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If I take the current result of this war...
you have to state that more or less all non-serbian people left or will leave the Kosovo. It would have been better for the world and much cheaper if we (the NATO/UNO) had offered all non-serbians from the Kosovo to move to the surrounding countries, to build houses for them and to give them food for the rest of their lifes.
Okay, following such an idea would mean that the Serbian president gets a few squaremiles of land he is not supposed to have - BUT NOBODY HAVE HAD TO DIE! and a lot of time for political actions afterwards...

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Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Imagine no possessions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Jon Lennon

Peace in Kosovo

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Posted on another site:

Illegal Immigration: Flip Side of "Ethnic Cleansing"

PRISTINA, Apr. 1 - As the Clinton administration officials continue to drone on about the Serbs' in Kosovo engaging in "ethnic cleansing," media reports by their propaganda arms, like CNN and others, may have inadvertently showed us the flip side of "ethnic cleansing," the "illegal immigration" by ethnic Albanians which has been going on in Kosovo for decades, and which has helped tip the balance of population in favor of Albanians.

CNN reported yesterday that the Yugoslav officials were supposedly removing the personal dentification documents from the Kosovo Albanian refugees who were streaming into Albania, fleeing the NATO bombardment. But some of our Serbian sources report that many of these people NEVER HAD ANY DOCUMENTS, because they were among hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Albania who came to Kosovo in pursuit of a better life (Albania is Europe's poorest country). Just like millions of illegal immigrants in the American southwest, for example.

You see, in 1929, the Serbs constituted a 61% majority in Kosovo. They had remained a majority all the way up to WW II, during which many Serbs were killed or driven from their homes by the Nazi allies - the Kosovo and Bosnian Muslims. After 1945, Tito's communist government passed a law prohibiting the Serb refugees from returning to their homes in Kosovo. Over the next five decades, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants poured in across a porous border. That is how the Albanians got to be a majority in Kosovo (check out the demographic charts and related stories at our Web site, by doing a search for appropriate
keywords, e.g., "Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan").

In a bizarre way, therefore, NATO's bombing and the fighting between the Serbian forces and the KLA terrorists - both of which the Albanian civilians are fleeing, may be inadvertently righting some of the wrongs caused by 54 years of illegal immigration, the flip side of "ethnic cleansing." For, many Albanian refugees are actually returning home.

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So close to the Oscars ceremony, no one expected such high activity in the entertainment industry. However you all saw how many works were released in the last ten days. As a matter of fact, there were so many quality films that the Academy had no choice but organise a second Oscars ceremony to reward the best artists and organisations who illuminated the Balkans viewers with their talent. These are the highlights of this unforgettable evening:

Best visual effects: Capt. Ken Dwelle in "F117 down". Also nominated in "Memoirs of an invisible man" and "Missing".

Best motion picture: "Flight of the intruder". A movie about nocturnal incursions by US planes bombing where they are not supposed to.
Also nominated: "On deadly ground", "drop the ordinance and run".

Best actor: Bill Clinton for "Liar liar". The actor declared that in order to really feel the part, he was advised by R. De Niro to immerse himself in the character completely for seven years !
Mr Clinton had never won before, although previously nominated for "See some evil, hear some evil !", "Hellraiser", "Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll", "True lies" and "Honey, I blew up the Yougoslavs".
He dedicated his Oscar to the whole NATO team, "without whom he never would have been allowed to do it" and reflected on his young acting career with this quote: "Bombing the Yugoslavs is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you gonna hit."

Also nominated: Mr Fehmi Agani and Mr Baton Haxhiu, both for "Resurrection".

Best supporting actor: Tony Blair, for "Bad influence". His performance in "Lassie’s courage" last year had really moved the public.

Best actress: Madeleine Albright for "Death on the Danube", a film about the killing of most of the characters by someone whose identity is only known at the end.

Best supporting actress: Miss Krasnici in "The year of living dangerously". She was portraying a fleeing Kosovar Refugee asked to sware she saw Serbs killing civilians.

Best original script: Slobodan Milosevic, for "The last of the Serbs". Mr Milosevic declared in tears: "I never hoped a few years ago that my critics would recognise my ability to keep the crew so tight during the shoot, let alone that they would entrust me with all their hopes". Needless to say, the whole room went berserk.

Best adapted script: three US soldiers, for "Spies like us".

It is true most of the time true artists are rewarded, and we tend to forget all those important workers whose task often is taken for granted. That is why the Oscar for Best Catering was exceptionally awarded this year to Mr Ken Bacon, Spokesman of the Pentagon, for all his organisation work with Kosovar refugees.
Mr Bacon declared he was delighted, he said "I am not sure this can be confirmed at this time".

An Honorary Oscar was awarded to the US Government for their lifetime achievement. An endless list of masterpieces was recalled, studded with immortal classics such as "A bridge too far", "The Peacemaker", "The conspiracy", "Apocalypse now" and their contribution to "The killing fields".

