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Archive through April 11, 1999

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Mostly cause America is doing everything to humiliate Russia. They call them beggers. They use every opportunity to pick on them. One example; Yugoslavian princess asked who is gonna repair all the damage NATO will do. An American senator said Russians sure won't. Just one example. That was said on Larry King.
Russia also knows that what is happening to Yugoslavia can happen to her one day.

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Because its illegal by the international law, which americans using to starve people of Iraq to death.
Well I guess after this war russia can finally sell its weapons to everyone it wants without CHECKING WITH u.n.
Also Maja!
This kid on the Larry King was some former pentagon idiot and i don't think anybody really listen to him.

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Vlad, USA doesn't care about laws. They interpret them as they want to. They don't give a •••• about UN. They are not paying it's debt to them and are only abusing them. They have used UNSCOM to gain information for CIA who later picked the targets for Desert fox. Desert fox started cause Iraq didn't want American spies on their teritory.

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This brings up a good question, WHO IS GOING TO DO ALL THE CLEAN UP ONCE THIS CONFLICT IS ALL OVER?' It's for sure that the Albanians will not go back to their homes only to end up getting murdered! Who's going to mind the store? Is the USA going to have to throw money into rebuilding the country like we did after WWII. I don't think the people of the United States will stand for that again. Everyone has money problems, so who is going to do the clean up? Who's going to police the area? NATO, I doubt it. It seems to me, this is a no win situation. We can't stand to see Genicide being done, but what is the answer? I wouldn't go back and try again in a country that's so unstable with war constantly at your front door. Who out there has the answer?

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contradictio in terminis

The Russians have no idea what is going on. Hell, they don't even have international television or any kind of free press. Those that do - the minority - are pro-West. Most can't even read roman letters.

Either that or they want a return of the GULAGs. These people do not have a long record as defenders of human rights and now they romantisize war. Go fight the Mujahedin or something.

At times I wish the Soviet leaders were still there. Under the Soviets the Russians weren't even allowed to have an opinion, let alone express it. Now we throw them a bone, they want to eat the whole cow. I hope we just keep pouring food in their mouth so they don't talk too much.

Their ships may not even be able to locate Italy, let alone find their way to Split to use their Tsarist binoculars to spy on NATO. They will likely rust and fall apart somewhere between Turkey and Greece. I can see it happen, Russian sailors stow-away with refugees - they are better fed in these lines than in the Navy.

I respected Russia once. But they always take the wrong side : first they support Iraq, now they support the Serbs. First they put up an iron-curtain and then they went to live on the wrong side.

Russians are mad, yes. But if you are not a player you will not be invited to the table.

It HURTS to be left out, but who really cares?
Go cry in your Lada.

If the Russians really make noise we will instruct Senegal or Luxemburg to neutralize them in about 43 hours.

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Who is gonna pay for the rebuilding Kosovo? America will. That's what your president said.
And you are also gonna pay for rebuilding Belgrade, Novi Sad and others. War damage.

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Sometimes it starts to look really funny. Mr."Jack London", as he calls himself, must be thinking he's extremely smart. Unlike the great American writer this guy doesn't seem to give any reasonable ideas.
Maybe I'm not right, but what I think, is that the US is having problems with its self-esteem. Why the hell do they think they're the rulers of the world? Well, Mr."London", I guess, your attempt to humiliate Russia is possibly the result of your ignorance. What do Americans know about this country? Mostly general things: Siberia, GULAG,vodka and that's all. Then you mentioned that most people can't read roman letters. That's b******t. It's the Americans who aren't capable of learning foreign languages. If you were able to visit Russia at least once you would be shocked by the amount of people (especially young) who know English. So I don't think much of the average American IQ.
The words concerning orders to Senegal or Luxemburg to neutralize Russsia in...(how many hours?)is nothing but a helpless attempt to stab in the back, because the US will never have courage to face an equal country one on one. Unfortunately, nothing can help...

