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Archive through April 17, 1999

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Matija Beækoviæ, the greatest living Serbian poet has written this letter to the world public:


What can a poet say at this moment, when I am half trembling and half proud, and bombs are interrupting my

One man controls the world, but not himself. He does not know where Serbia is, nor where Serbs are, nor
what Kosovo means to them. First he offered to make us happy, but when we refused, he wanted to destroy
us. He is bombing us “in order to prevent killing and destruction, and to stop a humanitarian catastrophe.”
What a disgrace for humanity and what a humiliation and ordeal for the Serbian people!

They are flying far to find injustice. They are flying around the world, over continents and oceans, and cannot
find injustice anywhere except in Serbia and in Kosovo. But for them, this is all happening at the level of a
video game. Our lives and our country are only targets on their screens. Sitting in their cockpits, they align
little crosses and determine our fate by pressing a button. They are destroying a whole people and all its

Who could believe that the nineteen largest and most powerful countries in the world would set out to destroy
one of the smallest and most helpless? And now the whole world is facing a test, to which all thinking people,
independent spirits, and free media should respond. Should they help the nineteen or the one? Should they
impede the one from defending itself or the nineteen from finishing it off? That equation could be used to
check the mental health of humanity, which grieves more loudly today for one invisible airplane than for an
entire visible people.

The man who controls the world, but not himself, has turned the international community, the United Nations,
the European Community, NATO, and the presidents of the largest and most prominent states into a new
Monica Lewinsky. He would like to conquer the world without losing a single soldier. And so he is more
concerned about three scratched soldiers than about the damaged Kosovo monasteries. But he targeted the
monasteries of Gracanica and Sumarica. The only wonder is that he didn’t wait for Easter to bomb, as is the

Kosovo is a Serbian archetype. If it were somewhere outside of us, and not within us, we could give it up. As it
is, how can we survive if we tear it out of ourselves? That archetype is most alive in Montenegro, and if
Montenegro forgets that, NATO will remind it.

And what remains for a Serbian poet except to repeat what a Serbian martyr once said, “Child, only do your

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Matija Beækoviæ, the greatest living Serbian poet has written this letter to the world public:


What can a poet say at this moment, when I am half trembling and half proud, and bombs are interrupting my

One man controls the world, but not himself. He does not know where Serbia is, nor where Serbs are, nor
what Kosovo means to them. First he offered to make us happy, but when we refused, he wanted to destroy
us. He is bombing us “in order to prevent killing and destruction, and to stop a humanitarian catastrophe.”
What a disgrace for humanity and what a humiliation and ordeal for the Serbian people!

They are flying far to find injustice. They are flying around the world, over continents and oceans, and cannot
find injustice anywhere except in Serbia and in Kosovo. But for them, this is all happening at the level of a
video game. Our lives and our country are only targets on their screens. Sitting in their cockpits, they align
little crosses and determine our fate by pressing a button. They are destroying a whole people and all its

Who could believe that the nineteen largest and most powerful countries in the world would set out to destroy
one of the smallest and most helpless? And now the whole world is facing a test, to which all thinking people,
independent spirits, and free media should respond. Should they help the nineteen or the one? Should they
impede the one from defending itself or the nineteen from finishing it off? That equation could be used to
check the mental health of humanity, which grieves more loudly today for one invisible airplane than for an
entire visible people.

The man who controls the world, but not himself, has turned the international community, the United Nations,
the European Community, NATO, and the presidents of the largest and most prominent states into a new
Monica Lewinsky. He would like to conquer the world without losing a single soldier. And so he is more
concerned about three scratched soldiers than about the damaged Kosovo monasteries. But he targeted the
monasteries of Gracanica and Sumarica. The only wonder is that he didn’t wait for Easter to bomb, as is the

Kosovo is a Serbian archetype. If it were somewhere outside of us, and not within us, we could give it up. As it
is, how can we survive if we tear it out of ourselves? That archetype is most alive in Montenegro, and if
Montenegro forgets that, NATO will remind it.

And what remains for a Serbian poet except to repeat what a Serbian martyr once said, “Child, only do your

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How can a poet
imprisoned in Serbia
ever be fair in his comments ?

He points the finger AT EVERYBODY ELSE.
Accuse the free people of the West
Of being the puppets.

For TEN YEARS the world turned away from
the brutalities.
We said : this is not our problem.

Ten years too long.
But after Croatia and Bosnia
the world now says : BASTA ! ENOUGH !

Mr. Poet - write some ode to those brutalized.
At minimum mention the brutalities
Committed by Serb Police and Army.
Because you are so selective in the matter
it is clear to all that you are not imparcial.

If you don't want your monasteries destroyed
.... then don't start wars.
The world has seen footages of YOUR ARMY
destroying MOSQUES with rocket-launchers.

Gracanica and Sumarica are BUILDINGS
So much attention for structures.
Not a hint of compassion for humans.

How come this GREAT SERBIAN POET can't understand?
Because his mind is imprisoned in Serbia.
He too hungers for a Greater Serbia... that will never be.

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Milosevic wants a Greater Serbia, OK, deport all the Serbs in the NATO countries to Kosovo, give the displaced Albanians the Serbs homes and property. They should be given no more than 15 minutes to get what they want to carry to Kosovo, that's more time than most Albainians got, also take all of their jewelry and money . We must not forget to get to destroy all of their papers too.
Maybe then there will be peace in Yugoslavia.

