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Archive through April 10, 1999

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Sue, it's not only the leaders. International community wanted Yugoslavia to break up. They didn't want the strong country in Balcan, especially in such important strategic position right next to the heart of Europe. I have proof USA was planing Slovenian idependance. I think the same goes for Croatia. And that started the fire. Cause the crisis in Croatia escalated the war in Bosnia.

Put it like this. In the 1918 the American president ( I think it was Wilson ) drawed the borders of Yugoslavia, there was no such country before. And in the end of 80's America planned the breaking up in Yugoslavia. You are playing with people bringing only misery.

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When George Bush was in office, he refused to get our troops involved in Yugoslavia. Any part of it.
Bill Clinton was told by Pentagon advisors not to get involved(Military planning people) but he disregarded the American war experts and did his own thing anyway. Clinton is also buddy buddy with Blair. My question to you is what does England have at stake in this? Just curious if they want something you have or some strategic thing.

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England has nothing at stake from what I see. There might be some small interests but certainly not worth fighting for. Blair is basically Clintons puppy. He followes Clinton in whatever he doesn't and makes England look idiotic, the laughing stock of Europe.
What I think could be the reason for all this is USA trying to destibilaze Europe in order to stay the superpower. Europe is getting closer to becoming United States of Europe ( that will prove to be tragic in 50 years to come ) and that represents a threat. Economicaly Europe will never be as good as America, cause of better social security and better working conditions. But Europe has much better strategic position ( trading ) and much better educated working force.
By destebilizing Balcan America is hurting Europe a great deal. Trying to include itself in everything European countries do tiding it to itself and preventing unity that was possible.
Not that I think EU or possible USE is a good idea. Just like Yugoslavia fell apart United States of Europe will aswell. And there will be blood.

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Was Milosovic participating in the EU deal? Or did he want no part of it and they want all of the former Yugoslavia to be a part of it? I don't really think the US has much interest there. As you said, it will never be as strong as the US is economically even with all the countries combined. I think Clinton is being pressured to take this initiative. He has even gone against his own advisors. With that man black-mail is a great possibility knowing all his little jaunts and whatever else he has done that could come to light. He also wants to go down in history as one of the greatest leaders of the United States (HA!)
It could be just his ego, or he could be using this as an excuse to get the heat off of him for the China incidents. He doesn't want the American press running with how he sold us out for campaign money. There could be many reasons he's involved there and I know it has nothing to do with those poor Albanian people. That's just what plays on the publics emotions. Let's face it, this nonsense has been going on for almost 10 years now in Yugoslavia. If everyone was so concerned they should have stopped it 10 years ago.

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Maja I knew you were atheist!
Nobody that fears God would support Serb action.

If, as you say, countries must be measured by the people living in it, and if you are representative for the people of Slovenia, then ........

But I believe Georg. You are SERB, not Slovenian.
If Jozef Broz could see you now!

How about the 19 American bodies? Any news? Two days ago you Nick and Sergey were so happy about the news. Was it just wishfull thinking on your part? How come you believed freak news from obscure sources, but you can not bring yourself to believing the INTERNATIONAL FREE PRESS ?

Paranoia is not good.

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I don't know what the Greeks are smoking but now they are seeing German bodies.
What next, pink elephants or little green men?

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Stupid, it is very obvious you were taught to hate those who don't think as you do. Atheists are bad people? Really? Almost all the wars in this world are fought in the name of the God, something I want no part in. I believe in the goodness of the heart. About my nationality. Sure belive Georg, the guy who doesn't even know me must know better than I do.

Dan, I don't think joking about people that have died is apropriate.

Sue, no Milosevic never wanted to be a part of any unions, European or others. He only wanted his country to be left alone. Never went sucking up to Clinton like Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland and other countries are doing. And never gave in to Clinton as those countries did. For example:
we had a very strong policy on the use of nucelear weapons. In five minutes our foreign minister spent with Albright it changed 100%. The public was told he was convinced that was the best. Please! Hundreds were working on that policy for a year or more and then in five mintues Albright presented such good arguments he changed his mind.
He caved in. He begged for forgiveness for being wrong. That's what they are doing. Milosevic doesn't and that's why his people are being punished. America think everybody should listen to them.

