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Archive through April 14, 1999

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To Guido, or whoever is impersonating him:

The US are there to land troops in Kosovo, for starters. Don't be so naive in thinking your government is the partner of the Red Cross.

Your draft dodging President is the first in history to have been caught red-handed lying to his country and yet allowed to continue as President. He will do ANYTHING to divide Europe, a major economical threat to the US for several years now.

As far as caring for US lives, you must be joking. Where is Capt Ken Dwelle ? Give him my regards, as well as all the other poor sods who foolishly voluntereed for this suicide mission in Kosovo.

As far as what you called genocide, read this if you dare:

"But where was the outrage when more than 300,000 Serbs were evicted by
the Croatian government from the Krajina, a Croatian land inhabited by
Serbs for centuries? Although a few news clips were shown on TV, they
soon disappeared from the screens. There were hardly any statements
denouncing Croatian actions. Yet the circumstances were similar to
today's expulsions, except that some NATO powers quietly encouraged
them because they weakened the Serb position in Bosnia. The
deportations were as brutal as the ones we are now witnessing. Serbs
had to leave instantaneously; houses were burned, and many Serbs were

The Yugoslav government, burdened by U.N. sanctions, absorbed these
refugees into Serbia. There were no relief flights from NATO countries
and hardly any help from U.N. or other nongovernmental relief

The horrific scenes now being seen hourly on television would not have
occurred had NATO not initiated bombing. NATO, of course, denies this.
U.S., British and NATO officials, however, have not been consistent in
their denial. At first they said ethnic cleansing of Kosovars by the
Serbs was imminent and that bombing was begun in order to forestall
expulsions. Because that explanation did not ring convincingly, the
statements were changed to say that ethnic cleansing had been going on
for some time and NATO started bombing to slow it down.

Does anyone really believe that Serb forces would have undertaken such
a large-scale eviction while more then 1,600 foreign observers were
stationed all over Kosovo? While it does not in any way excuse the
inhuman actions of the Serbs, it must be emphasized that the situation
in Kosovo became really ominous when the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
came into existence and attempted to change the status in Kosovo by
military means, including the killing of many Serbs. But that fact was
never mentioned by any NATO spokesman before the bombing was

What led NATO to its bombing decision? A draft agreement was worked
out by an American diplomat assisted by a European Union
representative (an Austrian) and a Russian diplomat, which was to
settle the future of Kosovo. It was presented to the Kosovars and the
Yugoslav government at Rambouillet on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. But
the Russian representative in the group was not informed that a
military clause was added before the document was submitted to the
parties. It was precisely that military clause, providing that 28,000
NATO troops be stationed in Kosovo, to which the Yugoslav government

When the Kosovars finally signed the agreement and the Yugoslav
government did not, bombing began. The whole air armada of NATO is in
action. Yugoslavia's infrastructure is being systematically destroyed.
Tens of thousands of Kosovars have fled their homeland, most of them
forced out."


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Yes, one million people of YUGOSLAVIA (what was the former) killed each other. 1.7 million were killed during WW2. Tito's opponent (the one Tito knocked off) didn't fight the Germans b/c the Germans said they will slaughter civilians but Tito went ahead anyway with this threat hanging over him to get more support. Both sides were originally against the Germans. Yugoslavia also gave free passage to Germans originally so they wouldn't be harmed.
Enough of WW2 anyway. That has been and gone and there is a present situation that has to be dealt with.
Seriously, not insulting or anything I am asking with sincerity here. What do you believe should be done? What are your ideas on the situation of Kosovo? What would you have done different? What is to be done now?

The issue is not as black and white as most Americans believe. I understand your angered responses also. I know why you say you don't care so to speak of the Albanians. I also know you are human and do care. But this is not such a black and white issue for yourself either. I have researched both sides and there are points to be made.
Such as KLA ran out Serbs and killed them.
Serbians treated Albanians as 2nd class citizens before the formation of KLA.
Kosovo was one of the poorer provinces, while other provinces were doing much better.
Serbian Army has killed many innocents and have run out Albanians.

This war has enough blame to go around on all sides, attrocities are committed everywhere.
From a Balkan perspective, what do you think would solve this?

I also understand Milosovic did not win the election, people were protesting against him everyday (Serbian), but what are they to do now that they are attacked by the world. They are left supporting someone they may not even like, which at this time is quite understandable.

Do not think all people are stupid and are not trying to read between the propoganda from all sides.

I think as human beings we all wish for peace.

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You did not answer GUIDO'S QUESTION.
Nobody has until now.
Please do try again.

Your answer was : "to Divide Europe".
Please !
The United States CREATED modern
Europe 55 years ago with the US-dollar
pulling the (Western) Europeans out of
the ashes of fires they had started themselves.

