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Archive through April 11, 1999

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I think they do start out with good intentions but like I said before nothing is for free. They get financial backers and then sell their souls. It's too bad. Greed is the downfall of us all.
My best idea would be to get rid of the lobbyist and PACS, not necessarily those groups themselves but the trips, money, ect. Campaign finance reform would also be a good initiative. Some brave new hero will come forward with the ideas and try to apply them. You know they're giving themselves a raise again, ONLY A WHISPER FROM THE PRESS!!
Shoot, a war does so much for the ratings and takes peoples minds off all the criminal activities going on. You know. selling out your own country for a few bucks is not only pathetic but treason..... now treason does some serious time.

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Sue, USA is not paying it's debt to UN. And that debt is very high. And no, it is not giving anything to UN, it is abusing it big time. Like UNSCOM. Second man in UNSCOM, Ritter admitted on BBC UNSCOM was spying for America. Sending half ( the legal half ) of information to UN and the other ( illegal half ) to CIA. With that information CIA prepared targets for Desert fox. You used UN to get your spies in Iraq. When they didn't want them there saying they were spies you said they were lying and bombed them. Blood for oil. BBC ( English television, not Serb or Iraq propaganda ) was running the documentary with Ritters admition many times. I guess it didn't reach American free press.
UN is not only about wars and weapons but humanitarian organisations also. Like UNICEF. How many children would not be starving if you payed your debt. How many Iraqi children would still be alive if you didn't want cheap oil and put sanctions on Iraq? Your perverted mind thinks the only way you can help people is with arms.

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How much does Slovenia contribute to the UN? How about UNICEF ?

How much does Slovenia GET from UNICEF ?

How much does Slovenia GET from the United Nations ? You claim to know international law, you can't really mean to say that the UN is also a Western Capitalist ploy to take over insignificant poor countries in Eastern Europe.

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Alexei, one can understand
the Russian predicament.

Once such a military might
Just like its patsy North Korea
But after the May Day Parade is over
The soldiers went home hungry
Because communism is a nice concept
Just not realistic.

The charade of a mighty military is gone
The people woke up to find themselves
way behind the evolved West.
Of course they feel left behind
Of course they feel somewhat violated.
Now they crave for respect.

Sure, we'll treat you nice
We'll give you respect
But you have to respect yourself first.
Siding with Iraq earns you NO RESPECT.
Siding with Milosovic even less.

Get your act together.
Join the real world.
Leave ideologies for the classroom.
Above all CONDEMN GENOCIDE don't argue in its favor

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To Jack London (though more like Barbara Cartland)

You wanted a real RUSSIAN response? Here it is.
Having read your miserable bla-blaing about Russia and its people I realize now as Miss Doolitle (you are evidently well acquainted with the honorable man of letters who created her) would put it "You don't know nothing about it". If you did, you'd probably expect me to find you at any cost and hit you in "your insolent red face". Actually I have no idea if you are red, this is just a famous Russian saying. But I shan't. Taken aback? Easy, old chap. You're real lucky to have such an excuse as being sort of apprentice at my lesson of truth.
If you had ever been to Russia you'd probably have noticed a stern look of its people. But you definitely wouldn't have guessed the reasons. It is the genes that are responsible. And the history. I don't think I'll ever be able to explain the latter to you, for you've got none and every Iraqui and Serb knows it. Mr. Freud would have diagnosed a severe accentuation on lack of national experience in your case.
Does siding with the Jews earn YOU much respect? Praps British respect. Do not flatter yourself with it for it's a respect of a whore who is after your wallet. "Britain is doomed and is following its rock" (Napoleon). London has already been sold out to the Japanese. That's why the English are enviously peeping in your direction. Yes, alone they are no rival even to Serbia, let alone Russia. But you are.
You can't say I underestimate the States, can you? Nor dare you hope I'm unable to reason objectively as far as GENOCIDE goes for the Russians are far more sophisticated in these issues.
You might as well say you're feeding us, huh? More than that, you HAVE said so. It only makes me more convinced you know absolutely NOTHING about Russia. Your money is stolen, mind that. Stolen by Russian politicians, that's right. In other words, by those who ask for it.
Have yourself learn. Mr.Lenin used to say it might turn out to be useful.

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Jack London,
I don't ask you for respect. I don't need your respect. Your respect isn't worth much.
A country without a nation, culture and a lot more is getting too talkative, as I can see.
Now I got what you meant:
Of course, when many attack one -that's "DEMOCRACY"(???)
When thousands of innocent are killed that's "FIGHTING AGAINST TYRANNY" and "PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS"
When someone doesn't side with you - he's on the wrong side (that's STALIN ¹2!)
I live in the real world and want no other.
Russia is far from being perfect (you aren't much closer)
We are no angels, yes. But look into the mirror first.
We take wrong sides because we hate to join the majority (what a shame-ha,ha,ha)
By the way, joining the majority is a purely communist type of behavior.
So how about unmasking,my mysterious stranger?

