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Is everybody brainwashed ?
3 years Bosnia, everybody said "why did'nt anyone
do something" "all those people killed", " ah just
like Hitler" and so on.

Now somebody (Europe/USA/NATO) IS doing something
and now that's bad ??? WAKE UP !!

The one's suffering is Kosovoalbanians.

Russia and China is against it, yeah just the
right nations to speak up, true democratic
countries right ?

I'm not pro kosovo, but saying that NATO should
leave Yugoslavia is like saying we should'nt
have invaded Germany 1945, Adolf was after all
a nice guy ?? Don't think so.


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Carrot and stick policy is so primitive, it is not policy at all - it should be buried together with NATO

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I am very pleased that you are trying to find the solution in this topic.
But realisticaly Nato never going to stop bombing because Yugoslavia would never back down from its own land.
Just wait and hope that as much as posible americans would die and Kosovo Albanians will killed.
And by the way those three stupid americans soldiers should be executed, at least some kind of justice for the thousands serbs that died in th elast week.

I am proud of our Presedent.
Schastlivo Serega.

Kill ••••••• Americans, well Germans too and better of ••••• Brits.

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This crisis needs much more than the intervention by NATO, which given recent events, can not now be considered by anyone as anything but a failure; with refugees still pouring over the borders, captured US servicemen and many othe embarrasing events.

A different strategy needs to be planned now; one that will have take into account the probable negative effects of any military action.

I suggest;

1. Turn all NATO troups in the area onto the task of assisting the refugees, ie make them aid workers, to give the NATO alliance some real humanitarian status. Get the troups to supply food, shelter, transport and medical aid to the Kosova Albanian refugees. How on earth can the troups can stand by and do nothing to help[ the refugees?

2. Stop the bombing of Serbia; nothing will be achieved by further air attacks except to entrench deeper, the Serbian anti western views, giving more power to Milosovic. From what can be gleaned from this and other information on the Internet, by no means all the Serb population are willing supportrrs of the Milosivic policy in Kosova.

3. Get all NATO/ EEC/G7 countries,plus world leaders together for an emergency summit, to plan how to deal with Serbian/ Albanian economic problems; to deal with Kosovo population explosion, plus economic problems of other countries of former Yugoslavia (Montenegro, macedonia, Albania, Boznia). The cost of this package could be offset against the huge ammonts the US and NATO are planning to spend on cruise missiles and other armaments if the air attacks onSerbia are stepped up. ie $1.25 million per cruise missile fired.

4.Send special envoy to Belgrade, eg, the Norwegian ex primeminister with unforgettable name, or some other world recognised person with a good record in Human rights involvement. Then hopefully, if the Serb population realise other countries really want to help they will get rid of Milosivic themselves, as there is no way he will go on his own, or be forced out by Nato alliance.

Any one got any better practical ideas? You may think this naive some of you, but what else is ther to do?

the crisis can only get better or worse, which way do you choose?

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An American and proud of it.......

Those of you who have use profane and vulglar language in your posts show not only your ignorance but lack of class no matter what nationallity you claim.

Say what you will about clinton personally but you would not want us to presume that all Yugo/Balkan peoples were self-serving despots as your 'slob. milosevic'.

Where are your brothers, sons, etc? Are they in the race-crew in Italy with Jr.? or jockeys on the USA horses at the 'palace'? Is your mother eating as well as Jr. milosevic's? are your uncles getting paid as much as Jr.'s?

As to those other nations you mentioned, who do they run to when their people need $$$,food? The USA, not NATO.

We have had our civil war and yes we have disagreements yet. But we are all one people and one family. As a a family, we can compain about each other, BUT if you hurt one of us, the whole family will defend.

If the resignation of the 'great one feared' was removed and the cowards did not have anyone else to fight their battles, the Balkan peoples might learn to sit at their own Peace Table and act like grown-ups and then would have not a spoiled brat and his father telling them what to do, how to think, and who to hate.

By then God & Allah would heap Blessings on their peopl

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We discuss. They bomb. Bombs have a way of leveling discussion. What can we DO? The number of people able to speak over the Internet is very small. I'm reluctant to voice an opinion; I suspect that "voicing an opinion" may be another false "freedom," given to us so that we can vent, we can express ourselves until the proverbial cows come home, and yet still have no voice in shaping events.

