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You feed off STATE TV
then call us misinformed

You're well indoctrinated
A true Serb hero,
A Slob Job of Ethnic Incest

You make my point for me.
You are proud of Arkan !
You are proud of Himmler too ?

I invite everybody reading this
to see the works of SERB POLICE
on the following sites :
Kosovo Crisis Center (Serbian Massacres)
and/or Kosovo Amnesty

Beware : these are color pictures
provided by Amnesty International
of children, women and elderly men
executed and mutilated

ALL these massacres happened
before NATO's bombs :

Prekaz, Drenice FEB.98
Lybenice, Drenice SUMMER 98
Abri e Eperme, Drenice OCT.98
Regah, Nerodime JAN.99
Rogove Villagem JAN.99

One picture reads : FEB.28.98 - the body of Rukije Nebiu, a pregnant mother of two, shot through the head, apparently with a high velocity weapon". In Cirez during a SERB POLICE ATTACK.

you really think Amnesty, Red Cross, NATO,
United Nations, Medicine Sans Frontier, CNN,
UPI, AP, BBC, Paris Match, the Governments and
Press of the world have united in a large
conspiracy to take over a backward country
like yours?

feeding you this ?

How do the bombs feel?
Do you still have soap ?
Can you brush your teeth?
At least your brain is washed.

Do you have toilet paper?
If so, do save it, because
soon you will have to eat it.

We're already there.
The war is over.
Milosovic will commit suicide
like both his parents and Hitler.

You killed civilians, but


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First 19 Americans Return Home in Body Bags

ATHENS, Apr. 3 - Some American soldiers are already enroute home in body bags. Yet their Commander-in-Chief continues to stay mum about this unfolding tragedy.

"First 19 Dead Americans in Thessalonika," read the headline of a front page story of the Athens daily, "Athinaiki," according to the Beta news agency. The article was sub-titled "Mowed Down by the Serbs." "Athinaiki" says that the bodies were secretly transported from Skopje in containers guarded by select American officers. The Americans met at the Macedonian border by the Greek police, and escorted to the 424th Greek military hospital in Thessalonika, where the bodies were prepared for further transport.

"Athinaiki" says that the 12 bodies which arrived on Wednesday (Mar. 31) have already been shipped to the U.S. Seven more bodies, which arrived on Thursday (Apr. 1), were expected to be sent home on Friday.

When asked for comment, Greek authorities stated that they knew nothing about it, "Athinaiki" said.

More can be found at:

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Posted on another site:

The Blew Danube (by Steffan Bertsch)

WASHINGTON (state), Apr. 3 - Steffan Bertsch, a TiM reader from the state of Washington and a writer in his own right, sent us the following essay today, with the comment that he was edicating to the "valiant Serbs." Its title, "The Blew Danube," particularly apt today, that NATO has destroyed two more bridges over this European waterway:

"Bombing through Good Friday and on past Easter, the Godless forces of NATO continue their carnage. Any thinking human must wonder what would make any group of bullies so bloodthirsty as to pick on a tiny country.
How can they justify bombing a tiny country into oblivion?

The answer is very simple. NATO is run by the Rothschild/Rockefeller toadies, sometimes referred to under the umbrella of the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council of Foreign Relations, but which I will
hereafter refer to as the New World Order (NWO). The NWO controls the media, and controls what everyone will see and hear and think it is the news.

We see the media in full swing at this time, justifying why the lying rapist in the White House is our knight in shining armor, and the tiny Serbian country is Satan incarnate. NATO is in a hopeless situation. It has bombed and bombed, and instead of crushing the will of the Serbs, it has succeeded in fortifying Serbian resolve. NATO
blew up a bridge over the Danube in an attempt to destroy Serb hope, and instead has left a blatant marker for the Serbs as loud as the Liberty Bell and as heartfelt as the Alamo. The military is failing to defeat its tiny foe, so, the NWO media has stepped up to the plate to take its hacks at the Truth.

An honest media would tell us how hopeless the situation is in Serbia, but, what do we hear about in America? The NWO media tells us that rogue Serbs are slashing throats in Kosovo, so hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing.

Of course this is mostly a lie, and, anyone with an IQ of seventeen understands that the bombing of Kosovo is the chief factor for the displacement of its people. If NATO started bombing New York City, there would certainly be thug activity within the rubble of the metropolis that would cause people to leave, but, the main cause would be the NATO bombing of the city. The media is trying to shift the cause upon the Serbs. If you have a seventeen IQ, you see through this deception. Many Americans have fallen so far in awareness that a seventeen IQ is the rung they strive for, so the media’s lies are accepted by many.

