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Attention Serbs, You are going to put two American soldiers on trial Friday. This is not legal and you know it. I expect these soldiers to be sentenced to be executed for their "crimes" because this is what criminals like you Serbs do to people. I am in a position to be sent to Kosovo and when I get there I will be sure to do my best to send body bags to Belgrade filled with Serbians. One shot one kill, have gun will travel.

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To Smokeycandoit:

For more informations about Kosovo land, i sugest you to read the message of Mime Nikolic on Wednesday, March 31, called "if you like to know more about Kosovo..".
After this, you'll be a little bit more advise to give us your opinion about the appartenece of Kosovo land.
I'm asking myself if you have a small idea about what KLA could be, and about the mercenarys who act inside; maybe cuold you tell me who are giving to them weapons and money?
Here, in Yougoslavia neighbor's countrys, we heard something about albanians and iranians sponsors.But attention, keep this just for yourself because Clinton administration, who just started an "humanitarian purposes" war doesn't know nothing about, and nobody whant to make them cry!!

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One can have power. To have power is not the purpose. One who have power should know what to do with. Is not the case with the americans.
For me the NATO is USA and the UN have no longer reason to exist.
It will be good to have an "world cop", but that is not the case in the present. There is no legal frame for that. Not yet !
The americans are the "powerfull cop" of today, but unfortunatelly they act only in their interest, and without any sense of justice and aetics.
Sorry 4 my english...

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NATO OUT OF Yugoslavia!!!!!!

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NickB, :
"You've got gonzo natural resources and a highly educated population, if only you had a decent civil government to go with it, Russia would be an amazing nation." - Who's arguing about that???

I told you: this board is on Yugoslavia, not Russia. Which gets us back to the real problem. Your paranoid disability to see the real Russian point here is terribly upsetting. I can easily see the reason: you've been and rather are being severely brainwashed about who's who in Serbia and Kosovo. But being so unimaginative in interpretation, understanding... That I simply can't take. You know, you shouldn't believe everything you see on TV :--)
Russian people never pretended (and now even the government seems to realize it) that Milosevic would ever cry Russia is his best friend. His a dictator, and as I said dictators stick together. So eventually he'll - at least he says now he'd negotiate with NATO rather than with people who really worry for human lives - give Clint The Clit a blowjob, now that Billy has only his Chocolate Labrador to have sex with.
I repeat for the blind (maybe not too much sense, but show this to your mom, she could read this to you so you could grasp the basics): Russia is after giving a full stop to the atrocities in Yugoslavia. On all sides. NATO is only after having it's way. Now who's myopic?
Isn't that symbolic that NATO destroyed the bridge over the Danube almost on the same day as fascist did it in WW2(April , 6)? Who's talking about genocide, hey?
US has never had a real war on it's territory, and judjing by the flow of sh*t coming out from Hollywood one can believe that you treat your Civil War as rollicking adventure story with horses, love, strong men and women at heat. Gosh, you've never had respect for your soldiers - you exercise it only during elections to support another murdering as**ole like Johnson or Clinto Pinky Pinto.
You'd never say that B52 is the only way out if you knew where Bunker Hill was, or knew at least what it is.

Primakov tells Saddam to start the second front??? DO THEY TELL YOU THAT IN THE STATES??? So wonderful ther's Internet, one can olways find the truth out.
Boy, you've got the rabies. Bye, pal, I've not time to waste on a head so full of sh*t.

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Hi Smout
What you ennumerated by steps is (in a simplified way) what Primakov suggested Milo to go for. MILO IS READY!!! Isn't that unbelievable!!! All the "good guys" thought he couldn't say a good word, and he did!!! To upset Solana so much!!! Now say for yourself who's the bitch in the conflict: Russians, who suggest everybody cools off and sit down ant talk, Serbs , who are ready fro that or NATO who think only of their ultimatum.

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While I support NATO's actions, I do not agree with the method that is used. It is plain to see that the strategy being used is not working. Take out the leadership and rest should be easy. Target the leaders and the followers will fall. I also do not agree with the double standards of the United States. During the gulf war, George Bush stated the United States do not become involve in other countries civil war. What are we doing now. Where was the U.S. when Saddam was killing the Kurds?
I also remember the news media interviewing just about every retired generals about how the war in the gulf should be fought. They were all proven wrong.
If we are going to win we have to be able to stomach a few loses. If not then we are doom to fail. Bad weather give the other side chances to regoup, relocate and fortify. Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder can better see that airpower alone cannot win. Unless we target the leadership we will be droping bumbs from now till doomsday.

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To Sergey;

Does Primakov also think that Milosivic will have to stand down if the Serb people realise the full extent of the deception being foisted upon them?
For that matter, who else thinks this would happen?