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Dellums War Crimes Hearings,4/28/71,Washington,DC
Testimony of Daniel N.:

"John Wayne was always right. I never heard people referred to as a Japanese
person, they were always Japs or Nips, or other people were called Krauts,
and this type of thing. The whole process I went through was just complete
dissociation with anyone in the world that was not American. I couldn't
relate to them as being human....I had my basic training in the infy at Ft
Polk,LA. I went through most of the training as the other guys went through.
The complete dehumanization of a person in preparation for the VW. Now in
this training they referred to the Vietnamese as dinks, or gooks. The
impression was that they were something less than human. I had a DI and AIT
reply to a question, "What is it like over there?" and he told us, he said,
"It is like hunting rabbits and squirrels." That is all it meant to him. That
is all the emotion he had about it....We were more or less when [sic.] I went
into the platoon the guys were bragging that we had more kills in our platoon
than any other platoon in the area. People were happy about it. It was a big
thing to be - big thing to the guys in the recon platoon that they were proud
of and it was because we were hard core. Just like being a Green Beret or, here I am, I am really going to get down on some of these
VC, and show them where it's at.... a lot of time they gave you these
inteligence reports blown out of proportion and they get you so piped up and
scared, that you are ready to go....They are just able to do that to you.
They do this to get you psyched up to get you to do anything....Well, the LT
said, "Let's get Arty on them." Well, they gave up the coordinates and called
in arty and levelled this whole vill. They called in a lot of white
phosphorus which is good for burning hooches and this kind of thing. So they
moved into the vill and the LT kept calling, "Have you got any kills? Have
you got any kills?" This was part of body-count mayhem which in all honesty
exists there. Like we had an area in a cmnd area and there was a chart on the
wall indicating the number of kills....So this 2d squad went into the vill
and the LT kept calling and asking if they had any kills....He told us to to
go kill and he wanted some kills....So we moved into the vill and as we
approached the vill, everything was like burnt down. There was a group of
people on this 1 end of the vill, about 10 women and kids and there weren't
any men. ...and as we moved into the vill nobody said anything but all of a
sudden these guys started shooting. They were shooting women and kids. Now
there weren't any men there. But these men were just shooting....these guys
did this so systematically like it was something done so many times before,
it was easy. It didn't bother them, any of them, at least didn't appear to
bother any of them. ...But there was like 10 more people there, and they -
though people were standing and they were standing there quitely, and they
had already killed 10 my squad leader, well, he looked at me and....well, he
said, "This is a good time for you to try out your cannister rounds.".... the
squad opened up and killed all these people, too....and they got another
bunch of people and killed them and in all it was about 30 people killed in
this vill and there weren;t any men there at all. there were some male
children, but there were women and children only. So after this was over we
left the vill, they called in a body-count something like 13 VC, and NV. Now
where they got the body count i'll never know. As we were leaving, the FAC
was flying overhead, and he was calling in, he wanted to know if we wanted
air strikes in there, and they said, 'Yes sure.' so they put in some napalm
on the vill and they made about 4 runs at it....and they said, "Well guys you
have done a good job and you need a rest." (Truoung Khanh II hamlet, Quang
Ngai Province. On about 4/18/69) ....instances like this do happen all the
time....I am ashamed of any institution, anything like that. The whole thing
is so racist, and so inhuman that it is unbelievable....I went from E-2 to
E-6 while over there as a result of losing lot of people....But the process
of sheer genocide to eliminate their support is calculated, and it is a very
calculated elimination. We have become much more sophisticated about it than
the germans were with Jews. We can do it with B-52 strikes....It goes on all
the time....But Vietnamese getting killed doesn't seem to bother you....It
goes on everywhere all the time....and they were burning vills as far as you
could see and the thank cmrd would fly overhead and say, "Okey, enough fun
for today." ...This incident is not rare. It is not unusual. It goes on in
varying degrees everyday.

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I guess one more bomb "missed" and hit a home for disabled people and injured nine of them. Just two days ago the home for orphans was hit.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again, bombs are too indiscriminate, we (NATO) need to use ground troops to avoid civilian casualties. Bill Clinton is a moron, but you are brainwashed by your corrupt media. Human shields are immoral. Down with genocidal Serbians at all costs!

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Guido, have you ever watched our televisions? Or read our newspapers? Listened to our radio stations? I bet no, so stop commenting on things you know nothing about.

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Don't need to watch it to know
in who's hands it is, Maja.

I'm not a chicken, so I never laid an egg.
But I can tell an egg from a golf-ball.

Do you really think Serb TV is

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Hallo JACK.

Heb je gistere mijn fax gekregen?
Er stond een beetje vreemd nummer voor dat is om dat het dan goedkoper is om vanuit hier te faxen of te bellen.
Ik heb namelijk niets meer van je gehoord jammer.
nu even in het engels verder beetje sociaal blijven 🙂
Maybe if i think about it it would have been better to sent groundtroops along, on the other hand it could be to late thing i know is that NATO does not hit a civilian on perpous.


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Ik zag je boodschap te laat.Gelukkig je hebt alles ontvangen.Ja die naam heb ik uitgekozen om mezelf in 1 woord te kunnen beschrijven:-)
Liefs Emina

Ps is er zoveel bij gebouwd bij jullie dan?

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JACK LONDON, for the hundreth and the last time!

I live in Slovenia, and our media is not state controled. And most of all it is not Milosevic controled since we don't have anything to do with Milosevic.

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A joke from the Serb demonstrations:

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I know you are brainwashed because of the things you and others say on the internet chat and message sites. I tried to listen to B-92 at first but they were taken off because of Yugoslavian censorship.
Are you a Yugo government agent?

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I am brainwashed cause I do not think the way you do? In my country people are not brainwashed since they are taught to think for themselves. We do not have Clinton explaining us what we should think.

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