The media wants us to think about the refugees because then we feel emotional about the situation. This is a trick, a deceptive manipulation. Once man starts thinking with his emotions instead of his mind, all logic is gone. A
rapist thinks with his emotions; a rapist is driven by his loins. A murderer thinks with his emotions; a murderer is driven by his passions. Clinton must have had his mind on a different type of blow job when he ordered that the bridge over the Danube be blown up. The media wants us all to think with our emotions so we can more easily be
programmed to be rapists and murderers in Kosovo, albeit vicarious rapists and murderers. And, the media is adroit at switching off our minds and turning on our emotions. Watch any news broadcast and you’ll see this deft doctrine at work.

The media also wants us to put our emotions out to those three troopers who were captured by the Serbs, wants us to feel for them. We see the troops’ families, their homes, their friends, and even yellow ribbons draped about their towns, in fitting "Wag the Dog" shoes-in-the-trees style. The media wants the public to cry for the troops.

But, the Congress and the President don’t care for those three soldiers. Those troops are being used as tools to manipulate emotional support for a hopeless, senseless and Godless war. If the U.S. government cared at all about any troops, it would be assisting the Gulf War Veterans who have been stricken with the Gulf War Illnesses,which are a horribly virulent and very contagious form of AIDS that jumps species and infects even family pets.
Depending on the data source used, between 100,000 and 800,000 vets have been infected with the GWI. The Congress and the President HATE them for being sick. You see, sick soldiers are useless soldiers. That is the view of our government. So the sick troops are kicked out of the military for contracting GWI serving our country in Iraq, and they are even being denied medical treatment by our government! The media doesn’t report this human interest story because the media is a NWO tool.

I don’t know much about Milosevic, but I know that he understands the media is a NWO tool. That’s why he kicked all dishonest journalists out of Serbia. He knows the media will lie and lie and lie, and he won’t give NATO that tool to use against him. He has kicked out the journalists because he knows they are destroyers of the truth. Thomas Jefferson warned us that newspapers are so contaminated with lies that the person who reads them not is more informed than the readers of the news, because the readers get confused by lies that never trouble those who shun the scandal sheets. Times haven’t changed. Milosevic has exposed the media for what it is, a lying tool of the NWO. The war correspondents must now make up their lies from outside the area of the action. For this move alone, Milosevic appears to understand his true enemy is not NATO, but the NWO. Knowing one’s enemy is much more than half the battle.

We are told that the weather has sided with Serbia throughout this conflict, giving a cloud cover that impedes the air war. All informed people know that America has HAARP and can thereby control the weather to some degree.
Obviously this HAARP equipment has not been able to clear the cloud cover over Serbia. So, why would the Serbs be given such an assistance in the weather, which is normally within the province of God?

NATO had put a deadly pincher move on Serbia, after dismantling Yugoslavia piece by piece, and now, with Serbia surrounded, had thought it would be an easy kill. But, the Serbs won’t give in to the NWO bully. Such appears their resolve, they might well fight to the last man. "Give" and "Uncle" don’t seem to be in their vocabulary. All honest people must admire their courage in the face of the terrible odds; the entire Western World is against them. And, who can make war with the Beast?

Pope John-Paul II is now seeking peace in the Balkans. Why did he bolster Clinton in the middle of the Senate impeachment trial by appearing on the same podium with the president in St. Louis? Why did he not go to Columbia, and take care of earthquake victims instead of supporting Clinton? The Pope could get a lot of support in his plea for peace if he openly admitted that his visit to St. Louis was misguided because it gave the president the Church’s tacit support. Had the pontiff not supported Clinton during the trial, the lying rapist might not be in the White House. Remember, Clinton bombed Afghanistan and Sudan before the trial, Iraq during the trial, and after acquittal, he’s bombing Yugoslavia. The Pope backed an evil warmonger. That’s what the Pope should shout to everyone on earth. Such a declaration would awaken many, and quite probably stop the war. All should pray for the Pope to do the right thing this Easter and denounce the criminal in the White House.

If the Beast continues to move on it, and Serbia eventually falls to the bloodthirsty leaders of the Rothschild dream of the NWO, let every Liberty-loving man woman and child on the globe understand that it made a valiant stand
against worldwide tyranny, that it made the supreme sacrifice for those of us who love Freedom. As Texans remembered the Alamo, let all who hate oppression forever remember the courage of the people of Serbia who found internal strength when NATO blew the bridge over the Blew Danube."