A quote from Aeschylus. I first read it in a transcript of a speech Bobby Kennedy made immediately after the murder of Martin Luther King, only weeks before he himself was killed. Later, I saw and heard the speech he made on film.
To speak of heartbreak would be an understatement, yet these words have remained with me for many years. The terrible, haunting ring of truth somehow defies the idea that answers, easy or otherwise, are there for the asking.

Anyway, the quote:

Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom
through the awful grace of God
-- Aeschylus

I pray it comes to us all, and that in addition to pain, there may also be joy in it.


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The three American soldiers were part of the UN peace keeping misson and not involved in the NATO operation. If they are killed a lot of Anericans that are against sending in ground troops will change their mind and if you think the bombing is bad now you haven't seen hell yet. You had better pray that they are treated by the terms of the Geneva Convention or Belgrage will be just one large bomb crator.

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Congratulations, Sergey. That has to be the most inane, absurd rant I've ever been laid witness to.

100 years ago is a long, long time. This country has had nothing to do with mass murder during since then (at least), which is a helluva lot more than I can say for, um, Russia. Heh. Let's see, we've got the crackdown on the Kulaks, Stalin's purges, the Doctor's Plot, yadayadayada. Wee, let's have whacked-out charletans like Lysenko run around determining public policy. The misery caused for the poor Russian people is hardly funny, but your naive grandstanding is. Glass houses are a bitch, eh?

As for paper tiger, check your primer, Chet. Mao used that phrase (in reference to us) long before anyone I know of. I barely know who Benny Hill is, but I'm pretty sure he didn't coin it.

Yes, this is about Yugoslavia, but Russia's open and exceedingly myopic decision to back a genocidal maniac opens it to criticism. Sorry man, that's how it works.

"Making you take money"? What? Where to you get that from? I'm so taken aback by the sheer absurdity of that claim I can't even shoot it down properly. Lo siento. No Americans are destroying your economy, you paranoid delusional troll. Mayhaps if Yeltsin hadn't sold of all of your awesome industries at jaw-droppingly low prices to his crony friends ("Our Home is Gazprom" Chernomyrdin, etc.), you wouldn't be in the bind you are now.

Idiots like Jeffrey Sachs should indeed be condemned for giving Russia poor advice on a transistion to market capitalism, but the blame for your sorry, sorry state of affairs ultimately lies with your horribly corrupt and inefficient government. Sorry to be brutal, but that's how I see it, and I think the evidence backs me up. Note to Yeltsin/Primakov/Lebed/Zyuganov/whoever: collecting taxes is usually a good place to begin.
You've got gonzo natural resources and a highly educated population, if only you had a decent civil government to go with it, Russia would be an amazing nation.

As for nuclear war? You're nuts, I'm not even going to take the time to enter into such an irrational discussion.


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Why am I still here? It's three in the morning, I have three kids that I have to take care of in just a few hours. Frankly, it's because I'm appalled at what I've been reading, at some of the things that have been said, I've become transfixed following this electronic rattling of feathers and raising of hackles - "don't mess with us or else!"
Wake up!
I don't know much about history, I don't know who "started" it, I don't know whether or not Milo was a raving lunatic or whether he did or did not orchestrate an organised operation of genocide in Kosovo. I will probably never know, nor do I believe most of you out there will ever know. Unless you haven't noticed, there is a war going on and the first victim of war is truth. You're definitely not going to find it in the papers, and it's unlikely that any of the NATO leaders will pipe up one day and say "Oops, sorry, it was all a big mistake, we take it back."
For what it's worth, I believe it was a big mistake. If they were really concerned about the human rights of the Kosovo Albanians, there are probably a lot of NATO governments right now that wish they could take the whole mess back. For starters the operation was fatally flawed in principle - bomb the Serbs into reconciliation with the Albanian minority?!? Yeah, I can really see that...
What was happening to the Albanians before NATO intervened was terrible. What can I say, the world is a terrible place. I'm just afraid that very soon it will be absolutely awful. I once read a quote attributed to Winston Churchill, though it may have been wrong, which said "If Europe ever goes to war again, it will probably be set off by some silly thing in the Balkans".
My message? Please help the powers that be back away from what may have been a truly terrible mistake in judgement.