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I happen to agree with you. What it is all about always is greed and money.
With years of learning to hate each other, hate is to be expected. ALL POLITICIANS steal money.
Does one think for example, the average Chinese citizen cares that they have one of the most powerful militaries in the world? I seriously doubt it. Everyone I believe just wants to live in peace and enjoy life with their family and friends. The politicians live a life of greed and power.
I am sorry the money sent to Russia by the US is not getting to the people, and I hope things will improve for the people of Russia.
I think the world would be a much nicer place without the politicians. It is truly sad that people are taught to hate people they know nothing about. But of course, if you know nothing about a group of people it is much easier to hate.

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Russian President Boris Yeltsin said today that Russia is again aiming their nuclear missles at the United States which neans the US will aim at Russia again.

Many prophets predicted this and even the Bible said the world would be destroyed by fire.

Maybe Humans do not deserve to live on this earth and will be extinct like the dinosaurs after this.

Just because a crazy man wanted a Greater Serbia.

Is everybody ready to die?

If it be God's will I am ready.

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You all seem to be intelligent people. Please give me an answer to this question that I have posted several times with no reply forthcoming.

If there is no ethnic cleansing going on in Yugoslavia, what does the USA have to gain from bombing a third world country that has nothing the americans need or want? The USA is expending millions of dollars and risking their sons lives for what, if there is no genocide occuring?

I am sorry you are having hardships, but they are nothing in comparison to what the Kosovar refugees are reporting to the relief agencies that the Serbian military, police, and paramilitary units are perpetrating upon them.

Please answer me.

Thank you,

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Look at the map Guido. Countries there are already in NATO and have to endure American soldiers there. Add Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romunia, Albania and Macedonia who gladly except American soldiers. They already are present in Bosnia. Aside from Swiss and Sweden Yugoslavia is the only country America can not silently occupy. They can not attact Swiss and Sweden cause they would be demonized plus there is not worry those two countries will side with Russians. So there is only one more spot in Europe, and with a great strategic importance. Yugoslavia. Who would take Russians troops and help Russia if the war occured. That's the plan that's the real issue. Look at the maps. Do you see the pattern?

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To Maja and others
I guess everyone is well aware of the fact that if a World War is to occur the question of allies will be of little importance. Russia is used to winning wars alone, but today it's different for I don't think there is going to be a winner at all. I appealed to the people on the board earlier regardless of their nationality to try and be more responsible for what they are writing. All response I got was mocking and humiliating, shutting me up and bidding to forget the probability of a global war. I wish I had a chance of addressing directly Mr. Clark for instance. He seemed to be quite astonished at a press-conference yesterday when commenting Russia's decision to re-aim missiles. What else could he have expected? As for Billy he's proved his reasoning failure ever since "I'm sorry I lied. I deeply regret what I've done". I'm a nationalist of no kind, respect the international law and the world order that has proved to work. I even have nothing against Jack London or whoever may be hiding behind it as a person. In his civilized world he's as stricken by propaganda as myself. The internal crisis Yugoslavia is experiencing now is of the same national (or religious) essence as in India (Pendzhab -sp?), China (Tibet), Russia (Chechnya), Great Britain (Olster) and many other countries. I don't suggest that NATO bomb London for I take pity on those walking along shady lanes in St.James' and Kensington Gardens. And I totally agree with Sue who believes all they, as well as others, want is to live happily with their families and friends. I quite forgot to tell you yesterday, Jacky, that if you ever happen to visit me in Russia my hospitality, according to another Russian tradition, should have no borders and you'll find out that none is hungry here. Neither will you be. Now I'm offering myself as a target of your criticism. With God's help I hope to get over it and be purified. I beg all of you on the board to remember well what B.Shaw once put via his Julius Ceasar: "Murder will bring only murder". It is applicable to both the Serbs and NATO. I believe firmly that no missiles are accurate enough as to solve human problems. So, D-S, as R.Frost writes "Some think the world will end in fire
Some say in ice"
Which do you choose? I want everyone to know that I choose neither.

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I agree with one true thing i think you want to point out in your message about people who are not so lucky.



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To anyone whith a critical mind,

Stop abusing history for political power games (adressed to any power in the world).What happend sixhunderd years ago is not relevant for today's politics. You cannot claim pieces of earth in the name of history, that is what we call "Blut und Boden", and has destroyed millions of people and generations.Try to remember the mutual heritage instead of only the history of 'your own people', whatever that means.
History and culture may never be used in the name of politics, powerstructures. Injustice is injustice, whoever afflicts it. So stop the bombing and the raping, and murdering, and marauding, and ethnic cleansings and oppressing people and writers and teachers, journalists etc.etc.

Greetings from Amsterdam,

Iris and Sasja

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Nato and USA says that they will continue with their agression on Yugoslavia as long as it is necessary, do they mean until they have kill every single serb in yugoslavia, i mention to save
after all, albanian people do have a country of their own - Albania, why can they not live in their own country in peace, instead of starting world war III ?
I do not want american people to die for kosovo,
let them take care of them self, as I see it nobody wants them anyway.
Help albaians to live in Albania!
Melissa York

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Read this piece which follows, published in the UK today in the Guardian newspaper?