Steffan Bertsch, Washington (state)

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"A Ray of Truth Piercing the Blizzard of Lies: Side of War CNN Didn't Show Us."

LONDON, Apr. 2 - Every once in a while, like a burst of sunshine bursting through angry clouds, a ray of truth pierces the blizzard of lies. Even in the western media. The Apr. 2 report by The (London) Independent, filed from Belgrade by its veteran reporter, Robert Fisk, is one such example. Here is an excerpt from it:

"On the second floor of the Serbian Clinical Centre in Belgrade are victims of the Balkan war who will never be mentioned in any NATO briefing. There's a 14-year-old boy with his head crushed, lying in a coma, eyes half-closed, a fat oxygen tube down his throat. There's a middle-aged farmer hit in the head by shrapnel and expected to die within a few hours. A little further down the
emergency ward is another boy - 13 this time - with his head swathed in bandages, moving in agony, his brain damaged and his right leg fractured by a falling building. They are NATO's victims.

Our victims, I suppose. Standing at their bedsides, the phrase "collateral damage" seems somehow obscene. Ivan Tanasijevic, the 14-year-old from the Drina river valley, was wounded in a NATO air raid on Loznica, and his father came to see him on Wednesday. "He asked if he could see his son," Dr Dragana Vujadinovic says. "I said, yes, but that Ivan was in a coma. The father sat by his bed here and cried. He is a farmer. Yes, I told him his son is very bad but that we wouldn't know what will happen for another few days. Yes, the boy is likely to die."


Dobrica Vukojicic is likely to join them soon. He was a farmer and appears to have been in his fields near Kraljevo when a NATO missile exploded a few meters from him. Pieces of metal smashed into his head and the blast caused what the doctors call "contralateral" damage to his brain, which started internal bleeding. He was brought to the medical centre on Wednesday night. Will he live, I ask Dr Mihaelo Mitrovic? He looks at me as if I am foolish to ask and raises his eyebrows. The man breathes noisily through his tubes, huffing and puffing as if aware of his fate. He will probably never awake.

Dr. Mitrovic, who refuses to talk politics, insists on pointing out those patients who are not war-wounded and those who - though they may not be direct victims of NATO's bombs - are victims of the war. Milan Lemajic, for example, lies unconscious in a bed at the end of the ward, his head as bloated as a football, his face a mass of bruises. "We think he tried to commit suicide after the first bombs," the doctor said. "He jumped from the fourth floor of his apartment block. Look at his X-rays." He holds out a sheet of negatives that shows just a big, dark mass. "His head is like a water-melon."


In one bed lies Dejan Lukic, 13, another victim from Loznica though this time with a birthplace of special horror. He was originally a Serb resident of the east Bosnian town of Srebrenica and was driven from his home by Muslim forces in 1992. It was those same Muslims who held Srebrenica as it filled up with Muslim refugees during the Bosnian war and it was their menfolk who were the victims of the 1995 atrocity when thousands were executed by Serb militiamen. By then, Dejan Lukic was 25 miles away in Loznica.

He was still there last week when NATO began raiding the eastern bank of the Drina. Doctors believe he was running for his life after a missile explosion when he was hit by concrete from a collapsing building. He never regained consciousness. But his eyes moved yesterday - a good sign, according to the doctors. He may live.

At least 22 war-wounded have been transferred to this Belgrade hospital alone since the start of the NATO bombardment, but others - physically untouched by shrapnel - have not survived their reaction to the bombing. Boris Grubicic was 18 and fell into depression when he heard that NATO and Serbia had gone to war. He had been "ethnically cleansed" from Croatia in 1995 with 170,000 other Serbs. Perhaps his experiences in Croatia three years ago had unbalanced his mind.

"He was brought in here with a fractured head and neck," Dr Vujadinovic said. "He had climbed to the top of the McDonald's restaurant in the center of Belgrade. That's five floors high. Then he threw himself off the top. He died here last night."

For the full article, check out The Independent's Apr. 2 issue at:

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"The lives of these American soldiers are worth more than this risky endeavor - one which has no exit strategy and no end game. It is a deeply heart-wrenching situation, and I am afraid the president is in over his head.''
Sen. Bob Smith, R-New Hampshire
Senior Member, Senate Armed Services Committee

"The policy is not working, it's counterproductive. It's like putting gasoline on a fire. We don't have anything to negotiate with. We are in a pickle.''
Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas
Armed Service Committee

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Now this is for all of you who did not read the Rambouillet "peace deal". Not that easy to find on the Net, so make use of the time I spent editing the lines below.

