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Archive through April 14, 1999

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thank you.
no, I really mean it.
war sucks.

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Samo, nikakor se ne bojim pogovarjati s teboj. Ne bom pa te tudi iskala po chat roomih. In o mojih osebnih stvareh se lahko tudi pogovoriva, ne kanim pa jih razlagati na javnih straneh.
Nekatere tuje televizije so zogljenjela trupla zares pokazale, nobena pa si ni upala pokazati reutersove posnetke, ki so bili zares pretresljivi. Kot tudi nocejo kazati posnetke iz srbskih bolnisnic, ki so zares pretresljivi. Zakaj? Ker se predvsem ameriskemu ljudstvu Srbi nikakor ne smejo zasmiliti. Ne bova razpravljala o srbski televiziji, drzava je v vojni in ljudem se kaze to, kar bo spodbujalo moralo in seveda tudi jezo. CNN pa se rad ponasa s svojo neodvisnostjo,
ki pa se pokaze kot zlagana v vsaki vojni, ki jo vodi Amerika. Tudi v Iraku so lagali. In pri bombardiranju Sudana.
Kar se pa tice hrane in jugoslovanske vojske, je to, da se bojijo, da bi jo dobili oni, prav cuden izgovor. Jugoslovanska vojska ima hrane vec kot prevec. Ce cesa, v Jugoslaviji NIKOLI ni manjkalo hrane. Ameriska pa je tudi pokvarjena, kar si lahko videl, ce si gledal intervjuje beguncev, mislim, da je bilo na POP TV.
Ce se zelis pogovarjati, mi bos moral bolj natancno povedati, kje in kdaj te lahko najdem.

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To Rosie:

Remember, was that kind of thinking who put milhions of jews into concentration camps in germany during WWII.
Now tell me, do you think that all Germans suported Hitler ? because is almost the same situation in Yugo.
I'm NOT saying that Milosevic is doing this without suport, but remember there are 10.000.000 Serbian, do they all be punished?
Because is they who's being punished and not Milosevic, the bombs are killing civilian, inocent man and woman, who have family ( like you and me , how do you think they are feeling rigth now ?
DONT judge anyone by their race, religion, or etie, if you want to judge anyone, look 1St to yourself.
And NO i'm not Serbian, and my country is very far away from Serbia

Josué R.

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I don't know what you have seen but I know what you don't know.
For example, for 88 days Serbian people were demonstrating cause Milosevic stole the election.
They did all they can not overthrow him. West didn't even notice. If Milosevic was the target that would be the best time to get rid of him.
Or another example, Serbian people are not supporting Milosevic but war against people who have caused death and destruction of their country. What do you think, that they will support Clinton while he is destroying their past and their future?
They are not stupid for singing on the bridges. No matter what NATO is saying using words like HE, HIS these bridges are not Milosevic's private property. Nothing of what was destroyed is Milosevic's but peoples. If they are brave enough to defend it, they deserve all my respect.

NATo wants to defend Milosevic and save Serbs and Albanians. From what I see they will save Milosevic but destryoed both nations and their land. Whatever words they are using now, this will soon come to open. A lot of media have already realised it.

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If you expect to be heard, if you expect other nations and other people to listen, if you want to change our minds in any way shape or form...I suggest you send your last message in a language that more people can understand.

I am willing to listen to all sides, but I cannot listen in all languages.

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SO dutch is ok but SLOVENIAN isn't ??????????

You werent sick of reading dutch so far but
Slovenian ...
Or mabey you can acctualy understand it ???

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People like you who THINK you KNOW EVERYTHING
are particularly annoying for those like me

(Just a "Serb Twist" of reality and reason -
no harm meant by it).

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I totally agree with you!!!! Maja is a very foolish girl!!!!! She doesn't seem to know much about what the Serbs are all about. I say, Maja if you love the Serbs that much go there and live with them. And trust me you won't like it one bit!!! Go educate yourself Maja!!!!

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Ohh Come on! You spread yours stupid ideas even here now.
This is the place about maxican Soldiers, so get out of here you all stupid bustards.
I say kill motherfu.kers just for the heck of it and put'em in the mass graves with dirty moslems.
isn't that fun.

Good job of Serbian troops will save our planet from lasy mexicans and Dirty Albanians.

See ya all.


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Dear mexican soldier, why don't you just do us all a favour by throwing yourself in front of a train or something along that line?

P.S.- Don't try to answer this with some dumb remark like you normally do, just go and do it!

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