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Sergey, you are a perfect example of the sort of misdirection that is going on in this discussion. You did not answer a single thing I have said. My apologies for mistakenly accusing you of being a Serb. But you're leaders are as responsible as Milo. Russians trying to reach a resolution to the situation, who are you trying to kid? By proposing that Milo withdraw some of his police from Kosovo? Thats your grand Russian solution? You're right, it may solve the problem - once all the Albanians have been driven out. Russia does not want this situation to end, because the longer it drags on, the more influence Russia gains and the more opportunity it has to drive a wedge into NATO. When will Primakov "suggest" to his good buddy Saddam Hussein to open up a second front to stretch US forces? You are a hypocrite. Were you yelling "naked aggression" when Soviet armor rolled into Afghanistan? You cry over killed Serbs, but where was your outrage two years ago when Serbia was committing atrocities in Kosovo which your own country voted to condemn in the Security Council!!

Did you read a single paragraph of that timeline, or are you simply ignoring it? Both the US and NATO have exhausted all diplomatic efforts to end this, the UN has condemned Serbian attrocities, Milosevich has been warned that his **continued aggression against Albanians in Kosovo** would meet dire consequences. **YOUR OWN COUNTRY** participated in drawing up the acceptable guidelines that Milosevich has refused! Do not try to turn this around by conducting ad hominem attacks upon me and my country. It just shows your lack of ability to argue effectively. For nearly **a decade!** the US has stood aside and not done anything about Milosevich's racist policies against non-Serbs, and **for that** we should be ashamed. But for you, comrade, you should be doubly ashamed for looking me in the eye with a straight face and condemning the US while your country supports a megalomaniacal racist nationalist in Serbia **and** Iraq. You are quite right, you reap what you sow. My only misgiving is that NATO did not prepare adequately to give Milosevich what he so richly deserves to reap.

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Smout has offered some credible and honest solutions. The steps that NATO has taken are a monumental mistake, NATO should have gone in with a credible force that would have brought Milosevich to the table with the first bomb. We did not prepare. Now what should we do?

NATO should ramp up operations, US Marines could be in the field within 2 weeks. Carpet bomb Serb positions along the Macedonian border and along the Kosovo beachhead. Send in ground forces, establish a beachhead in Kosovo and along the Macedonian border. Fund a massive humanitarian effort for displaced Albanians as Smout has preposed. Hold the line and threaten to increase ground operations and arm the KLA to bring Milo to the table. Put international pressure as Smout as proposed to up the ante. The Russians should be brought into the loop as their intransigence only encourages Milo. This should be put to a stop within 3 months. Do not make any more mention of an independent Kosovo, that is pure nonsense. Autonomy should be restored and Ibrahim should be supported, not the KLA. It is not in US, European, or Serbian interests to have a radical Muslim, Marxist group in charge of Kosovo, with the threat of an expanded Shiite Revolution in the soft belly of Europe. This much, I am in agreement with the Serbs intuitions.

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News to those who only have access to Westen media

April 1: 1 NATO fighter was shot down by Serbs,the 2 helicopters to rescue the pilot were destroyed by Serb gunfires with most of the serviceman on board turning to charcoal.

April 1: 2 precision missiles have strayed hitting objects in neighboring Bulgaria.

April 1: one ethnic Albanian leader of Kosovo met with President Milosevic and they called on NATO to stop bombing and go away.

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Peace keeping mission somebody said. NATO is Yugoslavian enemy, peace keeping or bomb droping. Just like Serbian people are NATOs enemy, babies or soldiers, you kill them all.
Clinton is warnin = threatning Milosevic he should treat them in a human and civilzed manner. Maybe he can try follow the examples of American humanity and civilization. And treat them as Clinton is treating his citizens. Place them on the Novi Sads bridge and stik a TARGET MARK on their head.
Geneva convencion you said? Geneva convencion is talking about prisoners of war. America hasn't declared war to Yugoslavia nor is America legally in war. Those three will be charged with ilegally entering the country and carrying weapons. Talking about that, since America isn't in war with Yugoslavia, legally, every person, civil or soldier killed, is legally a victim of murder.
Talking about convencions. How many of them have NATO and America broke while starting this bombings?

Americans, why are you allowing Clinton to put your children in danger? His slick words will not mean anything when your children start dying. His child is parading in Africa with hundreds of bodyguards while yours are dying in some country you haven't even heard about before it apeared on CNN last week.

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One more thing to think about. You might not know but thousands and thousands ( I don't know the exact number cause there is no border ) Kosovo Albanians have fleed to Serbia. IF THEY ARE RUNNING FROM SERBS WHY ARE THEY RUNNING INTO SERBIA? Don't say I made this up, Western organisations for refugess has repeated that few times, even on CNN.
Doesn't that show people are fleeding from bombs?

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