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Oh one more thing!
There are no better place than home. America is no dreamworld for someone who live's in another country, for we all have our dreamland.
Sandra did the nicest gift humanity rightes could have done...propose a roof to the ones who have lost theirs and share our homes!
I think the people who express themselves here should have the guts to take the responsability of their saying by giving their Email adress. I am surprised to be the only one who has done it! I hope most of you forgot. Maybe others are frightened or worse ashamed to think as they do!

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Why do you have to write in capital letters?
It is strange that when we feel that we are not understood, instead of changing our vocabulary and explaining things differently we usualy say the same thing again but only louder as if our words couldn't be misunderstood and the listener must therefor be deaf.
I'm afraid I can't quite understand your messages stars and stripes, but I shure know why you have to screan them out!

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To (Cracker, Toma Hawk, Twill Pants, Stars and Stripes)same IP address.

Why do you hide behind all these masks? This is a place to discus what is going on in Kosovo, not a place for flaming. You should listen to what everyone else is saying, and then try and respond with a educated response. But if you would rather Flame, please move to another Board.


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Interesting stuff on this message board, reading all of it gives a clue as to why there is a conflict in the Balkans, (or any where else for that matter)

It is simply, as i said before in an earlier message, when I happily gave my e-mail address, (to which some people replied), that some humans have the fatal flaw of believing that they are superior to other humans. The truth is that we are all unique and different, very few people are the same. The worst mistake is to lump groups of people who share common ancestry together and to presume they all have the same faults. (it is in it’s worst form apartheid). Hitler did this but he wasn’t the only ignorant bigot who ever lived. Other dictators will try to do the same to justify their actions and bolster their weakness, and Milosovic is doing the same now. It wouldn’t surprise me if other heads of state were also guilty of this same human flaw. after all they are only human.

If you believe you are a humanitarian, and wish no ill towards anyone, you would see your duty to other humans to be to teach them your beliefs in tolerance and understanding and the sharing of our unique human experience. You would not attack others for holding beliefs and cultural values which you do not understand.

Interestingly, many of the worlds greatest demons have like Hitler, had a very unhappy childhood. I am told that both Milsovic’s parents committed suicide, and perhaps many other people who strive for the recognition they did not get as a child, look towards achieving revenge on the human race that let them down as a child by hurting others.

I am more than willing to join the ranks of those pleading for those in positions of power to stop this conflict. Whoever has suffered most does not matter, only that it stops and the damage is repaired. If we decide later that someone is responsible for genocide or whatever crime against humanity, the blame should never be loaded onto one whole nation, only onto individuals.

More later

Smout (UK)


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Glad to see that people are talking about what is happening in Kosova. If you are interested in more news from many sources Albanian/Serbian/Mainstream, letters from Belgrade, Prishtina, commentary then check out


subscribe to JUSTWATCH and ALBANEWS listservs by going to this website.

gotta be informed not matter what your position is.


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I'm just going to repeat an information about a very important web site,that can help a lot of people to get more insight of the various matters;it is unbelivable what you are going to find out there... (LM Online)


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To Nick....and all others here..

Where do you live Nick?
and who is foolish here?
I live in Slovenia, if you know where that is.
Let me first tell you that I don't care if you or anybody else is Serb,Muslim,Albanian,American,black,white,yellow or anything else. For me there are people and not-people.

I can tell you something about NATO aircraft that was shot down. Here we can watch our news, Serbs television and all others media in the Europe and USA, many of us have more friends in Serbia and also in Kosovo. All Europe televisions including CNN-Europe did show the pictures from F117-A shot down in Serbia just in TWO-THREE hours from the event. They all said one NATO plane was shot down over Serbia and that's it (What else do You want? - They was in action of saving pilot - if they do saved him? NATO claim so, but nobody know!).
Of the other site Serbian television showed those pictures next day by saying that CNN has shown those same pictures and claimed that this is MIG29 shot down from NATO pilots - very big LIE from Serbian Television.
Serbs also claim, they shot down many more NATO planes, but they don't show any pictures from them (because they don't have any). They show only country map with positions where those planes should be shot down.

They are showing pictures from an old church claiming it was attacked by NATO planes and showing some from old age cracked walls - OK there could be some damages from explosions near this church, but I honestly don't believe that would any NATO pilot open fire on church - if this church would be hit by any NATO bomb there would be nothing but dust.

And where was pictures from old city of Dubrovnik in Croatia during Serbs attacks just a few years ago in Croatia war??? Nowhere! Serbs (people) even now don't know anything about damages in this very old city.

They are also showing children in bunkers hiding from NATO planes. - not a nice thing!
Do they show pictures of dead Albanian children, women and men. NO and again NO. - but this is unbelievable!
Why? They don't want to tell the truth.
If they show some dead people (Albanians) in kosovo they claim "those are victims of NATO bombs".
And again there was brutal massacre before was NATO even considering the option to take some actions.

Why did Milosevic force all international journalists to lieve his country?? Now he have control over all informations in Serbia.
And tell me now who do lie?? Do maybe several hundred's of thousand's refugees lie??

German people claimed 'Hitler is doing right thing for Germany' during WWII until they din't see all the truth of what was he doing. Serbs have the same PROPAGANDA MACHINERY as Germans with Herman Goering the official press minister. And this all is going on for almost 20 years, from the moment when old Yugoslav leader Tito died.
Serbs are not bad people, they are just brain washed from government. Would you believe me if I say that more than 70% of people in Serbia don't really know what's going on in Kosovo!?

So much to your PROPAGANDA MACHINERY opinion.

I'am against any war anywhere, but in this moment NATO is doing the right thing. They are bombing only Milosevic forces.
NATO (read 'rest of the World') did make a big mistake by leting Milosevic dictature to grow. He should be killed (I'am not a human without heart, but he did earn this) and I mean KILLED together with his close friends. Now is to late for this.