The entire document can be found at

The "agreement" is of course very long, so here is an excerpt.

Appendix B: Status of Multi-National Military Implementation Force

1. For the purposes of this Appendix, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them:

a. "NATO" means the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), its subsidiary bodies, its
military Headquarters, the NATO-led KFOR, and any
elements/units forming any part of KFOR or
supporting KFOR, whether or not they are from a
NATO member country and whether or not they are
under NATO or national command and control, when
acting in furtherance of this Agreement.

b. "Authorities in the FRY" means appropriate
authorities, whether Federal, Republic, Kosovo or

c. "NATO personnel" means the military, civilian, and contractor personnel assigned or attached to or employed by NATO, including the military, civilian, and contractor personnel from non-NATO states participating in the Operation, with the exception of personnel locally hired.

d. "the Operation" means the support, implementation, preparation, and participation by NATO and NATO personnel in furtherance of this Chapter.

e. "Military Headquarters" means any entity, whatever its denomination, consisting of or constituted in part by NATO military personnel established in order to fulfill the Operation.

f. "Authorities" means the appropriate responsible
individual, agency, or organization of the Parties.

g. "Contractor personnel" means the technical experts or functional specialists whose services are required by NATO and who are in the territory of the FRY exclusively to serve NATO either in an
advisory capacity in technical matters, or for the
setting up, operation, or maintenance of equipment, unless they are:

(1) nationals of the FRY; or
(2) persons ordinarily resident in the FRY.

h. "Official use" means any use of goods purchased, or of the services received and intended for the performance of any function as required by the operation of the Headquarters.

i. "Facilities" means all buildings, structures,
premises, and land required for conducting the
operational, training, and administrative
activities by NATO for the Operation as well as for accommodation-of NATO personnel.

2. Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities under this Appendix, all NATO personnel shall respect the laws applicable in the FRY, whether Federal, Republic, Kosovo, or other, insofar as compliance with those laws is compatible with the entrusted tasks/mandate and shall refrain from activities not compatible with the nature of the Operation.

3. The Parties recognize the need for expeditious
departure and entry procedures for NATO personnel. Such personnel shall be exempt from passport and visa regulations and the registration requirements applicable to aliens. At all entry and exit points to/from the FRY, NATO personnel shall be permitted to enter/exit the FRY on production of a national identification (ID) card. NATO personnel shall carry identification which they may be requested to produce for the authorities in the FRY, but operations, training, and movement shall not be allowed to be impeded or delayed by such requests.

4. NATO military personnel shall normally wear uniforms, and NATO personnel may possess and carry arms if authorized to do so by their orders. The Parties shall accept as valid, without tax or fee, drivers, licenses and permits issued to NATO personnel by their respective national authorities.

5. NATO shall be permitted to display the NATO flag and/or national flags of its constituent national elements/units on any NATO uniform, means of transport, or facility.

6. a. NATO shall be immune from all legal process,
whether civil, administrative, or criminal.

b. NATO personnel, under all circumstances and at all times, shall be immune from the Parties,
jurisdiction in respect of any civil, administrative, criminal, or disciplinary offenses which may be committed by them in the FRY. The
Parties shall assist States participating in the
operation in the exercise of their jurisdiction
over their own nationals.

c. Notwithstanding the above, and with the NATO
Commander's express agreement in each case, the
authorities in the FRY may exceptionally exercise
jurisdiction in such matters, but only in respect
of Contractor personnel who are not subject to the
jurisdiction of their nation of citizenship.

7. NATO personnel shall be immune from any form of arrest, investigation, or detention by the authorities in the FRY. NATO personnel erroneously arrested or detained shall immediately be turned over to NATO authorities.

8. NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their
vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY including associated airspace and territorial waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for support, training, and operations.

9. NATO shall be exempt from duties, taxes, and other charges and inspections and custom regulations including providing inventories or other routine customs documentation, for personnel, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, equipment, supplies, and provisions entering, exiting, or transiting the territory of the FRY in support of the Operation.

