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It was reported on SBS TV in Australia - the "only" TV station to report this news btw, that NATO is bombing Refugee Camps set up by CARE Australia, the Director of CARE Australia was being interviewed and he was visibly upset when he said that quite a few people have been killed in these unprovoked attacks on innocent people seeking refuge from the troubles. Mr. Fraser said that NATO knew in advance that these were Refugee Camps. Why was this not reported on any of the other TV stations? That is what really worries me. We are seeing that the first casualty of war is once again Truth.

Do not listen to the Propaganda machine of NATO!
They have their own agenda.

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Exactly. They claim they have a great intelligence and a perfect insight of what is going on. Why did they bomb refugee camp then? Those refugees that had to flee from Crania when Tudman was doing his ethnic cleansing and Clinton was only watching. What did this people have to do with Kosovo crisis? They have probably never even been to Kosovo. Eleven refugees from Craina died in Clintons humanitarian act.

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Are your brain washed too Nick and Dani?

Let me repeat : I don't care if you are Serb,Muslim,Albanian,American,black,white,yellow or anything else. But on this point I have to tell this: I'am 99% sure that You are Serb or have some Serb relatives. And I know Serbs and the way they are talking and thinking. I recognized You for that very reason how you are reacting on my post!
Please tell me where the hell did you get all those informations. You live in the USA (you claim) and how the hell do you know what is going on on the Yugoslavian TV? You are probably in contact with some brainwashed Serb in Yugoslavia.

Should I repeat!? I know Serbs, they have had to wait until they could show some pictures from NATO aircraft on the ground. And They would show any picture of other crashed planes or death "civilian" people (100-250 your Russian sources) or any other damages only if they have had some (but they don't). If nothing else, they would doit for raising peoples morale. Yu-TV claim all those planes were crashed near villages so nobody has to climb for taking pictures. There are damages on civilian objects, but nothing else than some crashed glass or tiles. There is no direct hit to any civilian object they could show. But still there are some seriously damages to buildings very close to army objets.

I could not find owners name for, but this is nothing more than excellent example of Serbian PROPAGANDA. They are showing some pictures from Bosnia claiming there was not a concentration camp. OK maybe it wasn't or it was. I don't know. Those claims on this site proof nothing. They want to proof that they didn't do anything wrong ever.
But this is not the way they will success...
Who killed all those people in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo?
Why are refugees only Albanians from Kosovo?

Serbs started war in Slovenia, then Croatia, then Bosnia and Hercegovina, and finaly in Kosovo...and blame every time the other side for starting the conflict.
Who is fooling whom here?
Let me tell you, they didn't finished yet! There will be another crise in the province 'Vojvodina'.
Just wait and you'll see!

Don't ever listen just one side...

I'am really sorry for you, but never mind, you'll see the truth someday.


I didn't said that Monte Negro support KLA or NATO! I said they declaire INDEPENDENT in this conflict between Serbia and NATO and between Serbian army and Albanians in Kosovo

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While all this rhetoric is going on people are dying. What can we Do? How can we help to stop all this killing?

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I haven't heard yet about any death of civilian population in Yugoslavia. Let's see.
More than one thousand civilians and about hundred military personal were killed-on the territoty of serbia only by the bombs.

Well, what is the difference between genocide that Hitler did during the bombing cities of Budapest and Stalingrad during World War ii and premeditated killing of civilians by 19 countries of NATO. Or maybe number does counts.
So just stop talk this crap about who is right and wrong. Think of the human value today and it is worth nothing, just like hundreds years before.
Just sit and enjoy how people are get killed.
Good luck everyone!!!

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To Paul of Switzerland:

When all the world will end and we will try
to survive in earth II , i wish i could find
people like u are Paul, i am sure there wont be
this madness , i am sure there wont be all this
suffering, i am sure there wont be unrespecful
now, let me say it clear and aloud:


Thanks paul people like u make me trusth

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To Georg and all
Georg, you did qute well in stating your point. Everything is well said , analyzed and grounded. I found I could support many of your points.
You said you are neither for Albanians nor for Serbs. You are for humanity. So am I. The poor Serbs now have to handle the Miloshevitch situation. They are to blame they didn't say a word against him when he went on pressing Kosovars. But that's the only thing pro-american TV showed. Poor Albanians. Being killed. Throats cut. Heartless serbian police. Monsters. Every american housewife now knows who's right and who's wrong. Every English vendor who had an "F" in history and geography at school now knows who the bad guys are. So it's quite natural that Americans, Germans, French, English after being overfed with months of preparatory propaganda believe anything Solano says.

I'm sorry to say I noticed that's probably a reason why you take sides. If you really are for humanity you mustn't. There can be only one side for all of us - stop the bombing, stop the anti-albanian holocaust in Kosovo, sit down to talks IN ONE ROOM, think of your children, not only yourselves, it's a NATIONAL problem, NOT POLITICAL. One must be as sick as Clinton/ Solano/ Albright pack to try to solve it with bombs within weeks. Such problems require YEARS, UN must take care of it, not NATO murderers.

