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Archive through April 16, 1999

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The good news is that IT IS ALL OVER.
The bad news is that WE are NOT FINISHED.

Even if your arguments can stop the bombing now
It is too late

After being through this BUTCHERY, Kosovars must be independent. No questions. No people should live under suppression or in fear. Not only independent, they also have a right to be protected by armed forces of the world.

Milosovic will NEVER be rewarded for attrocities. Maybe he will now shift his thirst for blood to your country......

I support NATO fully, eventhough I am not from the North Atlantic. I am American, as I live in the Americas, but I am not North-American.

In the Caribbean we have a long history of being "exploited" by Americans (I assume you love such marxist terminology directed against the bastion of liberty and capitalism). But in return we got from them good healthy dossage of FREEDOM, CAPITALISM and PEACE.

Does November 11 mean anything to you? Millions have died to secure CAPITALISM, FREEDOM and PEACE. Don't tell me you have something against any one of these concepts !

Unlike you Central Europeans, the concept of GENOCIDE is something very EVIL to our eyes, regardless of how it is done or why. Despite the vast array of peoples living in this region, we have no wars. Your people should drop this whole 'ethnic' thing and forget what happened 900 years ago. Maybe then you can live in peace.

Yes, we have had military CREEPS in Cuba and Grenada, but they all carried Soviet and Yugoslav weapons.


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If that happens and it won't there will be more blood in Europe. When Kurds see that they will start fighting for indpendance. With every right.
And then... Who knows. This will never stop. Everybody seems to have a problem with somebody and watns to be independant. And many more people will die, thanks to the perverted American president. He will stay sexually aroused all his life. Remember Starr reports? Read Monicas biography? He was on the phone planing bombing of Bosnia while she was sucking his ••••? He got sexually aroused when she was telling him about Bosnia. Sick.

Serbs will never ever give Kosovo to Albanians. We have more chance seeing Clinton impeached again. And that's what the war monger deserves. Then Haag.

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Texas is the LOST STAR STATE.

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Back to business people. Kosovo should be independent because the nation that will live inside the borders of the new Kosovo must not be left to the mercy of the army and police that destroyed their properties and killed their families.

Nato will have to stay for a long time there to protect them. But the more pieces Nato bites out of the Serbian police and army, and the more damage Nato does to them now, then the fewer soldiers Nato will have to send and, likely, the shorter Nato will have to stay.

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You all seem to be intelligent people. Please give me an answer to this question that I have posted several times with no reply forthcoming.

If there is no ethnic cleansing going on in Yugoslavia, what does the USA have to gain from bombing a third world country that has nothing the americans need or want? The USA is expending millions of dollars and risking their sons lives for what, if there is no genocide occuring?

I am sorry you are having hardships, but they are nothing in comparison to what the Kosovar refugees are reporting to the relief agencies that the Serbian military, police, and paramilitary units are perpetrating upon them.

Please answer me.

Thank you,

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To all who do not know Kosova's ethnic roots; here is a web site that should answer the question of which nationality was in Kosova first.

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Of course Kosovo should become independent!!! Who can live under Milosevic, and who would want to anyway??? If Kosovo did become independent, hopefully all this ethnic cleansing and genocide will come to end. If they don't Serbs will continue what they are doing, they will never end. Oh and by the way, how can a lot of Serbs protest against NATO bombing their country anyway???? I know you love your country and all, but can't you guys protest against the beast Milosevic and get rid of the bastard????
Well, God bless and help the Albanians, my prayers are will you all. xoxoxo

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Glad to see that GUIDO'S QUESTION remains unanswered on this page too.

Guido, it is taking them a long time to come up with an answer.

Maybe they are growing a brain. There is hope.

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Hi Jack,
I was just reading some of your older messages and I love them. I'm glad to see someone else knows what they are talking about, and see it the way I do too. I just can't stand seeing any inoccent person being massacred. Hopefully this will all come to an end one day.
Take care Jack. And God bless!!!!

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Free Texas,

Im a Texan (or Texican, if youre of that mind). Ive lived in a total of six US States and three foreign countries. Texas is fine just like it is, thank you. Why dont you go to Montana and join the rest of the militant wackos? My apologies to any residents of Montana, its a wonderful state and you are some of the friendliest people I have ever known, but man there are some wierdos there. 😉 Second only perhaps to Oregon and its militant tree huggers. LOL

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I thought about the question of Kosova's indepancy.And i think YES.
It has been run over too many times.I am not going to lecture you and repeat history again for you all, but if you would look at it the answer is logical.

There for one condition though and thats ofcourse the safety of the etnic Albanian who return later to life there.