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Previously you had stated the US had done nothing for your country. Well, what about the foreign aid Tito took from the US? Tito was also backed by the USSR and England in 1943. But as past leaders have done (execute your adversary) Mikhailovich.
Tito not only accepted money from the US, England and France: he also accepted military equipment from the US. So much for the theory of we never had anything to do with the US.
In 1972 it seems there was a little unrest with the Croatians and they were quickly squelched. After researching myself, I see there is a long history of killing anyone that doesn't agree with whatever the political line is at the time. No wonder there is a nation of people that think nothing of killing. It has been a way of life for so long. Now I am beginning to understand how people can sit by idle when others are being killed. It's either accepatable or one is too scared to stand up for what is right. As a country you were taught only to agree and to disagree could cost you your life. You keep talking about others being brain-washed but from what I can see there are countries of people who were brain-washed. A country that doesn't allow you to think for yourself or allow you to disagree is brainwashing. A country that allows you only 1 source of news is brainwashing. At least in the US one can choose from many different news sources and form an opinion.
I also know now that Serbs are the majority of the former Yugoslavia, I also know Yugoslavia belonged to Turkey at one time. Maybe if Turkey wanted its land back the nations would sit by and allow a takeover to occur. Then you would be crying for our help.
You say we do nothing, but if you live in Slovenia then you know you are getting money from the US. I find it amusing that you so willingly take money from the US and then complain how awful America is. "Leave us alone, we don't want anything from you." If that is the case maybe you should tell your officials to stop taking money from the US. Everyone knows there is nothing for free in this world. There is always a price to pay.

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America didn't give money to Tito. America doesn't give it loans. Sometimes the price is money, sometimes it wants something else. If any money was given it was probably ( as it should be) war damage paid since America ( by accident, so they say ) bombed Belgrade 6 times in the year of 1944.
By mistake cause Yugoslavia and America were alleys. But mistake don't happen 6 times, do they?
Maybe Slovenians should demand some more money from America cause you gave a great part of our land to Italians. What you are doing now is forcing us to buy your arms and if we don't and buy it from Israel here goes the punishment. Our goverment is stupid, but people are not. Election is soon and no more of caving in and sucking up.

My dear, you are very ill informed. Slovenia was never under Turkey. Under Austria perhaps.

Free press or no free press. That doesn't matter cause you are all sentenced to stupidity by a school system that is planned to make you stupid and not being able to understand what's going on around the world and in your country inparticular. You are taught only to be able to do your professions, aside that nothing. Real educations is only for priviliged. Most of you can be fed any lie and you will take it as the truth. You have so many problems in your country. Nobody takes a minute to think about that. Really think. if you want this world to be any better start at home.

And one more thing. If you hate killings of innocent civilians maybe you should start by punishing the pilot that joyrided in Italian alps killing 20 innocent people who came on vacation to have some good time and ended up dead. Why didn't CNN play the video of their relatives craying Where is my daddy? Where is my daughter?

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Were you there? Do you know he was joy riding? I don't think so..... His maps were incorrect and maybe the person responsible for those maps should be the one on trial.
We are not taught only to do our professions. American's get to Choose what we want to do and at anytime can change that decision and try something else. America is a land of oppurtunity for all. Each individual decides how far they will go.
And believe you me I do agree about the school system. We used to have one of the best in the world and now IT IS garbage. But as a parent AGAIN you can choose to give your children a better education as I do.
And I think you should learn a little more about Tito's foreign policy and accept the fact he took money and weapons from the US. He also accepted aid from England and France. The man was obviously a genious to have such good relations with democratic and communist countries at the same time.
The other problem I have is your defense is always everyone is STUPID. Not only is it rude but also shows your lack of argument to others, no one respects or listens to a name caller. You have good enough arguments without resorting to that!

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Luckily I was not there. There were witnesses, a lot of them. They said he was flying like crazy, very low and with a great speed.

Yugoslavian weapons were almost all Russian made, as you can see now. Plus America doesn't just give away weapons it sells them or give them in order to get something in return.
As many as America has given it can never repay the land it took from us.
And yes, Tito was a genious.

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What land did we take? What are you talking about now? The only person who would say we took the land is Serbian. Bosnians wanted independence, Slovenia wanted independence....ect. You've just showed your true identity with a slip of the key.
So, the point is you feel because America has helped others obtain independence that we've taken your land? The only people who have taken land are the people who live already on it. Why is land so important anyway? Especially if you don't even like the people who are there. Is the object to get what is so rightfully yours and eliminate everyone else?
You know, I am glad I came to this site and I am very glad I"ve gotten to speak to you. I have learned much about your history and your attitude. Prior to this I did not know where I stood on UN intervention. Now, I fully support it b/c anyone who is different it seems does not stand a chance in that area. At least someone will stand up for their rights.
Thank-you for letting me see things more clearly.

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Read the report from the Human Rights Watch, I've read it all. There are many pages, scroll down for the start of the report then just go to the top or botton and click on the arrow.

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I couldn't read all of it but I've read enough...............

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Sue, you have to our land and gave it to Italia as I have previously written. As you know ( sorry you can't you are an American ) Serbia is not near Italy. You gave Trieste, Gorizia and other towns to Italian cause you have made a deal with them in the 1943 when they capitulated. It was Slovenian land always. There were only Slovenian speaking people there and our army liberated it and was there till they were given away. Slovenians were eliminated. They were not given the rights that were promised to them when the land was stolen.
You think you are so smart and I don't know what I am talking about. But baby, you are very wrong. You are far from knowing enough about these parts to outsmarten me.
About human rights. There is more complaing about America in the Amnesty International reports than my country. Democracy my ass.

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