Concerning your proposal of those web sites and your claim of their independency. Let me tell you that those two sites are both inspected by Serbs.

1. can not be independent. Everyone can see domain".yu" Yugoslav owner.
2. owner of is also one Serb living in the USA (Brian Andjelich)

Don't believe me? I have no reason to lie. I'am not Muslim, Croat, Albanian or any other from so called deadly enemy of Serbs (their claim).
You can check out (Internet's database of all domains (Internic)), just look for "".

Opss-- ** My lie ** Recently we are deadly enemy too, because we are allowing NATO planes overflying our country when they are in action. And "we did (cold blood - slaughtering) kill several hundreds young soldiers during 10-days war in Slovenia back in 1991."
Truth = near 40 people was killed during this war, some Serb soldiers, Slovenian soldiers, journalist and also a few strangers (truck drivers)... I was in Slovenian army as a soldier and know some things about this too. As Slovenian soldier I did save one Serb soldier from Serbian barrack and have to hide him from the Serbs army. He was hiding in my house with my girl friend until his parents came to look for him from Serbia....

I wish you best...


Do You have any idea why is Monte Negro (Yugoslav republic near Kosovo) independent in this conflict (They don't allow Serbian Army to use their land for attacks against KLA or NATO)?
They know the truth and don't want to have anything with Serbs brutal massacre in Kosovo.

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Cracker, I am not jealous I pitty you. About why I don't leave my email adress. Cause I don't like getting e-mails such us "We will send a nuclear bomb and kill you all, you bastards". I hope you can understand that.

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Why I view Clinton as a war criminal and a hypocrat? In the years 1946 - 1992 US troops have been deployed 8 times. Since 1993 ( since Clinton)
they have been deployed 33 times. He is killing people he doesn't know by remote control in attempt to leave a legacy of himself as a warrior. He isn't a warrior. When given an opportunity to go to war as a young man, he ran crying to the politician to get him out of his obligation to serve military. Opposing war for the same reasons he is advocating it now.

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Posted by xcom on March 30, 1999 at 13:17:54:
I read this on another newsboard;
I am not the author, but it may shed some light on your attempts to make sense of this awful situation.

"Having been actively following political events in Yugoslavia for over 9 months, I beleive that I am able to provide an opinion which does not reflect the western press propaganda.

Since the emergence of the KLA some two years ago, the US, UK and others have actively encouraged regional violence in Kosovo. This has naturally led to outbursts which though regrettable, are not in any way indicative of any sort of extermination policy.

The Wests true objective is I beleive, to occupy Serbia with many thousands of NATO troops, officials, and administrators. With this in mind a tense situation was created with full media cooperation with the clear objective of forcing the Serb leadership to "negotiate".

Forcing the Serbs to negotiate with the KLA was clearly an act of immense arrogance, and effectively gives the KLA international credibility. The KLA remember do not represent the majority of ethnic Albanian people, their intention being to create an ethnically pure Albanian muslim state. Only approx 30% of Albanians in Albania are Muslim, a fact that surprises most people.

The terms of the Rambouillet agreement, especially Appendix B, call for NATO personnel, to freely and unconditionally occupy Kosovo. The terms allow NATO unrestricted travel and access to resources, roads, airports etc. NATO also gains complete freedom of travel and access to government machinery across Serbia. No national leader can be expected to sign this, such a mass hand over of control to NATO should be subject at the very least to a national referendum involving all Serb citizens.

NATO has now gone to the next stage, attacking Serbia without any UNSC authority, breaching not only the UN Charter but the North Atlantic Treaty itself, which stresses the supremacy of the UNSC in matters of regional conflict and the use of military force.

I dont think that one can serioulsy argue that NATO have not directly caused the mass exodus of people from Kosovo that now is taking place. Since NATO intervention, the matter has deteriorated seriously. So far I dont see anybody benefiting with the possible exception of weapons comapnies. I read on the Internet that the quarterly profits for Raytheon are "sure to improve if this goes on for a few weeks" said a spokesman at standard and poors. Raytheon are the main manufaturer of cruise missiles.

All the while our wonderful media obediently toe the line, not for them the bare facts. The media in the West have shown themselves to be nothing but manufacturers of lies. Not one major UK newspaper has dared say anything on its front page that might embarras the Governemnt. At this time Depleted Uranium is being used by "tank busters" in Serbia, in Iraq we have cancer, leukemia, and birth defects from DU that has been ingested. In Indonesia we still supply weapons that are used to murder East Timorese, 200,000 have died, clearly this is not a humanitarian disaster, and neither is the death of some 1,000 people a month in Muslim Iraq as a result of sanctions.

Ethnic Albanians, Serbs, Gypsies, Jews and all of the people in multi ethnic Serbia are now suffering. The US and its willing sheep UK, Germany and the rest are directly responsible for bringing Europe once again to a state of human unrest akin to 1939, except that this time the US is acting just like the SS.

Kosovo Accord:
UN Charter:
NATO Treaty:


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The 30th of march 1999 Every one is trying to pull the truth to their side.I have my opinion and you have yours,some go left, some go right,but the truth goes straight ahead.Wars come and go,but our faith will never let us down . love Willie

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i look forward to the war crimes trials and swift execution of justice when this disaster comes under control.

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Peace but war! Sow the world that you love peace.
Give your hand first! Hostory is in the past!
Look for new peaceful future! Let the West and East seat togather and find a peacefull solution!
My preivious message was emotional but wrong!
Peace! This is the message of Christ!x-this ,
x-that!I am sik of it! I am not going to read htis
site anymore!

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