Best editing: The International Federation of Journalists, for "The awakenings".

Best Director: The Pentagon Think Tank, for "Nimitz", a film about military machines and soldiers temporarily lost in a scratch-your-collective-head hypothetical war.

Best cinematography: the members of the KLA, for "Clockwork Orange".
Due to extreme scenes of violence, some scenes were banned on all national television channels of 19 countries, with total blackout in US, UK, France and Germany. This is quite ironical, when you think that some of the actors actually learnt their skills in these countries.

At the end of the ceremony the artists refused to tell us what films they were working on at the moment, but they did say that it was guaranteed to be explosive stuff with huge special effects, new technology never seen in Russia and China before, and of course involving a billion Dollar budget. Bill Clinton said "he just loved shooting" and our reporters did manage to make him confess that he was starting a sequel with De Niro, Pesci, Liotta and Lewinsky called "Good Fellatios".

Thanks to Blockbuster Entertainment Guide to Movies and Videos.

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To Xto 267 AUA (howzat for a simple user name)

"Your reasons not to bomb
his murdering thugs
can not be explained
to FREE and RATIONAL men."

Yugoslavs want peace. Unlike you, they tried to solve this without bombs.

seem to have perished"

Where is your compassion when you kill Kosovars and Yugoslavs ?

"in your thwarted world of
secret police,
concentration camps,
human right violations."

You just described a mixture of USA and Nazi Germany.

"Nothing justifies this HOLOCAUST.

So why did you initiate it ?

"Nothing justifies supporting it.
Then why do you oppose the initiative
to stop it? "

Hum. As I recall, Milosevic, Primakov and Rugova tried. You guys said no. Because you want Kosovo all to naughty boys

"Please do not try to explain
your position to me
because my mind is less perturbed
by a mystery that I can not explain,
then by explanations I can not understand. "

Oh, it's so beautiful... A Greek Tragedian at work. You know, if tomorrow you embarked on a journey to help refugees I think I could cry.

"Send the Devil back to Hell.
Bomb a hole so deep in Belgrade
to make it easy for Milosovic
to meet his tutor. "

There you have it: another murderer, adept of the final solution. We should open a nuke-the-serbs discussion group, so you and your moderate friends could exchange creative ideas.

P.S. Whether they support Milosevic or not, all Yugoslav people and a few millions non-Yugoslavs such as myself are united against the illegal aggression by a coalition of murderers. That is the issue.

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To locdog:

See you in a few weeks, when this is over and the following happens:

-Clinton ejected from the White House

-NATO dissolved for good and its leaders tried for breaking the laws we know know very well

-bodies of dead NATO soldiers returned to their home land in black plastic bags. I can hear the NATO spokesman:
"Mr ans Mrs Dwelle, we could not reveal this at that time for military reasons"

-death of thousands of refugees revealed thanks to your bombs and the action of KLA forces

-public outcry about those who portrayed the Serbs as genocide engineers, a "fact" you can scratch your head
in order to confirm

-revelations about exact figures of this aggressions: civilian casualties, material damage, ecological evaluation

I do not have time to mention the rest. Your reaction was very emotional. Are you afraid that Stupid NATO user might have been right ?

Can you actually bring something to this site ?

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XTO 267 AUA,

God you are too tempting to take the piss out of.


Wow ! How does that work ?

"Very brave Serb people and army
now hide behind maternity hospitals. "

How honest of you. Even your media recognised that this hit was mightly close to hurting innocent people (CNN).

"You hide your tanks in churches"

That must be how you forgive the poor targetting by the button pushers on the NATO boats.

"You hide your Gestapo in hospitals"

We don't have Gestapo, just Arkan.

"You burn the people of Kosovo

Retribution ? You want to treat us the way you were told we treat people.

"How can you plead for sympathy ? "

You would not know, our calls do not reach your corrupt media.

"Accuse everybody of being Nazi,
but YOU set-up the concentration camps
and YOU organize deportation trains. "

The opposition to Clinton's administration cannot confirm any of that. Surely they cannot all lie ? Check out so you increase by 50% the contents of your lifelong education.

"I am happy that when this is
over you will be a POOR and
SAD country, with a history
to be ASHAMED of. "

Don't worry, we are already poor thanks to the sanctions brought by your imperialism. As far as our history, I am proud of it. You know, we are still around despite centuries of extermination, occupation and economical adversity.
You seriously don't think we are going to give up now ? Do you ?

"Please stay in your country
You are not welcome in the rest of the world.
Promote your ethnic incest.
Breed more screwed-up minds.
Stay poor and sad forever. "

You must be a Humanist.

We do not want to go to your country. We do not want you in ours either. Get out of Kosovo. It is still Yugoslavia.

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