10. The authorities in the FRY shall facilitate, on a priority basis and with all appropriate means, all movement of personnel, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, equipment, or supplies, through or in the airspace, ports, airports, or roads used. No charges may be assessed against NATO for air navigation, landing, or takeoff of aircraft, whether government-owned or chartered. Similarly, no duties, dues, tolls or charges may be assessed against NATO ships, whether government-owned or chartered, for the mere entry and exit of ports. Vehicles, vessels, and aircraft used in support of the operation shall not be subject to licensing or registration requirements, nor commercial insurance.

11. NATO is granted the use of airports, roads, rails, and ports without payment of fees, duties, dues, tolls, or charges occasioned by mere use. NATO shall not, however, claim exemption from reasonable charges for specific services requested and received, but operations/movement and access shall not be allowed to be impeded pending payment for such services.

12. NATO personnel shall be exempt from taxation by the Parties on the salaries and emoluments received from NATO and on any income received from outside the FRY.

13. NATO personnel and their tangible moveable property imported into, acquired in, or exported from the FRY shall be exempt from all duties, taxes, and other charges and inspections and custom regulations.

14. NATO shall be allowed to import and to export, free of duty, taxes and other charges, such equipment, provisions, and supplies as NATO shall require for the operation, provided such goods are for the official use of NATO or for sale to NATO personnel. Goods sold shall be solely for the use of NATO personnel and not transferable to unauthorized persons.

15. The Parties recognize that the use of communications channels is necessary for the Operation. NATO shall be allowed to operate its own internal mail services.

The Parties shall, upon simple request, grant all
telecommunications services, including broadcast
services, needed for the Operation, as determined by NATO. This shall include the right to utilize such means and services as required to assure full ability to communicate, and the right to use all of the electromagnetic spectrum for this purpose, free of cost. In implementing this right, NATO shall make every reasonable effort to coordinate with and take into account the needs and requirements of appropriate authorities in the FRY.

16. The Parties shall provide, free of cost, such public facilities as NATO shall require to prepare for and execute the Operation. The Parties shall assist NATO in obtaining, at the lowest rate, the necessary utilities, such as electricity, water, gas and other resources, as NATO shall require for the Operation.

17. NATO and NATO personnel shall be immune from claims of any sort which arise out of activities in pursuance of the operation; however, NATO will entertain claims on an ex gratia basis.

18. NATO shall be allowed to contract directly for the acquisition of goods, services, and construction from any source within and outside the FRY. Such contracts, goods, services, and construction shall not be subject to the payment of duties, taxes, or other charges. NATO may also carry out construction works with their own personnel.

19. Commercial undertakings operating in the FRY only in the service of NATO shall be exempt from local laws and regulations with respect to the terms and conditions of their employment and licensing and registration of employees, businesses, and corporations.

20. NATO may hire local personnel who on an individual basis shall remain subject to local laws and regulations with the exception of labor/employment laws. However, local personnel hired by NATO shall:

a. be immune from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity;

b. be immune from national services and/or national military service obligations;

c. be subject only to employment terms and
conditions established by NATO; and
d. be exempt from taxation on the salaries and
emoluments paid to them by NATO.

21. In carrying out its authorities under this Chapter, NATO is authorized to detain individuals and, as quickly as possible, turn them over to appropriate officials.

22. NATO may, in the conduct of the Operation, have need to make improvements or modifications to certain infrastructure in the FRY, such as roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, and utility systems. Any such improvements or modifications of a non-temporary nature shall become part of and in the same ownership as that infrastructure. Temporary improvements or modifications may be removed at the discretion of the NATO Commander, and the infrastructure returned to as near its original condition as possible, fair wear and
tear excepted.

23. Failing any prior settlement, disputes with the regard to the interpretation or application of this Appendix shall be settled between NATO and the appropriate authorities in the FRY.

24. Supplementary arrangements with any of the Parties may be concluded to facilitate any details connected with the Operation.

25. The provisions of this Appendix shall remain in force until completion of the Operation or as the Parties and NATO otherwise agree.

Chapter 8
Amendment, Comprehensive Assessment, and Final Clauses

Article I: Amendment and Comprehensive Assessment

1.Amendments to this Agreement shall be adopted by agreement of all the Parties, except as otherwise provided by Article X of Chapter 1.

2. Each Party may propose amendments at any time and will consider and consult with the other Parties with regard to proposed amendments.

3. Three years after the entry into force of this Agreement, an international meeting shall be convened to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo, on the basis of the will of the people, opinions of relevant authorities, each Party’s efforts regarding the implementation of this Agreement, and the Helsinki Final Act, and to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of this Agreement and to consider proposals by any Party for additional measures.