This is what I posted earlier:

4.Send special envoy to Belgrade, eg, the Norwegian ex primeminister with unforgettable name, or some other world recognised person with a good record in Human rights involvement. Then hopefully, if the Serb population realise other countries really want to help they will get rid of Milosivic themselves, as there is no way he will go on his own, or be forced out by Nato alliance.

Your comments please:


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american people can ask them self:
is kosovo worth dying for?
if the answer is no, than stay out, and say NO!!
it is clear that serbs will not surender,
bombs can not solve anything, it is sad that
people have learn nothing during the history.
This can very well be war, think about
that..... and do something about it now!
demonstrate have civilian courage, dont belive politicans, they have lie to us before, and they
are doing that again.. just try to stop the war what ever it takes to do that.

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american people can ask them self:
is kosovo worth dying for?
if the answer is no, than stay out, and say NO!!
it is clear that serbs will not surender,
bombs can not solve anything, it is sad that
people have learn nothing during the history.
This can very well be war, think about
that..... and do something about it now!
demonstrate have civilian courage, dont belive politicans, they have lie to us before, and they
are doing that again.. just try to stop the war what ever it takes to do that.

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William Jefferson Clinton, a man by whose order NATO aircraft keep dropping bombs on a sovereign country, said again that he had nothing against the Serbian people, and that he would like to help them on their way to the 21st century. This shameless statement was issued at a
meeting held by U.S. military leaders, to whom Clinton tried to explain this brutal aggression
against our country. The Americans are accustomed to their president's deceptions, but it is quite symptomatic that Clinton is forced to defend before that very same people an action he believed would be very popular.

The fact that proposals delivered by Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov were refused by Washington and its satellites even before they were taken into consideration clearly shows that U.S. President Bill Clinton has no intention to give up violence.

Instead, fresh threats of bombing are arriving, the list of targets is broadened and the bombs to be used for the first time announced. All things considered, all the stories coming from
Washington, London and Bonn that their action is leading towards a peaceful solution, and that t is aimed to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, are nothing but hypocritical. Genocide of the
Serbian people, initiated by the NATO leaders, along with occupation of Serbia's territory are the true aims of these actions, not a peaceful solution and the prevention of a humanitarian catastrophe.Day in day out, this is becoming increasingly clear .

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Dear reader,

you can find more informations about:

War against Yugoslavia,

or this link

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Ulber Hyso, Husky, Tringa, Dea and baby where are you? Ulber worked for KOHA if anyone knows where he is, if he's alive, if his family are alive and where they can be contacted please, please let me know
Emma Roper-Evans

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I agree that this can be world war 3.
we have a new Hitler.
If i had the curage and possibility i would kill
Milosevic my self like anyone who could would
have done with Hitler,Stalin.

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Instead of having pictures of beat up American POWs on the front page of American Newspapers for two days running here is an alternative that I would like to see.

A very clever bit of Child Pornography that the Christian Virgin Warriors for Jesus who run the Pentagon are just not able to perform.

Imagine a Serbian girl, maybe 9,10,11 years old. Pre-pubescent and naked running away from a burning Serbian Village with third degree burns over say ~20% of her body.

The picture of the girl in Vietnam was not all that bad of a burn case as evidenced by her survival with the medial care that was available to her at the time of her injury.

I demand an answer from Christian Virgin Warriors for Jesus, why are you afraid to kill? If you are reluctant to commit war atrocious (Isn't the term "War Atrocity" a little like "Military Intelligence"?) then why are you stupid idiots firing missiles and dropping bombs on Serbia?

The current US military cannot sustain itself in time of war, and cannot serve its intended purpose and still keep its "Good Guy" badge. If you are afraid to kill because your Sunday School teachers would think bad thoughts about you if you did then you should get out of the military because I am tired of waisting my tax money on you.

The US Military got its institutional start by slaughtering the indigenous population of North America to make way for a European derived Civilization. This was a cruel, bloody, brutal, sickening process. It was the job of the military, and they did it well. Yes, Biological warfare was part of the mix.

I really don't understand why the Dumb assholes who call themselves military officers wince when the term "Biological" Warfare is brought up. For some reason a bayonet charge is morally OK, but using US superiority in Biology to create weapons of Mass destruction that would serve the furtherance of Civilization is Morally Wrong?

Please explain the ethics of this to me. Maybe I am missing something here?

Roll up your sleeves boys, put away your ••••••• bibles, and prepare to get yourselves armpit deep in the blood of innocents.

If killing children and committing war atrocities to advance the cause of Civilization is something that your Sunday School Boy Scout Ethical system cannot tolerate then get out of the Military now!

-- The Heretic Bishop of Satan
-- A Real American Eagle Scout

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