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Archive through April 12, 1999

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Don't bother to answer - Leave it as it is.
There are IDIOTS everywhere you go.

"Mexican soldiers"
Son unos hijos de puta coño de tu madre.
Of course, you don't understand any of it
Because you are not Mexican
and you are not soldiers.
Ni son HOMBRES ! - You are not even men.
Latinos will kick the •••• out of you Serbs.
Just wait.

If Kolina's story is just a story (as you would have it)
then your remarks are all fun and games.
But what if - JUST IF - it happens to be true ?
Do you think she deserves more of this ?
Read it again - and think about it.
Maybe you don't want to apologize,
just be more sensitive.

Thanx for your comments
I can understand your perspectives.
You present your positions well (you must be new here).
But I respectfully disagree.
I'll tell you why shortly
First some food.

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Posts: 36


I am not someone called stephany.And i dont use questions like that look up my earlyer postings please.
If that person you mean is using my name wrong I THINK SHE/HE IS A BIG COWARD GIVING ME A BAD NAME>SO WHO EVER YOU ARE USE YOUR OWN NAME IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!
Daniela my name is Kolina Dukic So its for you to decide what or who is real.Ask jack he knows im really Kolina cause we faxed?
Is that proof enough?

Kolina Dukic

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Posts: 5


Any country that would paint crosses on their tanks so they won't be bombed are idiots. We use sophisticated equiptment that won't see the cross, but will see the tank, so no need to worry about the lack of paint in yugo. They will get theirs in the end double for trying to use the red cross as a cover. Also, we do not target hospitals, but if you want to believe your serbian state run garbage, go ahead.

jack london-
viva mexico!

Eminent Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 36


If you read my earlyer postings you can read and probably enjoy what all happened to me in Sarajevo.No was not killed pure luck, but yes i was tortured and raped.For more detail you know where to go.
Do you kick on this?

Kolina Dukic

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