Article II: Final Clauses

1. This Agreement is signed in the English language.

After signature of this Agreement, translations will be made into Serbian, Albanian, and other languages of the national communities of Kosovo, and attached to the English text.

2. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature.

[signature lines]
For the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
For the Republic of Serbia
For Kosovo

Witnessed by:

For the European Union
For the Russian Federation For the United States of America

The FRY (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) did not sign this document. Why ? If you read the above, you understood that no less than occupation (military and commercial) of Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo would have been allowed and enforced.

NATO, a soon-to-be-extinct peacekeeping force, attempts to coerce a sovereign nation in order to occupy its territory.


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I am sure there are honest and good Serbs out there that can read these messages, as I am sure they are affraid to voice their opinion because the Serb Gestapo could do to its own the same things it did and does in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosova.

I have a simple message to the good Serbs : the anger you read on this board are from peoples all over the world. We get our information from a very large number of independent news agencies. We hear the Red Cross and Amnesty International.

You get your messages from STATE T.V. If the media is an instrument, which one do you think is easier to misuse ?

The war is almost over - Milosivic is already curling his tail. He can no longer fight, but how must he hide the attrocities and massacres ? The only obstacle to peace now are the bodies in the fields of Kosova.

First he finds others to pin the blame. He will try to give NATO some of the blame saying that the bombs caused the bodies. But most pictures pre-date NATO bombs.

Before the end of April Milosovic will claim that he was unaware of the police brutalities in Kosova, like a scorpion he will purge his own military, execute or disappear all those that can attest that he was in charge. Over their dead bodies he will accuse them of being murderers.

This will fit with witness accounts that point to Serb police, even the date and condition of the assassinations are recorded. Milo will say that Arkan went wild, he will arrest him and turn him in.

Bad news is, that if he can not find suitable patsies he will keep fighting until the end - and it will be total destruction in Belgrade. At which time he will commit suicide, like his mother, his father, Goebels, Goering and Hitler.

We are truly very sorry that we must cause pain when extracting this rotten tooth. NATO tries to be anesthetic and limit the pain as much as possible, but one can not fully eliminate pain when one is pulling out a bad tooth. But it will soon be over and you will feel much better.

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Nick Serb Prick,

Do you really believe that if 19 American service men were killed they can be returned to the USA without informing their families ? How long do you think before the FREE PRESS OF THE WORLD will get a hold of this information if it were true ?

Next to Serb STATE TV you quote some banana newspaper ("Athinaiki"). True to Slob indoctrination.

It will take some time before you get it, but let me repeat : The war is over ! You LOST.

The last obstacle to peace are the bodies in the fields of Kosova. Before the end of this month Milosovic will use his military to purge his Police. He will claim that Police-leadership went wild and that he is not to blame. He will promise tribunals and promptly execute those HE wish to call war-criminals.

He will remain a hero at home and he will then sue for peace and confuse the leaders of the world thus bringing military action to a grinding halt.

In essence he will barter peace for immunity for the attrocities.

People like you will jump at this deal and say 'see, Milosovic is not a bad guy'.
People like me will also accept the peace, because we accept two simple facts :
1. There is a God
2. We are not him.

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Would some rich, concerned, person please contact your local Mafia representative and put a contract out on Milosevic, since the U.S.A. won't hit him with a cruise missile?

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Did you know that some years back now, certain western intelligence agencies, perhaps MI6/CIA actually had a plan to assasinate Milosovic. Why they refrained from doing so, only they know. Perhaps that is one move they surely must be regretting now.(source: former employee of MI6).

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This is what NATO is trying to stop:
This is a report from the HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH....

To read more... may have to type in the last part to get this page.

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I am an American and I would like to establish direct correspondence with students from the University of Belgrade. I'm withholding personal opinion on the current crisis until I feel comfortable that I have successfully heard from both sides. If you'd like to communicate with myself via e-mail, and you are open minded, please send e-mail too ''. Thank You!

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Look here, this is report from the face of the place. Naturaly from YU. Peoples on the streets of yugoslav cities are not giving suport to Slobodan Milosevic, they are just trying to fight against agresion. If I had a anti-aircraft gun I would use it, this way only altenative for common man is to sing on city sqare.
To make peace by kiling innocent peoples with bombs and rockets is nothing but sick idea. Only way to end this disaster is to talk.
Do you realy belive that pictures you see on screen of your TV is always true. CNN,SKY,... are spreding propaganda for NATO to justify their criminal acts.TRY TO THINK WITH YOUR HEAD!
