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Archive through April 10, 1999

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And the reason Serbian television hasn't shown any pictures of the other NATO planes and helicopters that were shot down is because there is only one working tv camera in the whole country. ROFLMAS

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goodmorning ......a sad morning.

I am posting to you from Orlando florida, yes, I fear for you and the peace of your nation. I can not offer wisdom or solace, but wish for you to know that the american people are heartskick over all of this. No one in our world can afford or tolorate the destruction of a population. As to the safety of the three soldiers, it is in your hands,please, please..for the sake of the families of these men, halt the violence where possible. I pray for you and us all. Please communicate with me....with your permission, I would take these communications to the Orlando Sentinal newscasters for further distribution of truth and our mutual desire for peace.


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In reply for jautice or justice which ever it was one way or another you should learn to spell. If you think killing the americans is going to solve what is going on there then think again, because that is just as backwater as what happened in Texas with the man that was dragged behind the truck. If they do kill them, then we need to roll through that republic with the 2nd armor division, 82nd airborne and why not use the home unit of the captured boys of the big red 1. And if you don't like that we should do the same to you.

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Georg, thanks for calling me a murderer. And no,
I am not a Serb living in Slovenia.

Sue, Bosnia and Kosovo are not in my country.

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The Greeks saw 19 American bodies, such Propaganda.
Must have been in the Greek version of The National Enquirer.

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maja where are you from? and what is your e-mail(if not secret)?
About three american soldiers: They should be executed because Americans already killed more than thousand civilians in Serbia adn Montenegro.

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Bosnia WAS part of your country before they revolted. If Kosovo is not part of your country then why is the Serbian military there?
Just Curious?

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Just read prior posts and assumed you were from Serbia. My mother told me to never assume B/C you make an ass out of u and me. Sorry!

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Sue, I live in Slovenia. Slovenia was one of the Yugoslavian republics. Now there are only two republics in Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro. Kosovo is Serbians province. Other republics that used to form Yugoslavia are now indepenant states, Croatia, Bosnia ( Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serb Republic, two countries actually ) Macedonia and Slovenia.

Serbia is the only one involved in the conflict but NATO is bombing Montenegro also. Few bombs also fall in Macedonia. And Albania. And Bulgaria.

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It is truly a sad situation for all involved. I do not understand the hate of the different ethnic backgrounds. Can you explain this to me?

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Hard to explain. I was taught not to hate and never hated before. But I think I have started.
Why you ask? Albanians decided they want their own country. For that one has to fight. That was the fact throughout history. Why, I don't know USA backed them up and promised help. They became even more violent and Serb police even more brutal. When it got tough they cried for help, start fleeding and that's the situation now. if they want independance let them fight. Why would the whole world have to die for something they want?

I never paid much attention to the nationality, brought up in Yugoslavia I wasn't taught too.
But I always found Serbian people to be the best of them all. The most generous, trying to help, not hypocrats, proud, very hospitable and not cheap. As my fellow Slovenians are backstabbing, cheap, buttsucking and hypocratic nation. There is a joke about Slovenians, maybe a hundred years old. What makes a Slovenian the happiest? If his neighbours cow dies.

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It is very hard to understand and I still have no concept of it. I probably can't because I am made up of so many different nationalities there aren't many left to hate, I guess. So, what nationality are you? Do you have a religion? Does each republic (former republics) have different religions or nationalities?

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I am mostly Slovenian. And I am an atheist.

Slovenia and Croatia are catholic countries. Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro are ortodox.
In Bosnia you have Croats, Serbs and Muslims.
Albanians are muslims.
Easy republic was basically nationality. Like Croatia, Croats.

About hate. There is some left from the II. world war when Croats killed almost million Serbs.
Being Bosnian was sometimes like a curse. I don't know why. Never senced any hate. Slovenians always acted like they are something better. To think of it, being Albanian was a cruse aswell. But no, I don't remember hate back them.
My reasoning is this. When Tito died, he was our hero, first few years all politicians acted fine in respect of his memory. In the late 80's nationality became an issue and was pushed to the highest level by politicians. The religion had it place aswell. Catholic church started gaining power. Teaching how catholics belong together and to hell with everybody else, other religions and atheists.

I personally have a very beutiful memory of an old Yugoslavia.

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So it was the leaders that stirred up the hatred by demoralizing the other ethnic backgrounds and religions. So I figure in each area it was for political power. So, if you were a Serb in Serbia the other groups were no good, or if you were in Kosovo only Albanian was good and this also occurred I take it in the other provinces. Why did the people who had lived together before, at least with a tolerance allow this to happen? Was it a financial situation? Did the country not have money when it was going(still is going) through its political changes? Why would people buy into this nonsense? If they lived together as neighbors before with at least tolerance, why would all of these people fall into this trap?

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Clinton is stupid for getting into this war. We can't be the world's police department, especially when their is no gratitude by the people that we help. Let the Serbs and Albanians fight their own ignorant war. They deserve each other for their ignorance. Why can't they just live with each other and tolerate their differences? Seems pretty stupid to me.

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