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Archive through April 12, 1999

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Jack London,
I do not agree that the "crisis" will be over by the end of the month, and that everybody will shake hands like good little children. People cannot forgive and forget like that. It is not children disagreeing over a toy. Lives have been lost, people have been forced to flee from their homes, they may never see them again. You say that we can do nothing, you tell Maja that she is young , and that is the reason that she hates. Don't be so bloody patronising. She has every good reason to hate, and God help a world where people don't hate, because only the people who hate shout. They have the passion in them, maybe they with their anger can inform other people. I too hate, i am disgusted by the Nato. If I had Clinton if front of me, I would gladly butcher him. I would become a murderer. Given the opportunity, I would also murder Blair, Albright, the whole bloody lot of them. I am a christian, but I would sin to voice my opinions and feelings. I don't want to sit back and say there is nothing that I can do, by doing that I am a worse criminal than they are.

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Hoi Jack.
Ja gelukkig gaat het best ok en mijn zus en ik mogen blijven .WE hebben al een nederlands paspoort.Als je wil kun je me ook persoonlijk mailen ga even naar de volgende site stuur vandaar een bericht en dan stuur ik een bericht terug.Leuk om met iemand te praten die een beetje dezelfde ideen heeft.
I would like to talk some more.

Groetjes Kolina

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Where did you find those history books ?
But don't worry about your part in it.
It's the most shameful and cowardly one .

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Do i read it right about the massgrave should not be disturbed?
The people of Sarajevo barried their lost ones in the city stadium.That is NOT a massgrave Maja, but the only save place thay had>

My husband was found in A MASSGRAVE with several 100 other people later identified by the Fini sch infestigation commitee.They made it possible for me to identify my husband.Further i saw the list of the concentrationcamp where my children where put.With there names on.

So please give me a break and stop denying these facts.


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Hallo ik kom net binnen en mijn zus heeft het bericht wat je gestuurd hebt opgevangen.
Lekker gecodeerd 🙂

Thank you Nice to be in touch.


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The solution you wrote above is fine with me, but you know that realisticaly it won't happen.
You see, Russian government has nothing to loose and don't really matters about politics they would provide. Example: Russia support military help for Yugoslavia(60-70%) but Government doesn't do that. The problem to your solution are the persons as Blair, Coen, Clark, Clinton and Albright who don't really care about people in Serbia and Kosovo Albanians too. Those persons would never give up killing and bombing just for the political reason in their countries.
But it would work perfect the way you wrote.

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or whatever your name or gender or nationality is,
whoever was following posts under your name must have noticed "some" contradictions in your statements , or should I just say : lies .
Majas' observations and knowledge are far too good
so you have to look for some dirty tricks.
Shame on you !!!

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If Serbia is not doing a darn thing wrong and has nothing to hide then why the heck won't they allow jouranlists, wven guided by the Serbian people, into Kosovo?
Someone please explain this.
Then everyone can quit being so darn defensive saying they haven't done anything wrong.

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Before you start acusing me of dirty trick.Do you mind explaining what they are.???????????

Yes Kolina Dukic is my real name im born in Saravo 23 of April 1965.So then you know my nationality too!!!
And also my history.
I live in Holland now no wonder i speak dutch .Don't you think i just quess your referring to that


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Why was Slavko Curuvija Killed?
He was shot in the back then in the head as he lay on the ground according to his wife.

What happened to B-92 radio?

What is the Serb Government hiding fron the people?
If they are so pure, why won't they allow free press? Are they afraid of the truth?

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Kolina is Stephanie
or Stephanie is Kolina ?
Their english looks the same .
And the usual question she uses: "someone please explain this"!

Ah, TEX ,
you 'sweet flower', what a pleasure to read such an introduction - we "must" take your comments
seriously now ?!

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Daniela, my little sweetheart are you coming over to my bunker tonight? xoxoxoxo

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"Why was Slavko Curuvija Killed?
He was shot in the back then in the head as he lay on the ground according to his wife."

And I suppose you have proof that the Serbs killed him, or was that yet another Albanian-NATO-US source ?

"What happened to B-92 radio?"

You would not know, for the only thing you heard from you favourite NATO-run media is that Yugoslav Authorities probably shut them down, they are probably communist oppressors...
If you were willing to find out a few things about Yugoslavia you would eventually discover that this radio station was specialising in drama news (like CNN) and scaring the population by their exaggerations for no reason. Although this attack on a sovereign country is clearly an aggression, it is still far from the extent of the 1941 bombardment led by Hitler's Luftwaffe.

"What is the Serb Government hiding fron the people? "

The Serb Government does not need to hide things from their people, they have never been this united against an unjust and illegal attack based on the humanitarian excuse. There are 55 independent television channels in Yugoslavia and they are all REPORTING THE SAME ATROCITIES COMMITTED BY THE NATO COUNTRIES.

"If they are so pure, why won't they allow free press? Are they afraid of the truth? "

Nobody said they were pure, did you read that in Kellogg's cornflakes ? The free press is allowed in, it was definitely Brent Sadler from CNN and not his Serb twin brother who reported craters caused by cruise missiles in the center of Pristina.

As far as being afraid of the truth, they may be if the truth in all this mess is simply that the US will not stop until Yugoslavia is completely destroyed, or their people exterminated the way they have been throughout centuries. Instead of asking idiotic questions for people to laugh at, I suggest you do some research and perhaps you'll notice that 33% of Serbs died during World War II.

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WWI - When Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was visiting Sarajevo; he and his wife were killed by a Serbian Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip (the Serbian Nationalists were opposed to Austro-Hungarian rule). As a result, the Austro-Hungarian government gave an ultimatum in the form of a list of demands that Serbia had to concede to within two days. Serbia would not give in to the demands, and Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia as a result. Russia then began preparing for the defense of their Serbian brothers. Germany then demanded that Russia stop the mobilization of their forces in defense of Serbia. When Russia ignored Germany’s demand, Germany declared war on Russia.
The particular circumstances to the escalation of WWI are different than what is currently going on in the former Yugoslavia, but there are definitely some striking similarities. In particular, the division along ethnic lines (e.g. -the insistence of the Russian people to defend their Serbian brothers). The same ethnic ties that existed 85 yrs ago (& much further back than that) at the beginning of World War I is what is threatening to expand the conflict in former Yugoslavia today. This helps one understand why NATO would be concerned with keeping the current conflict contained. Whether NATO’s efforts are productive or actually contribute to an expanding war in Europe has yet to be seen. NATO probably thought that there would be a wider acceptance to their policy since the Serbs are carrying out ethnic cleansing. If NATO has acceptance from countries in the region, they then have the ability to stop the conflict before it spreads to neighboring countries with ethnic ties, in particular NATO members Turkey and Greece.
As far as the history of NATO is concerned, how many major wars in Europe have resulted in Europe since NATO has been on the scene?
I do not have any worries about my country’s participation in the current conflict. However, I do have major concerns about how the people of other countries perceive my country’s participation in the current situation. People of countries supporting the Serbs seem to be under the impression that America is "running the show." I’m sure America would rather Europe handle its own problems, but it is far more important for America to keep a high standing in NATO by acting in accordance with the wishes of its allies and prevent an expanding war in Europe. The human resources of NATO as a whole far exceeds that of America alone.
Since arguing is such fun, please state your argument the next time you reply. 🙂 After all, how can I defend my history books when I don’t know what basis they are being attacked on.

-order of fries & a hot apple pie 🙂

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