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the serbian people hear no evil,speak no evil,see no evil,when it comes to their beloved milo.

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The Devil thrives in Darkness. Serbs have molded their opinion in the Dark. Everything they know is based on information from Slob's TV.

I can understand their misguided position. But who can explain how some who live comfortably in the Light can oppose an effort to stop the spread of Evil, Mysery and Darkness ?

Save it! Please don't try to explain your position because my mind is less perturbed by a mystery I cannot explain, than by explanations I cannot understand.

Ave Maria
Gratia Plena.

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Pastor Neimuller's lament was that when they came for the Jews he did not protest,because he was not a Jew, when they came for other groups he did not protest,because he was not a member of those groups, and finally when they (the Nazis) came for him there was no one left to protest.

One and a half million Yugoslavs, 1.2 million of them civilians were killed during World War 2. Most were Serbs, hunted down along with Jews & Gypsies by Croatian Nazis, 2 SS Divisions filled with Bosnian Moslems, etc. In one incident Hungarian Nazi troops herded 500 Jews & Serbs onto the ice, opened fire with artillery, the ice broke & Serbs & Jews died together holding one another in the frigid water. Croatian Nazis called the Ustashi had a notorious concentration camp which"exterminated" Serbs, Jews & Gypsies. Franjo Tudjman, leader of contemporary Croatia has been quoted as saying that he "thanks God" that his wife "has no Jewish or Serbian blood"

.In an under-reported unpunished war crime in the 1990s backed by "retired" US Generals 250,000-300,000 Serbs were forced to flee the area called the Kraijina, also known as "the military frontier," where they had lived for centuries..

The worldwide Moslem offensive continued just as has happened in Kashmir, in Judea & Samaria, in Afghanistan, & elsewhere where Moslems throughout the world have been on the offensive against their victims.
as Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) terrorists, backed by the most vicious Islamic Fundamentalist terror gangs on earth,whose numbers rose from 50 a year ago to far more than that as training camps in Germany swelled those numbers,which permitted them to kill Serbs in Kosovo, to create the violence which led to the NATO ultimatum to Serbia to surrender Kosovo, an integral province of Serbia,where Serbia fought an unsuccessful battle centuries ago against Moslem invaders,

Eastern Orthodox Serbs,forced to choose between forced conversion to RomanCatholicism & death during World War 2 have in common with us Jews what we experienced at the hands of the Inquisition. We cannot stand idly by & watch Serbia destroyed.

We cannot dismiss the possibility that if the Russian Government does not act to protect Serbia from NATO it will be replaced by a nationalist-communist coalition which will bring back the Stalinist Doctors'Plot anti-Semitic mentality coupled with Russia's nuclear & tank capability to go on a shopping spree in Europe using tanks as shopping carts, which could launch a Third World War into Europe unstoppable by conventional means which could lead to an unlimited nuclear exchange between NATO & Russia, all triggered by the onslaught against Serbia which would become the causus belli for Russia and the raison d'être for the coup to come in Moscow if the Kremlin does not act to protect Russia's Serbian kin. Does the echo of 1914 mean nothing? How can the world allow World War 3 to begin where World War 1 began,especially when it places the US, the UK & France on the wrong side of history, siding this time withGermany which is prepared to invade Serbia yet again as the world watches this tragedy unfold.

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To all supporters of the Slob.Milosivic.

Your reasons not to bomb
his murdering thugs
can not be explained
to FREE and RATIONAL men.

seem to have perished
in your thwarted world of
secret police,
concentration camps,
human right violations.

Nothing justifies this HOLOCAUST.


Nothing justifies supporting it.
Then why do you oppose the initiative
to stop it?

Please do not try to explain
your position to me
because my mind is less perturbed
by a mystery that I can not explain,
then by explanations I can not understand.

Send the Devil back to Hell.
Bomb a hole so deep in Belgrade
to make it easy for Milosovic
to meet his tutor.

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I don't think that American people are so stupid that they can't distinguish the true from the lie. Rather they are blamed by pro-goverment CNN's propaganda. In just 1(!!!) week NATO lost 6 newest planes, 2 helicopters (in one of downed helicopter were about 50 people, most of them were killed) and 3 americans were captured. Those captured soldiers will probably be exectuted accordind to YU laws. They can not be threated according to Geneva conventions because of NATO/US didn't claim about starting a war between NATO and YU. It says that NATO currently provide "actions" to prevent "genocide" of "innocent people" in Kosovo. But about 1000 really innocent serbians people were killed and only 28 Serbian soldiers were killed. Whet I'm writing those words, 7 Russian ships with nuclear weapons aboard are going to Midterrian Sea to "do intelligence job". What do you say people?

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Let's stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about the children!!!!

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Follow the latest news and opinion on the Kosovo Crisis at

A service of Common Dreams' NewsCenter - Breaking news & views for progressive-thinking Americans.

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TO Stupid Nato:

Your message about NATO loosing planes,is as crooked as your wife's teeth, jack ass!

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Brazil pray to peace to Kosovo!!luck U.S.A!!

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To Satan. You think it's funny to say or think
that you are satan. People like you are sick and demented. Bring your devil ass over here and Ill
drill your devil ass with bullets.

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To those here mentioned:
The day is not far off when the screams and cries of the massacred of Bosnia and Kosovo come back to haunt you. Woe unto you Milosovic,Karadic,Mladic,Arkan and all the other rabid animals roaming the Balkans. Then will they realise what they have done and then will they be judged.
Let the judgement begin and Hells' fire be prepared!

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God bless all these poor people, both Kosovos, albaniens and nAto we move to the year 2000 with all the possibilities we are still in the dark ages with how we treat each other. May God have mercy on us all!

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I don't know why Vojvodina (north Serbia), bridge wich is connected Petrovaradin & Novi Sad is in the Danube, that bridge is heart of every people Novi Sad. That is not military target, how I know.

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The bombing of the two Intern affairs buildings is a sing Clinton is very desperate. He can not do anything in Kosovo and is trying to gain few points by hitting building that were emptied of anything that is important to Milosevic before the war started.
But after the CNN journalist said numerous of times that area is a main hospital area in the Beograd this will be a kick back for Clinton. Especially when the nearest building is a maternity hospital.

CNN bosses, maybe you should change the Beograd reporter. He is acting very pro Serb lately!!!
Wonder why?

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