In my opinion NATO should care for that .And also have to help rebuilding the place, so people have deasant place to life again.


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ANEM Press Release


BELGRADE, April 12, 1999 -- The Association of Independent Electronic Media in Yugoslavia (ANEM) today expresses deep regret at and strong condemnation of the murder during the afternoon of April 11 of Slavko Curuvija, the proprietor and editor-in-chief of the prominent Yugoslav newspaper "Dnevni telegraf" and the biweekly magazine "Evropljanin".

While the murder of Mr. Curuvija has served to increase already high levels of fear among the journalistic community in the FRYugoslavia, the circumstances surrounding Mr. Curuvija's death have also given rise to a deep sense of alarm among the citizens of Yugoslavia. Moreover, the
demonisation of the independent media, and the grotesque accusations which are being levied against those who work for independent media, is tantamount to calling for the public lynching of journalists.

ANEM notes that Mr Curuvija's publications and he as a person have been the prime target of a state campaign of persecution, which was launched under the guise of Serbia's draconian October 1998 Information Act.

On October 24 1998, only three days after the Act took effect, Mr Curuvija and Evropljanin were ordered by a Belgrade court to pay fines totalling 2,400,000 dinars under the misdemeanour regulations of the Act.

On November 9 and December 9, 1998, Dnevni Telegraf was fined a total of 1,650,000 dinars. As if the financial ruin of Mr Curuvija were not enough, he and two colleagues were each given a five-month suspended prison sentence on March 8, 1999.

Just a couple of days before his murder, Mr Curuvija was referred to by name in an attack on "national traitors" in the state-controlled Belgrade daily "Politika ekspres".
This commentary remarked that Mr Curuvija had "vanished from sight" since the beginning of NATO bombing and that his "services for the '[NATO] aggressor would never be forgotten".

To the best of ANEM's knowledge, Mr Curuvija was consistently opposed to NATO's military intervention in Yugoslavia in all his public appearances and contacts, and repeatedly warned of the far-reaching and fatal consequences of such action by NATO. His attitude remained unchanged once
the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia began. ANEM emphasises that the murder of Slavko Curuvija was the murder of a good and loyal citizen of Serbia and Yugoslavia who used his skills as a journalist to further the interests of his country and his people.

ANEM demands that the appropriate agencies bring the murderers of Mr Curuvija to justice as soon as possible and do all in their power to prevent divisions and confrontations among the people of this country.

The Association of Independent Electronic Media in Yugoslavia (ANEM)

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On an intellectual level,
as a lawyer,
please give us some more information
on Serbia's October 1998 Information Act.

Stimulating freedom of press ?

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Do the Serbian people know the truth or just Slob's propaganda?

Government attacks on the Serbian-language press picked up throughout 1998, especially towards the end of the year. The government maintained direct control of the state radio and television, which provided news for the majority of the population. State programs continued to glorify the government’s accomplishments, conceal its failures and, most importantly, manipulate the fears of the population. As was the case during the wars in Bosnia and Croatia, the state-run radio and
television purposefully spread disinformation about Kosovo and promoted images of “the enemy” intended to inflame the conflict.

Independent media faced serious restrictions, including the confiscation of radio equipment and
arbitrary bans. On October 8, in response to the threat of NATO intervention, the Serbian government passed a Decree on Special Measures that allowed for the direct censorship of local and foreign media. The decree banned the broadcast of foreign news programs like the BBC, RFE, and VOA, and ordered local media not to disseminate material that was “against the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of the country.” On the basis of the decree, the police closed down two newspapers, Danas and Dnevni Telegraf, and confiscated their computers on
October 13. The next day, the independent daily Naša Borba was also closed. Two radio stations, Radio Index and Radio Senta, were also shut down.

On October 20, the Serbian parliament adopted a new Law on Public Information that incorporated many of the restrictions from the special decree, notably a ban on foreign radio and television broadcasts that were “of a political-propaganda nature.”
The law imposed exorbitantly high fines on those who breach the law. On October 23, the owner of Dnevni Telegraf and Evropljanin magazine, Slavko Curuvija, was charged with publicizing information “jeopardizing the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Serbia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” because of an open letter
to Milosevic published by his magazine that strongly criticized the government. He and the magazines’s editor and publisher were found guilty and fined $230,000.

The least obvious but highly effective restriction on the media was the deliberate
lack of a coherent legal framework for the establishment of private radio and television stations, which the government used to justify the denial of broadcast licenses. Without a license, stations could be summarily closed down, as happened to at least four stations in 1998.

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DEPORT all of the Serbs in the NATO countries to Kosovo and let the Albainians have their homes and property. If Milosevic wants to play games, we should play with him.

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