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Archive through April 17, 1999

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 266


If anything, I admire your courage
for taking responsibility
for the ideals and the people you so strongly defend.
A bold visionary, oblivious to contemporary critisism.

I hope - really really hope
that in the end I will be proven totally wrong,
and that you will be completely right.

I hope - pray to God - that the suffering we see,
is all nothing other than Western propaganda.

PLEASE let it be proven in the future,
that the brutality, the abuse (rape and murder)
never actually took place.

Let it all be just media hype.
And if so - I will gladly be wrong ......
I can say I was wrong - for all the right reasons.
But then you would be right - for all the wrong reasons.

Please let me be wrong on this.

But I FEAR that I am right - the brutality will be proven real.

Time WILL tell.

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 266

Sorry for the delay,
my bank is buying another one so it is pretty hectic. Daarom heb ik niet eerder teruggeschreven. Het is nu 11:40 hier, dus daar vroeg 's morgens. Ik blijf nog zo'n 2 uur langer op je wachten. Anders stuur ik alsnog iets per E dit weekeinde. Ik zie graag messages van jou op dit board - dus stop niet o.k.

No ground troops - at least not without Russians and Georgians.
Mind you, it will be easy to beat the Serbs.
Their army has no soldiers
They are veterans of fighting older men, women and children.
Even so, they have never booked a victory.

To beat them would be easy
But now we have to fight a different war
The war of reason - EXPLAIN to Serbs why the FREE WORLD has turned against them.
Judging from attempts made on this board,
I think we have a testing battle ahead.

If we use NATO soldiers, then Maja will never shut up:
"conspiracy" , "expansionism" , "imperialism" , "world domination" bla bla bla
We have to use their friends to stop them.
This would take the wind out of their sail.

About the accidental bombing
Notice the cruelty : instead of giving first aid
to the wounded, the Serbs piled them up in wagons,
and waited for the arrival of the western media.
These people were hurting.
But no aid was given.

Bandages around raw burning flesh would have diminished their propaganda value.
Three hours after the bombing
and these people were still bleeding.
A "war" in which the Red Cross is excluded
and treated as an enemy.

I pray for justice
if not possible, then let's do unto
Slobodan and Mirjana
what was done unto
Benito Mussolini and Clareta Petacci.

(too angry ?)

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 266


je krijgt zo weer bericht van mij.
Ben heel druk deze dagen, maar ik zorg
er wel voor dat wij in kontakt blijven.

Het is vandaag vrijdag - lange dag.
Morgen schrijf ik meer.
Meanwhile, ik zie jou messages hier tegemoet.

Tot zo.

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Posts: 4

Do not belive everything you hear and are told that is run by the jew media! They wnat controll of the European Market and Russia's resources! They have a obective to acheive and will not stop If you read there Talmud you will see this for yourself! I am 100% Russian and support my Serbian brothers for their soverinty state what idot would stay in a country while being bombed with no food and no shelter not even a Albanian is that stupid NATO has created this sitiuation along with the jews in the White House! When the day comes and Christians and Musliums rise up agaist the jew I will be there. There day of judgement is coming and Christ is waiting!

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Posts: 1

i wish peace for all and life!my heart crys out to all of you! this bombing must stop! but also the killing of albanians,and the killing of serbs!
the hate is so deep! does this mean that at no time both sides will not say anough blood! and live to live and raise their familys.forgive for both sides have done to each other , this world needs you to forgive!

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Erik Lindström – Stockholm, Sweden 1999-04-16

Free your mind!

NATO is the armed force used by the political and financial leadership in our so called ”democratic” western world. I'm quite sure that I and a majority of the common people don’t agree with their aggression against Yugoslavia.

Be soure that the US and UK leadership don’t care for the Cosovo albanians, they just use them to justify their acts. They allways hide their real purposes behind strong words like, world peace, democracy, human right’s, ethnic cleansing and so on …

You must ask yourself what they really want to achieve. I can assure you that money and power/controll is the answer.
But the question is in which form. Is it the raw material and mines in Cosovo and/or is it to control FYR's banks and money flow or …?

IMF, The World Bank, US Ministry of Treasure, Proctle & Gamble”, George Soros they are all controlled by the same people.
They have differnent names and acts like single ”bussinessmen”, companies, goverments, institutions and so on.
But they are controlled by one group and they have one goal!!!

They’ve (ex George Soros) destoyed many countries in the far east, like Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea.
Later they come/send themself (IMF) to help(!) the countries they brought to ruin.
IMF demands ”reforms” and again use words like demoracy, stability, more openness (read: so they can controll your country), reforms of laws, banks and so on …

You’ve to ask yourself who control 99% of the western media. If I should belive everything I see and read here in Sweden, all Serbs are nazi monsters(media seem to have forgotten WWII), the people in Russia and the Asian countries are happy for the help they receive from IMF.
I just got back from a two mounths visit in Asia, there the people held daily demonstrations against IMF and for their countries suverenity. I never seen that in our media. Have you?

Again… ask yourself…

Who are controlling the US and Western goverments, EU, IMF, the western media … ?
Who are Al Gore (Vice president), Madelene Albright (Secretary of State), Robert Rubin (Sec. of Treasury), William Cohen (Sec. of Defence), George Tenet (CIA Chief), Samuel Berger (Chief NSC), Tanner, Eizenstat, Richard Holebrooke, Soros … ?
Who gains from the fact that more when one generation of Iraqians have been starved to death?
Who gains from that the economies in East Asia, Russia, Brasil … collapsed?
Who think they’ll gain from the brutal attack on Yugoslavia?
Who don’t care if they bomb people during their religious celebrations (muslims Ramadan in Iraq and now our Christian Easter in Yugoslavia)?

The Serbs are not alone in their struggle. The dark forces behind NATO is the enemies of all people in the world!!!

Fight their North Alliance Terror Organization (NATO) at all costs and all around the world!
Fight for your country and your suverenity!

I wish you a ”Happy” Easter and success in the war agains the enemy of mankind!!!

May God be with you! /Erik

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 266


Don't make it so difficult.
It is much easier.

For TEN YEARS (!) Milosovic has being doing nothing other
than waging war, a crusade of rampage in the
former Yugoslavia.

Since early 1990
Murder, rape and destruction
in Croatia, Bosnia, and now Kosovo.

He has not stopped,
because he never confronted a real Army
(they fight mainly women, children and unarmed men)

The problem is that, until before the NATO bombing,
his capacity to wage war
(his equipment, infrastructure, etc)
has remained INTACT.

Unless this killing machine is destroyed
(or at least seriously crippled)
there will be no end in sight,
because he is armed and trained to rampage through
Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and so on.

This is a very simple
very logical reason
for NATO to bomb them to their knees.

Even if this is not THE reason,
even if this is only a side-effect,
the Balkans will be better-off without a "mighty Serbian army".

Would you agree?

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