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This message is directed toward Sergey!
First of all, nice grammar. Are you an educated man Sergey? Second, how can you compare Clinton to a monster such as Adolf Hitler? Is Clinton responsible for extermination of over eight million people, including Jews and Slavs?
Lastly, are you a Russian pig or Serbian filth?
If you are an American you are certainly a traitor. If you are a Russian I'm surprised you are not siding with Clinton. After all, you did in fact side with Hitler!!

Nice spelling Sergey, ignorance has no place here!!

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Over the last few days I watched media reports on Kosovo from about five different Western countries. The comments they read (in French, German, English) are almost identical word-for-word and picture-for-picture.

The worst threat to the World is the centralised media - this is worse than the nuclear weapons.

Unless people in the West find a way to fractionalise their media, the World will keep sinking lower.

Does anybody agree?

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The blearing of the media propaganda has covered voices like those of Noam Chomski. He is one of the most respected linguists alive and the author of, amongst other, the book: "Manufacturing of Consent".

Please do go and read his text. It is long, but if you are really interested to know more about Kosovo, and if you pride yourself on having some brains, you will not regret it.

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Yankee, I don't know where you are from but I am quite sure he writes your language much better than you can write his. Do you speak any other langugages or just English? I guess when you don't have any arguments cause you don't know what you are talking about you offend.

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It is quite obvious that your are an intelligent person. What I do not understand is your motivation in siding with Sergey. I was born in Poland, speak Polish, French, English and since communist Russian's controlled my homeland for so long,I was forced to learn Russian. When I read that the Polish people are prostitutes for NATO I guess it brings out the worst in me. It is about time that Poland has a chance. I enjoy reading what you have to say. Keep it up! When I feel comfortable enough to offer my opinion in regards to what you have to say, I will. Until then I will just listen.

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Sure Paulaa,

check out it is independent. Enjoy.

Also (this one is American).



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Nick said:

DEAR Aswede,

Aswede replied:

I revere You too (and Maja and other angry/scared-to-hell ones),

Nick also said.

What you just wrote speaks volumes about US
and other NATO countries politics:

That's why I'd like to remind you that Milosevic
is not your problem,it's the americans' and the
NATO's. That's why it takes them to lie so passionately to justify their dirty work. What happened in former Yugoslavia is just what you have said. Bribe. Done WHATEVER.

They bribed petty little nationalist governments, gave them some strange independence and borders, and while arming them for the civil war, gave them the idea about creating an atmosphere for it. Scare minorities with a new constitution, pump up the rest on nationalistic ideas (that wasn't difficult: Tudjman from Croatia, Azetbegovic from
Bosnia already served their sentence in jail as nationalists under Tito's governing). Following a few incidents, the ignition started, Yugoslavia was ready to explode. Now it's time to shred what is left of Serbia but hey, they STILL can't bribe
Milosevic. So he is the guilty one.


I think i will agree on that one (except the conspiracy tone), but the actors in this case were European. The European sort of Government are less competent than they should, behaving as Europe was a super power, so i will make a little compromize and put heavy blame on them.


The propaganda is still on. Think about the proportions, 19 countries against one. All the money, power and media war.


I still cannot understand how this justifies ethnical cleansing. I believe here is a cultural attitude difference of what Powers are allowed to do. For me Power and not losing ones face isn't *that* important in comparance to how to behave and treat weaker ones. If i were in the position of the serbs i would wish my leaders to compromize and submit in order to keep peace. A behaviour like Milosevic'es one would not be acceptable to me.

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To Everyone:

Check out the following, they are independent websites:



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Thank you Maja. I think I could have made some mistakes in that letter, I was in a hurry. Besides, it was just a forewarded letter that that I had sent to Associated Press, it was not originally meant for this board.

Let there be peace. Peace for all.

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To Yankee Dildo, or whatewer the boy calls himself.
Well, babe, I wish the only problem we discussed here was my grammar and spelling. Anyway, since you are rather flaming sending you crap "toward" (???) me, feel bound to answer.
I'm Russian. I, just like anyone else can compare Clint to Hitler - it's most immoral of you to say that one can be compared to Hitler only after murdering 8 million people. WHERE IN GOD'S NAME did you pick up the number???? Russia alone lost tens of millions to the fascist bastard. What do they teach you at school? I can't believe you are Polish.

Besides, Dildo, Freud would have said that not everything is all right with a person's education if the person repeats so often "you are intelligent", "you are not", "I'm clever",...,...

Go check the spelling, but don't forget the meaning.

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Fehmi Agani, the most peacefriendly Kosovan Albanian leader was executed by order of Milosevic. I think Milosevic don't want to negotiate. I will not communicate here any more.

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President Clinton speaks of bombarding President Milosevic.But the common Serbians do give him unreserved support.Do not forget the singsing scene/rally to show Serbian citizen's support to their President in Belgrade on March28. Serbians are an unbending people.They are not traitors or Judas as Clinton imagined.They have not and would never kneel down to foreign aggressors,namely NATO forces.They do not want to see the smiles of invaders or to get some bucks from them.

I also sympathize with those Kosovo Albanians who are hit by NATO bombs and caught in fire by mistake.

Let's give our moral support to the people of Yogoslavia in safeguarding their national sovereity.

NATO is not Jesus.

More pressure,More force to rebound!

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Greg O'Hara, that was a beautiful poem for the poor orphaned Albanian children, struggling over mountains in the snow and rain, cold and hungry and tired, and at the end, no where to go. Help is on its way, food, shelter, clothing, warmth, a place to sleep warm and dry, in safety. Many will never see their fathers again, but now they have been adopted with the other refugees by many US organizations who are already gathering and arranging shipment of everything they need. Thank you for the beautiful words.

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To Aswede,
I think that if Fehmi Agani was the most peacefriendly Kosovo Albanian, it's most likely that the separatist guerilla didn't like him.
Pat Buchanan(rep.senator)repeted over and over
that it's a proven fact that separatists kill people who disagree with tham.
I don't know about Mr Fehmi Agani, but it's a disturbing fact that a peaceful man lost his life,and it shouldn't be used in a false accusation.
And don't go from this site,we should discuss
metters and bring some good out of it.

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Can't you understand basic human emotions? Revenge for one. Their country is being bombed, their children are indangered. Cause Albanians and Albright made a deal. She wanted this bombings. Remember what she said before peace talks. There are three scenarios she said:
1. Nobody signs, that would be bad she said, we don't bomb.
2. Albanians don't sign, we don't bomb, that would be bad, she said. NO BOMBS IS BAD FOR ALBRIGHT!!!
3. Serbs don't sign w bomb them.
She was visibily upset when Albanians didn't sign and she had no excuse for bombings. She forced Albanians to sign when she told them Serbians for sure wouldn't. Cause no country would sign such peace deal. As history would show, she indeed is a blood hungry bitch. NATO already knows this war is over. It can never achieve it's goal. Bombs are only killing civilians, Kosovar Albanians included. Groud troops are too late. If they come in a month they can only admire beautiful Kosovo mountains cause Kosovo will be empty. But NATO leaders in despair keeps sending new planes. I am the first to admit that Serbians indeed are killing Albanians and will countinue to kill them until the despair they brought upon their nation stops. History will show how much bad than good came out of this bombings.

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