The US gave Europe funds, democracy
and NATO to protect it all
.... from those that stayed behind the Iron Curtain,
exactly from those EASTERN EUROPEANS
that are today at the heart of this problem.

If not to stop GENOCIDE
the US is involved not to divide,
but to defend its investment.
... this cancer will not spread any further.
Capitalism at its best - I LOVE IT.

On the issue of GENOCIDE
Nobody should try to justify GENOCIDE
Yet you make a twisted attempt to do so
You try to justify GENOCIDE with GENOCIDE

You say : If it happened to Serbs in Croatia,
then it may happen to Albanians in Kosovo.


There is a further flaw in your statements, DEPORTATION is one thing
GENOCIDE is something else.
Both are deplorable - the latter more so.
If you are right, Serbs were deported.

If Serbs were deported from Croatia - as you imply
it was because Croatia was at WAR with Serbia.
An army was fighting an army.
The Mighty Serb Army lost.

Then they turned to fight the Bosnians
a 'weaker' enemy than the Croats
and a chance for Brave Serbs
.... to snipe at civilians.
Yet in the end Ratko Mladic had to run.
Another defeat for the Mighty Serb Army.

And now Kosovo.
The Mighty Serb Army say they fight the KLA
They say it is a small band of terrorists.
So they destroy the province
..... to defend the province (twisted!)

And just when they thought
they would finally win
.... NATO stepped in.

The only victory of the
Mighty Serbian Army has been
in fights against civilians.

Try again -
try to answer GUIDO'S QUESTION.

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It would be Clearly illegal for the Yugoslavian or Serbian government to conduct any type of trial of the three Americans. This would break international law and would ignore the Geneva convention. A trial would do nothing to gain any kind of support for the Serbians. It would only infuriate Americans and encourage more involvement to include a possible ground invasion followed by an occupation of Serbia. It is in Serbia's best interest to turn over the three without conditions. I beleive the boming is wrong.

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Jim, America and NATo have broken so many conventions and law starting this was they have no right to demand anything on the basis of those conventions. I believe somebody has already done a research and wrote down all the violetions of conventions.

Sue, it's better to talk for ten years than drop one single bomb. What should have been done? First of all, talk to Ibrahim Rugova. He should have been in Rambuilett and not the KLA members. Rugova was always pro peace, they were always pro war. Yugoslavia offered a large authonomy in France, they have already offered to expect an international troops to monitor the province. But that's all what they were able to do. They surely won't give away a part of their land. And have NATO troops in. If the case is to monitor other troops can do it aswell. NATO is not the only one able to do the job.
It should be left to the Serbs and Albanians to make a deal. They will be the ones living in the country. Nothing can be done now really. America wants to occupy Kosovo and Serbia in general. The only thing that can stop it is Clintons polls fall drasticaly. They are flying more and more planes over in order to destroy Yugoslavia completely.

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Fight the little men and then run like rats when the Americans get involved.

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Americans will be, but not running, dying as rats if they dare to come on the Serbian soil. You might have arms... but all the other advantages are on their side. Vietnam will look like a sunny day in the park compared to this.

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Steven Gonzales, Happy Birthday. It's not your fault your perverted, demented, blood thirsty president has sent you to this bloody mess.

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Who will kill the Americans ? The Serbian Army Soldiers ? Those cowards have not yet fought a war. They are only good at killing civilians. They will fart all the way back to Belgrad. This will not be Vietnam babe, unless you have hot dense tropical jungles in your part of Yugoslavia. This will not be Vietnam, it will be more like Nagasaki or Hiroshima.


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You are welcome to come and try it out. And no, there is no jungle in the middle of Europe. But the terrain is even worse than it was in Vietnam.
If it was so easy don't you think they would be there already? They won't be running anywhere, your soldiers will be. Not running, flying back in body bags.

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whoever said those three soldiers should be executed should be executed him or her self. Better yet take your behind to Serbia so we can whip you off the ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So let it be another Vietnam.

The local population (Albanians) will win over the invaders (Serbians) who rape, kill, pillage and burn their villages. In the end the Vietcong (KLA) and the Viet villagers (Kosovar Albanians) will win over the mighty power (Serbian army).


How does it feel to have a loser as a leader?

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Where is Puff the Magic Dragon when we need him?

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Identified by Serbian police as subversive and terrorist, then raped, throat slit, eyes gorged and dumped in the gutter. Sounds like a Serbian kindergarten story.

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Maja, will you invite us to your graduation ceremony at the Milisovic Institute for Nationalist Propaganda.

Here's the list : Sue, Guido, ME, Austin 3:16, Katie F., Caroline, CeeJay, Xto 267, Kolina, Nick (and all the others I can't think of right now).

We'll pay our way, but please just guaranty that our basic human rights will be respected - I don't want to be held as a spy.

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