It is is thought provoking at least, but sadlty still does not tell us how we can end the conflict

To see this story with its related links on the News Unlimited site, go to

A war of words
By Julie Burchill
Friday April 09 1999
The Guardian

The age of reason

A war of words
By Julie Burchill
Friday April 9, 1999
The Guardian

Forty reasons why the Serbs are not the new Nazis and the Kosovars are not the new Jews:

1) Because the Nazis did not put Jews on the train to Israel, as the Serbs are now putting ethnic Albanian Kosovars on the train to Albania.
2) Because we're the ones fighting alongside the Luftwaffe and the Serbs are the ones whom the Luftwaffe is bombing.
3) Because the Serbs tend to be really good- looking, especially the women.
4) Because pop stars don't, and never will, dress up as Serbs.
5) Because Serbs don't feature in pornography.

6) Because Dirk Bogarde never played a Serb.
7) Because my father taught me never to kiss a Nazi, whereas I've certainly snogged a few Serbs in my time.
8) Because Robin Cook says they are.
9) Because Clinton is a liar.
10) Because Milosevic doesn't have a moustache.

11) Because the Kosovan Liberation Army is a terrorist organisation that has been killing innocent Serbs for years, whereas the Jews were model citizens.
12) Because, if the Serbs were really Nazis, the Times, Daily Mail and their like would be right behind them, judging from their track record during the Thirties.
13) Because it wasn't the Serbs who fought with the Nazis in Yugoslavia during the second world war - it was the Croats and the Muslims. (Nazi Muslims! What an absolutely mind- blowingly terrifying concept!)
14) Because, if they were Nazis, the US wouldn't be fighting them but funding them, like all those old pigs it props up in Latin America.
15) Tony Benn doesn't back no Nazis! Come outside and say that!

16) Because anyone who knows anything about European history before 1945 backs the Serbs.
17) Because Volkswagen recently broadcast a commercial on German television that compared the thrill of driving its latest model to being a Nazi invading Czechoslovakia. Serbia has never, does not and never will make car commercials about the thrill of going into Kosovo. (Just a guess!)
18) Because, if you make a film saying that it was a real hoot being in a Nazi concentration camp, you get lots of Oscars, whereas if you decided to make a film saying that it was a real hoot being in an Albanian refugee camp, Tony Blair would have you shot under some arcane wartime law which Cherie has just discovered on the statute books.
19) Because those ultra-Lefties who want the Serbs bombed are always the ones who are on the side that's against the Jews.
20) Because the Serbs have a bittersweet sense of humour, whereas the Nazis, being Germans, were utterly humourless. After all, can you really imagine the Krauts during the time of the Allied bombardment going around with a bullseye and the word "TARGET" painted on their faces?

21) "I had an uncle who played/For Red Star Belgrade" Billy Bragg. Billy Bragg would never have boasted about having a footballing Nazi for an uncle! Come outside and say that! (Again!)
22) Because Tariq Ali, Louis de Bernières, Alan Clark and I haven't been interned yet. (Give it time, though.)
23) Because the Serbs were the only people in Yugoslavia who never persecuted the Jews.
24) "Bill and Tony sitting up a tree/K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" Because Blair can't be trusted when he gazes into Billy Bob's big blue eyes and the hormones kick in.
25) Because, if Milosevic was a Nazi, Baroness Thatcher would be having tea with him in Surrey.

26) Because no one ever went on holiday to Nazi Germany (except for Unity Mitford.)
27) Because the IRA won't send an honour guard to Milosevic's funeral.
28) Because the Jews didn't indulge in personal vendettas as they went into the countries that welcomed them as refugees, let alone get to the point of shooting each other at point blank range, as two Kosovar men did in Calais last week while they were waiting to be put on the boat to Britain.
29) Because the Jews didn't growl at women on the streets of their host countries, as Albanian men seem wont to.
30) Because the Serbs have a really cool salute and the Nazis had a silly one.

31) Because, unlike Nazis - "And Goebbels has no balls at all" -'Milosevic" does not rhyme with anything rude.
32) Because the British tabloids are the first people since the Nazis to use the word "Slav" as a term of abuse.
33) Because the KLA is funded by drug-trafficking, while the nearest the German Jews ever got to drugs was chicken soup.
34) Because the German Jews didn't want to annex part of Germany and call it Israel-On- The-Rhine.
35) Because last year the British Immigration Office decreed that the Kosovars were not a distinct racial group. (And it's been a damned long time since anyone said that about the Jews.)

36) Because clean-limbed, dirty-minded little WASP girls don't grow up dreaming of marrying a big, handsome, sexy, intellectual Kosovar.
37) Because Germany has agreed to take 40,000 Kosovar Albanian refugees - that's "take", not "kill".
38) Because the Greeks sympathise with the Serbs - and the Greeks always back the right side.
39) Because Israel sympathises with the Kosovars, and Israel always backs the wrong side. (Lovely shot of that Israeli jet flying cheek-to-cheek with the Luftwaffe, lads!)
40) Because Nazis don't win wars - and Serbs don't lose them.

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