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Archive through April 17, 1999

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I just want to say yhat you have my suport.
i've been watching this site for the last 2 weeks and i agree with you, and admire your strong position.

Josué R.

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Yes this message board is for charing opions i totally agree.
However to tell you the truth i don't know if im still supporting NATO to bomb. What i do know is that i would like another involvement maybe to overcome this horrible thing.I never imagined that they would go on for so long i wish that on nobody.I am not quite sure what the involvement should be im giving that a lot of tought lately.
That's probably why i would like to chare opions with all of the non threatners here about the future,cause for everyone living in (EX yugoslavia)and myself who wishes to return if i could it;s a good thing to think and talk about.

Like i said earlyer here i feel lucky having friends from all sites of what once was a country.We don't always agree with eachother, but we still keep on charing our opinions also about the future.

About the name i just wanted to be honest about who i am.Nothing personal.


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On an intellectual level,
as a lawyer,
do you have anything on
Serbia's October 1998 Information Act.

Stimulating freedom of press ?

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Did you get the fax, or was the paper gone again :-)?

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Russia are going to take Clinton & co to International Court to be tried as war criminals.
Good for them!
Serbs, I support you!
Maja, I too see the propaganda, I live in Greece, every morning I watch CBS and CNN. It makes me very angry. Greek media has done an excellent job from the beginning showing the propaganda of the Nato countries. You have the full support of the Greek people.

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I got your fax just fine.
I was surprised (pleasantly) to learn that you've been to my island.
But 15 years is a long time.
You would not recognize much - we've done well.

I left your E-address at the bank,
so I'll be sending you a fax again in about 12 hours, and then an E-message. That o.k.?

p.s. Nice E-name.


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NATO has admitted hitting the civilian convoy killing more than 60 people. It, of course, regrets the incident ( bad choice of words I would say ). Could not deny it, especially after western journalist saw what they saw. They of course tried to sell the story of refugees being used as a human shields. Unfortunately, to them, refugees that were still alive and came to Kukes Albania said there were no military vehicles in their convoy.

PENTAGON ten hours later ( prime time in America, very important fact ) is not clear who is responisble. And the number of victims is reffered as SOME. After NATO has admitted and showed how it happened? After Clinton has apologized and of course shifted the blame to Milosevic. Apparently he is to blame for those who he kills and for those who Clinton kills? Milosevic is to blame cause refugees had no place being on that road.
Journalist started to mock NATO and PENTAGON officialis since they are apparently unable to answer one single question truthfully.

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Paul Watson, a journalist for L.A. Times calls CNN from Pristina. Saying: People should be cautious believing what NATO is saying since their statements have no evidence and have in most cases proved not to be true. Said that bombs basically destroyed Pristina. That life there is intorelable. That he talked to many people and from what he gathered bombing seems to be the biggest problem, far more serious than Serbs. That four people were killed by men wearing police uniforms but rumors are those people were not policemen and uniforms were stolen. And that people mostly are fleeing bombs. And that only today six people have died when the civilian building was targeted. That's from a western journalist. From what I remember NATO and America wanted an independant source in Kosovo to tell what is going on. But I presume that is not something they expected. His call was played twice on CNN. I am waiting for politicians and NATO and PENTAGON officials to answer this.

Alexio Vinci, CNN journalist was in Kosovo where the bombings happened confirming the number of dead is more than 60 and of injured more than 40. He was in the hospital and talked to the doctors. PENTAGON now reffering to the number as SOME is perverted. The same goes for the world incedent. Killing of more than 60 people can not be called an incedent.

Today on BBC there was a media expert of some kind, I forgot his name, saying NATO is using the same lies America did in Iraq. When they were saying soldiers were taking babies out of incubators and throwing them on the floor, raping and killing in thousands. Those statements were proven to be lies. That America has to say such things in order to keep the support and cuntinue with strikes. And that Serbian propaganda is not worse than NATO one.

From what I have been able to read from what was happening today is America ( but not all politicians ) realised it is in deep ••••. And the way out is to bribe Russians to get a peace deal with Milosevic. Solana was saying how Milosevic is losing and he knows he is losing. But it doesn't look that way. He is strongly staying with what he will not allow. It is NATO who is making demands easier and offering peace deals.
Milosevic would have inspections in Kosovo but only the countries that were not involved in the attact. And I belive that is justified. You can not have somebody who was bombing you insecting peace. If America cared for people and not it's leading role it would have excepted it. I think that there are countries aside from those 19 ones who are able to inspect and implement peace. There reaction will show what they want, peace or more war. Until mighty make up their minds people will continue dying.

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Bob, that's what Albanians are saying. CNN ( that's only media you seem to respect ) was showing KLA on the border all saying they are going in to Kosovo. That confirms what Serbian television is saying. Armed Albanians trying to ilegally enter Yugoslavia and they are fightinh them. If they are attacking from Albania they attact back. What's so strange about this I do not understand.

Poor...poor Maja who blames everything on CNN. I don't have cable and havent watched CNN in about 5 years. I understand that the border incident is continuing. By the way, it seems that the Serbs are fighting Albanian military. Not the KLA as you claim.

