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Archive through April 11, 1999

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To Nick,

It is hard these days to be in any kind of "administration" if you are not American or US leaning. Be it humanitarian, UN or any other administration.

US leaning people from other countries are particularly popular. I will give you only a few examples -
Sagato Ogata
Chris Janowski
Kofi Annan

Your Brian Attwood is only one of ten thousand. He has to make an outrageous statement just to be noticed.


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Your tenacity in holding to your "geopolitical" reasoning shows your age. Jack is quite correct. US global strategy is based on *mobility* not static ground position. That is the war of the past. Ground markers make no difference until the troops hit the ground, and by the time that happens believe me when the US is serious there is no opposition on the ground: remember Iraq. The US can project its power to any point on the globe, a US Carrier battle group is the most destructive conventional weapon ever devised. With cruise missiles we can "soften" a target nearly 200 miles away. With B2 bombers we can hit any point in Europe or the Pacific Rim from US air bases. The US marines can be anywhere in the world in a matter of days, with hardware brought up in a matter of weeks. Your Yugoslavia is of no strategic importance, especially considering that minus Pro-western Montinegro, it is *land-locked.* So how it is of use even to Russia, I do not know, as it certainly doesnt serve the interest of the age old desire of Russia for a Mediteranean sphere of influence and a warm sea port (perhaps you should analyze Russia's reasoning in this crisis a bit more carefully as well, they are not defending Milo for purely loyalist reasons). The age of napoleanic warfare is past, Maja. Today is the age of proxy war.

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Kolina, I do not enjoy war, believe me. If you knew how stressed I am about this you would not say such a thing. I have a family that moved to Serbia cause of work many years ago. And as you might imagine we all are worried about this very much. Plus, this doesn't do anything for me but, the war is putting great damage to my countries economy. Tourism is in dumps, Adria Airways has great loses, all the companies that were trading with those province lost bussines...
I am not abusing hearsay. NATo propaganda is using information they get from some sources from soe country that have no proof they are true but that doesn't stop them from repeating them over and over.

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If you don't enjoy war please don't say things that make it look like you do.
Yes i can imagine you are worried about family in Serbia. But let me tell you something.I had distant family in Prestina.They are no longer there even worse noone could inform me cause i was sent to India to work (im a psychiatrist a.o.)
When i came back its the fist news in januari i heard and when i put the TV on hoping for something entertaining i saw there dead bodies as it was just on the news.

I don't even want to quess what happened although the news item and the person who phoned me told me.

In my opiniun its very easy to blame eachother even blame TV.
Yes i was sad even furious, but it did not shut my lines of communication down.
Here where i live now i atleast feel lucky enough that i have friends from all over (ex yugoslavia)
Of course we have discussusion here and there but we keep on talking.

Maybe thats for me the reason i still didn't give up live as it is.

About CNN i ment that i thought it was strange to hear a quote out of your mouth.
I rather stick to the most independant sources i can find.That also includes what people close to me have wittnessed or gone through themselfs. At least that i can trust.

And maybe Sue and Jack are right your very intelligent, but also still very young and maybe in the future your ideas who are still black or white get more collourfull.

I hope for you what i would hope for myself .That your family stays allright.


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The B-2 bombers
that bomb Beograd
with impunity
fly there from
bases in Missouri, U.S.A.

Maja, if you know your geography
this means they fly from
the center of the North American continent
cross the Atlantic Ocean,
fly over Western Europe,
bomb your buildings, bridges and antenas,
then return home in time
to grab a burger and a Busch
and watch the results on CNN.

B2 bombers can hit ANY PART of the world,
while stationed in the US
Your fellow Serbs know this
from recent experience.

There is no need for a base in Kosovo.
Your country has ....
.... No strategic importance.
.... No economic importance.
.... No importance whatsoever.


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After your exchange with Maja above,
I went back to read some of your older messages
and I truly feel for what happened to you.
I wish you the best, under the circumstances.
Je zit zeker in Nederland - het gaat je goed.
Remeber always : the trees that bend during the storm
will remain standing after the winds pass.

Suddenly I feel for what you are going through.
But unlike Kolina you are relentless
you wish to fight,
because you have not fought before.
Remember always that the trees that bend during the storm will
stand again after the winds pass.
Trees that don't bend, WILL break.
This is a law of nature.
There is no pride in being a broken tree.

Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'entendard sanglant est leve
Marchons ! Marchons !
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons !


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Posts: 266

After reading your exchange with Maja
I went back to read your older messages.
Your experiences are exactly the reason
why I believe that free men around the world
should take a stand in this matter.
I wish you the best - under the circumstances.
Jij zit zeker in Nederland, het gaat je goed.
Remember always : the trees that bend in the storm
will stand again after the winds stop.

I also feel for you and what you are going through
Yet, unlike Kolina you want to fight, not reason,
.... because you have not fought before.
Remember always : the trees that bend in the storm
will stand again after the winds stop.
The trees that are relentless WILL break.
This is a law of nature.

Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'entendard sanglant est leve
Marchons !
Qu'un sang impur
abreuve nos sillons!


Eminent Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 36


Thanks for the message it came at a good time.
Ja ik zit nu in nederland, Funny you know that 🙂
Are you Dutch or do you live somewhere in Holland.

Thanks again


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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 182

Those of you who read my post earlier on today on "how NATO bribe executive officers of humanitarian /charity organisations may have seen on the news a few hours ago that Mr Steve PRATT, Australian citizen, who worked for CARE Australia, an Australian aid agency, was arrested by Serb Authorities for charges of spying against their Government.

Steve PRATT and another individual Peter WALLACE went missing on March 31st 1999 on their way out to Serbia. Mr PRATT when interviewed calmly and clearly said: "I was performing some intelligence tasks using the cover of CARE Australia". (Source: CNN, 11th April 1999).

Who can you trust ?

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