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Jackie London, why, old boy!!!!! So happy to hear from you!!!!!! I've read all your stories. Especially the ones about Alaska, you know. You are my favourite writer. Could you sign your books for me? I only didn't know you live so long, how does the Alzheimer's disease feel? Brain dripping from your ears yet?
I also didn't know you've become a humourist. Your last story about Russia is so funny. Do you also plan to write fairy tales?
Dying for continuation.
Your secret admirer.

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You talk about the US not paying its dues to the UN, give me a break!!!
Who's weapons? Who's planes? Who's blood is always being shed for some UN conflict?
Whenever the UN needs some kind of help to resolve a conflict it's always the American military they want. How much do you think that costs anyway? Do you think it's free?
All of your countries are always in the Americans pockets digging for money. I wish for once the US would say NO MORE MONEY! We have problems here that the money could be spent on. America will never do that now because somewhere along the way certain leaders came to believe that as a super power we need to be the worlds policeman. I'm tired of sending our GI's. I'm tired of always having to give money to other countries.
Oh yeah, we know nothing about Russia. A lot of us have Russian in our blood, as well as every other nationality. We've learned to accept and respect other traditions. America is made up of European traditions, just not one group in particular but a whole bunch of groups. If you don't like America so much then tell your leaders to stop taking our money then. I'm sick of Americans always getting the bad rap. We're animals, we kill everyone.......well guess what, you're talking about yourselves because America is made up of every single one of you!

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It is so nice to see such "fine examples" of American tolerance and understanding here. The way we attack the issues instead of lowering ourselves to crude attacks on people's nationalities. Vlad, Maja, and Alexei will certainly get a great view of American intelligence, democracy and political discussion from reading the posts in this forum! (Ceejay says with sarcasm dripping from every word 😛 )
Sue, I'm tired of sending our troops to involve ourselves in the domestic affairs of other nations too. Have you written to your representative and senators to tell them to stop the bombing? Actually our military action in the FRY has little to do with human rights. It has a lot more to do with US political and economic power in Europe.

"Be noble! and the nobleness that lies
In other men, sleeping but never dead,
Will rise in majesty to meet thine own."
Sonnet iv. James Russell Lowell

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I've written and I hate their little form letters they send you back. At least if they took a position you could respect them. That's what gets me going. They give you the wish-wash and never take a stand, so you don't know where they really stand until after they vote on an issue. But yes, I do write to them. I refuse to give up hope. I feel soon we will have a strong leader, one I may not agree with but one that I have respect for and who takes a stand on the tough issues!
I still believe in the American dream!!!!

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My other side. The only reason America gets involved in anything is if it has something to do with "our" interests. I am not that much of an idealist to believe that our only reason for being there is to help those poor people. But it does look good for the leaders, now doesn't it? Gives a better excuse than reality....

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Alexei : these ships will not sail any better than the VARIAG.

Dickens : you may be as friendly as you wish, but a secret admirer called "Charles" thats too much for me.

Ceejay : so it has to do with political power. Somebody has to have it. Would you rather leave it to Moscow or Belgrade ?



Sue : They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Throw them a bone and they bite off your hand. These Eastern Europeans and their sympatizers are the reason why Genocide is a word WE know from a DISTANCE.

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Jack London,
No doubt NATO is not finished. The war is possibly over (at least soon will be). But neither Serbs lost nor NATO won the war. Who's going to take responsibility for the killed? I appreciate your knowledge of Russian history and the VARIAG battleship particularly. Your problem is that you don't understand: having advanced technologies is not enough to be a real soldier, a fighter. I suggest that you read a bit more about...VARIAG for example. Maybe you'll get the idea. An army (like american) which hasn't won a single considerable war (please, don't tell me about WWII) is doomed to exercize on smaller countries. Why, that's rather wise. Safe enough too...Hungry to become heroes, huh?

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I too, still believe in the American dream. I base my faith in the power of truth and the American people to overcome our corrupt and inept current government. I'm sick of the little form letters too! A little campaign finance reform might get some leaders in there who truly reflect the interests of the people instead of big business and the miltary industrial complex? Of course Congress would have to find time between investigations and waging war on Serbia and Iraq to consider passing some legislation.

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