Maja, just the other day you told me that Malosovic had no interest outside of Serbia and would never be a threat to Albania and Macedonia. It seems that you were once again wrong. It seems that he even has probems even after he has driven the Albanian refugees into Albania.

I only hope that eventually NATO will get serious about this and do it right, get it over with, and come on back home.

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When our enemy kills civilians, this is a war crime; when we kill civilians, this is called collateral damage (and we apologize)!

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I'm Norival-31 From Brazil (Earth of Peace)
here We can't understand why "both" the american
or NATO and the SERBIANS kill themselves, and
the worst, in the name of god "What Kind of God".

If somebody receive this message and need some
help? My e-mail is
or my brazilian phone: 005541-973-7219.

Sincerelly! We from Brazil hope that both
NATO and SERBIANS stop this stupid war that
let only two people happy: Devil and the
owners of military equipment(may be they are
exactly the same).... Bye....

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Spiro Dreamer,
There is a big difference between deliberate and accidental when it comes to war crimes.

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I could not resist posting a copy of this. Excellent writing Hari, you are a master!

From: Hari Kunzru <
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 18:12:31 +0200

Rebranding NATO: A SpinMute consultation document

Executive Summary:

As a long-term PR strategy, the current NATO campaign in the Balkans(TM) has its drawbacks. As a brand, NATO's long term prospects look bleak unless a serious reappraisal of its mission and values is undertaken. Thus Mute's corporate presentation analysis wing (SpinMute)has produced the following strategy document, aimed at improving NATO's damaged consumer profile

Current brand values:

When surveyed, a representative sample of NATO core consumers (defined
as upper income genetically-pure Western European tax-payers) identified
'war' 'bombing' 'imperialism' and 'fear' as primary NATO brand values.
This is obviously unacceptable, since outside certain sectors of the
youth market these attributes are not perceived as benefits, or as
likely to lead positive purchase or endorsement action.

Interestingly, the US-owned fashion brand 'TheWest', whose market
segmentation is in many ways congruent to that of NATO, received a
largely positive evaluation in the same survey. 'Freedom', 'Air Max' and
'consumer electronics' were marked highly in relation to 'TheWest'. In
line with this, it can be seen that recent cross-marketing initiatives
between NATO and TheWest have yielded positive benefits, especially when
NATO sales activities have been presented using TheWest branding,
promotional style and look. We recommend that these activities be
extended through every media channel.


One possible strategy for diluting the current negative appraisal of
NATO in the global conflict marketplace would be to extend the brand
into other related segments. Social service provision, work with the
disabled, light entertainment and a possible clothing brand are all
potential areas into which NATO might successfully move. By raising
brand awareness, particularly in the youth and female clerical sectors,
major perceptual shifts could be accomplished. One possible scenario
might include the production of a NATO telethon, the proceeds going to
aid victims of conflict, with the dual aim of launching a range of
blouson jackets, caps and record bags. Positive responses would be
generated by the donation of a nominal percentage of the retail price of
such items to NATO approved non-political charities.

Total Rebranding

Brand stretch will only partially solve the image problem created by
collateral damage sustained in NATO's recent aggressive marketing
campaign. It is suggested that the widest possible positive response
would be generated through a coherent strategy of rebranding, including
serious work on corporate identity and presentation. Possible avenues of
approach include changing the name 'NATO' with its downmarket retro
acronymic feel, to something more in line with current lifestyle trends.
'Peaceforce 2000' and 'WestLove!' have been suggested as potential
starting points for discussion. The current dark blue colourway and
compass-point logo are also problematic areas, being identified too
heavily with an ageing conservative market. Lilac, or this season's ecru
colour schemes might yield valuable results, especially if accompanied
by logo shapes based on feminine, soft lines. [See accompanying images
'lilac bunny', 'lilac daisy' for reference]

Presentation techniques employed by NATO sales and PR representatives
in recent media briefings have been poor. Downbeat language and low
quality graphics have done untold damage to both share price and brand
identity. It is suggested that certain basic substitutions might redress
the balance. For 'air strike' the phrase 'peace sprinkling' should be
used. 'Refugees' are ' unforeseeably mobile consumers' and 'tanks'
should be referred to as 'monster trucks' if NATO equipment, the word
'tank' being reserved solely for PanSlav (TM) vehicles. Weaponry of any
kind, if in the hands of NATO troops must not be referred to in a
disquieting fashion. A good general guideline would be to employ the
imagery of a benevolent gardener, sowing the seeds of love and
understanding in the receptive soil of the Balkans (TM). Thus 'guided
missile' goes to 'precision seedling' etcetera.


NATO has an excellent chance of maintaining its market share well into
the twenty-first century, as long as it takes care to follow best PR
practice and sink a significant portion of investment into rebranding
and corporate presentation

[This communication was framed by Hari Kunzru,
director SpinMute, a unit of Mute Media Group Ltd, wholly owned
subsidiary of BigCorp Worldwide]

Hari Kunzru

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Bob, why USA feared the war would spread? Because Albanians from Albania and even more critical from Macedonia would get involved. That would spread the war. In last 50 years Yugoslavia never showed any sign in being interested in Albanian teritory.

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I do not know what people will make of it,
but you might want to check it out.

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