for news concerning Roz and Robbie Nelson on St.Maarten. I do not seem to be able to make a connection by phone or e-mail. Are the phone lines down?. Both I and their family would be grateful for any news to 44 01733 270713 or e-mail to or Many thanks to anyone who can help.From Ron Greenwood.

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Hello from Antigua. We are encouraged at the latest reports that Lenny is moving slightly north now(keep on trucking, lenny). However, we are very sorry for St. Maarten and Anguilla as reports state that the eye is on them as I write. We in Antigua know what that's like! Only consolation for them is that the worst winds apparently have decreased to 135 mph. I was in St. John's earlier today. We experienced torrential rains and high gusts. There is quite a bit of flooding on the main roads. I did'nt see any major damage though. Right now it's starting to get dark. Wind and rain continue but not as heavy as earlier. Our airport has remained closed throughout the day. Hope the morning brings something better for us.

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on the island of St. John U.S.Virgin Islands we are all thankful to have been spared the wrath of this storm. We are now praying for our friends,family and the ones we have not met yet may God be with you blessings lorelei

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Stephen Willson seeks information on his wife, Ruth, and her parents and brother, John and Helen Clark and Brian Clark on St. Maarten. They were at Oyster Bay Beach Resort.

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Heard from my friend in French Saint Martin that Lenny seems to moved away from the island. He called me around 6.30 p.m. local time. He lives in Marigot and told me that at the moment he could not see major damages but the whole area around the hotel Le Grand Marigot is 2.5 ft flooded. Phones on the French side are on line again. Electricity was working the whole time.
He has no information about the Dutch side.
Hope these information will help a little bit.

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Just read message posted by BORIS about phone call he received from his friend in Marigot, and I would like to thank him. At least I know that half of the island is OK. If he could, please, try to get some info about Dutch side I know a great many people would be very thankfull. Having spent two weeks in St. M in Sept. I cant say enough about the people in Marigot. Please keep posting messages since I still cant get in touch with my cousin in Guana Bay. Thank you

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Any word on situation on NE side? Am able to pick up Korsou radio but it is covering Dutch side. They report rather massive Dutch aid standing by...what about French side? Have son and daughter-in-law at Orient Beach.

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Understand Philipsburg got the worst brunt of storm, thus far, tho stationary for another few hours...Simpson Bay badly hit, but know nothing more. Keep posted to this site...seems good. Best of luck

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My son and his wife are at Cap Juluca. If anyone has any information on how that area is doing in the storm please let me know.

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