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Archive through April 18, 1999

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Noone desreves to be raped.I am a bosnian lady and i speak from experience.I would never wish to others even if they are my enimy that a woman should be raped.Don't fall in the trap of hatered.

better E me and don't worry i dont give up posting.They can threaten me all they want.


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UN secretary will be known as US secretary during Kofi Annan's period.

UN should be dimantled and NATO shall take over.

UN secretary do no have the guts to say "NATO is bombing without UN permission". What for he is sitting there.
Somebody has to bomb US then they will realise.


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Maja brainwashed is one thing, defending the wrong people (Serbian army and police) is another.
No not the whole of Serbian population is bad wrong.But the Army and Police are Milosevic's murder machines and thats a bad thing to defent.You have family in Sebia and you worry about them.Logical, but what about all the forced by Serbian police and army split up families who lived in Kosova? You know just as well as i do that they did not leave and woman don't get raped out of there free will.


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The chocolate colored US drone (Kofi Annan) is paying his masters back. He was selected by the US after the US deposed of the rebellious former secretary general Buthros Buthros Gali.

The UN is the biggest joke on the global block. I just wonder how long the Americans/West will keep paying this bloated bureaucracy's salaries.

The US and allies are already circumventing the UN, taking action and going back to the UN afterwards "to do the paper work".

Kofi is helping eliminate the need for UN by cooperating so eagerly with the new rulers of the world. In a couple of years, the Americans will
decide that the paperwork can be done more efficiently (at lower cost)by their own bureaucracy.

Then bye, bye UN ...

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I can think for myself i don't need Clinton for that, but what about Serbian state TV?Do these people still have the chance to think for themselves?


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If all is still correct you can listen to B92 via the Internet.


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Russia is not going to finish anything.Whisfull think perhaps?
Russia's "present" has a big mouth but they need America's support cause he made such a mess out of the country.I have a Internet friend living there a very decent family the sad thing is there is hardly any food on the table and speaking with him gets more and more difficult.So they would think twice then to go against the US cause they need there support.


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I do not believe Russians will end it by themselves. America knows it is in big •••• now. And is pushing Russians to end it. What America is doing is not working, that is obvious, isn't it? The longer this goes one the worse America looks.

In all this suffering Russians will be the winners. They will end the war plus get a lot of blackmail money.

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What America is doing HAS WORKED ALREADY.

Milosovic's murder machine, its equipment,
and its infrastructure is severely damaged.

For TEN LONG YEARS it operated at will.
This is no longer so.

For the next few years it will be totally
unable to fight its neighbors.
This is GOOD NEWS.

Sadly, not even NATO can bring back to life
all the people killed by Serb Police and Army.
In that sense you are right .... NATO can never correct all of the wrongs.

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I dissagree maja i think the Russian army is not capable of ending this. They got most of their army demoblized, cause of the states money problems, so even if the US would want that(as you suggest) its inpossible.


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Hi Emina.
Goede middag. Je krijgt vanavond nog iets van mij in de mail.

You are right. The Russians can not end it.
Their role will be to "occupy" Kosovo
as a peace-keeping force, under NATO leadership.
As I said before, if we use NATO soldiers,
then likes of Maja will scream in full volume:
"conspiracy" , "expansionism" , "imperialism" , "world domination" bla bla bla

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a tutti gli italiani che sono a fianco della serbia contro l'imperialismo americano,ricordo che si possono effettuare versamenti a favore della croce rossa serba sul conto corrente n° 97424006 intestato :fronte nazionale.A Roma e nato il "comitato target" contro la 'nato' per informazioni rivolgersi al N° 06/7021030

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By Maja on Friday, April 16, 1999 - 10:25 pm:
I am brainwashed(Yes) cause I do not think(There should be a period here) the way you do( With my brain, and not the Yugo media propaganda you spout.)? In my country people are not brainwashed since they are taught to think(What the Yugo propaganda machine tells you.) for themselves. We do not have Clinton( I hate Bill Clinton, and think he is full of sh*t like you.) explaining us what we should think.
You are a Yugo Govmt. agent Maja. Whether you know it or not.

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B-92 guestbook exposes link between Boston ,Mass. computer company and President Milosevic.After being exposed on the little guest book,the only part left of B 92

Mr. Branislav Adejelich of Boston and Toronto quietly annonced he was suspending the website late Friday after it was discovered as being the home of the "official talking points" for the Yugslav government...See story B-92 Guest Book....."The little Guest Book that Could" Rock on B-92

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Here is what Mr. Winston Churchill, otherwise a great fan of the Serbs, had to say about their contribution to the war effort:

By Mr. Winston Churchill, Memoirs of the Second World War, Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1959:

". page 788 .. The Partisans under Tito (A Croat) wrested weapons from German hands. They grew rapidly in numbers. No reprisal, however bloody,
deterred them. For them it was death or freedom... 788.. It was inevitable that the Partisans movement should also come into savage quarrels with Chetniks, who were resisting half heartedly or making bargain for immunity with the common foe (Germans)..... 789.. Our headquarters in the Middle East was responsible for all operations in this (Yugoslav) theater, and maintained a system of agents and liaison officers with the followers of Mihailovic....The Chiefs of Staff reported on June 6: " It is clear from the information available to the War Office that the Chetniks (Serbs) are hopelessly compromised in their
relations with the Axis. During the recent fighting it has been the well-organized partisans (led by a Croatian) rather than the Chetniks who
have been holding down the Axis forces." 791.. By January 1944, I had been convinced by the arguments of men I knew and trusted that Mihailovic was a millstone tied round the neck of the King...."

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