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This is qute explainable. Though all of us want true and exact information, we must understand that a whole world of idiots has selected Yugoslavia as a target. One small country against the whole fascist world. If they tell the truth how many a/c were shot down by NATO, Solano bastards will get proofs, they will know what exactly shot down what, how they should act next time and so on. In this case Serb media would act as NATO reconnaisance. Who needs it?

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This is quite explainable too. Propaganda. They need the world to take sides. They want us to argue. They need to somehow rationalize their wrongdoings.
All the world learned yesterday that a tomahawk hit a vacuum-cleaner equipment factory. ?????? Excuse me, was Miloshevitch hiding among vacuum-cleaners? NATO keeps on bla-blaing that "the war is not with the people, it's with Slobodan"
I'm sorry, does one need more than a rope to hang the bastard?
No, it's NOT A WAR, actually. Read it once again and think.
It's a virtual playground for NATO. They introduced the B-2 bombers. Hypocrites! And then they dare say it's an urgent operation. No one needs to check a new superweapon in a really urgent operation. If they really cared for peace they'd send their cowardly GI's and make them stand abreast to separate the nationalists in Kosova. They wouldn't be afraid to die, just like the Yugoslav people in WW2, when they made a glorious stand against Hitler, holding down hundreds of his battalions.
NATO's screwed up so badly!!! Time will pass, Serbs and Albanians will grow and learn, but will always remain a boo to the world

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Because the monsters are the same. The stupid fs and the c wouldn't listen. They are not pursuing any humanitarian aims. Merely political. The eternal question of burning ambition. They don't want to acknowledge they screwd up a bit. And people keep dying. And we quarrel and suffer.

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TO Georg

" LM magazine has been nominated for the Most Progressive
British Publication (Issue) Award at the 18 Creative Freedom
Awards, due to take place in April. The other nominees are:
The Guardian, The Big Issue, The Independent, Index on
Censorship, Prospect, Private Eye, The New Scientist, The
New Statesman and Time Out.

Mick Hume, editor of LM, has been nominated for the
Journalist/Broadcaster of the Year Award. The other
nominees in this category are: Matthew Parris, Tony
Parsons, Brian Appleyard, Kirsty Wark, Alex Sharkey, Sue
MacGregor, Peter Deeley, Chris Moyles and Louis Theroux ."

So this is owed by Serbs?

You have revealed yourself enough to people on this website.
Thanks for your racist remarks and for trying
to stir up problems in Yugoslavia.

P.S.We can follow the news and papers in more than five languages;you should be able to read it
at least in english.

Dani and Nicolas

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Somebody said there never are any Serbian refugees. You are so wrong. What about Serbian people who had to flee Craina when Tudman
( Croatian president ) was doing his ethnical cleansing? Serbs were always a majority in Craina and now there are almost none left. It has been said 600.000 had to flee. Some of them were killed by the humanitarian bombs that hit refugee camp in Belgrade.

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To Dani and Nicolas,

Those who think that languages give power or anything else are stupid. Even if you speak more than 5 languages, you will find propaganda ... everywhere ! Nato, Serbs, Kosavars have good reasons to lie or to say only part of truth.


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Georg, Who really knows whats going on! You! Idont think so! ME? No me niether. Lets face it we're all blind to the facts. So how can we argue if we dont know the facts????
Why didnt NATO just send in fire power to the help them fight and maybe send some of there own troops to? Then the people could fight there own battle.


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NATO's aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has entered a phase in which its strategists in Washington and Brussels increasingly show their helplessness and frustration. Without a stronghold in the world's constitution, UN Charter and a "constitution" of NATO, which was created for defensive rather than
conquering purposes, the belligerent Washington is losing support from some of its European allies. They would like to free themselves from the responsibility for a meaningless policy proceeding from a point that the night-and-day bombing of Yugoslavia will produce a political solution to the complex problem of Kosovo. Certain European governments, obediently taking part in the bombing of not only military installations, but also civilians, have started promoting political dialogue and urged the Contact Group to resume its work. Of course, these countries have not opted for such a move because they suddenly realised
how wrong their politics of conflict was. What worries them is the public discontent in their respective countries, the existence of which they have ignored so far.

On the fourth consecutive days of NATO air strikes, the U.S. president remained faithful to his motto that only bombs could establish peace, and stuck to his conception that a ratio between a number of bombs dropped and the acceptance of the Kosovo peace deal is quite proportional. This was probably the reason why so many different types of "peacekeeping" aircraft and missiles were sent to Belgrade, the European
capital. Just for the record, peace, as Washington sees it, is no laughing matter. All things considered,Clinton, Albright, U.S. general and the obedient American followers across Europe, are not able to answer a simple question that their people pose every day:"What's next and WHO`s next?"
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