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Archive through April 18, 1999

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When will the Serbs say
Wir haben es nicht gewusst? (remember that one?)

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Emina, I am not saying Russians arms will end it. Not so. What I am seeing now, especially in the congress, were demends from Russia to help America get because saying Russia owe them that after all the money they give to Russia.

Jack London, I would be happy if what NATO is doing would be working. That would mean criminals would be punished and innocent people left alone.
That didn't happen. What did happen was, even more suffering was caused. Hate and revenge are on the run. People are dying and factories are burning.
Milosevic is stronger than ever and Albanians are far from being saved.
Tell me one good thing that has come out of this in the last 25 days?

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Milosevic is a joke....The only people who take him seriously are people he pays {if you call that pay} and the people at the Hauge who are watching and listening to every word he has to say..Poor pitiful Russia seeks to borrow American money to target America,Yea we are going to buy that B.S.....Loser,Milosevic sucks up to BellafuckingRoooooosh for photo op...CNN buys it....Ha Ha Ha...Hey,I got another one, Headline "NATO ,Ponders Targeting Dan Quayle"---often thought of Americas first court jester [fool,for all you washed up communist assholees]Nato pondered a halt in the bombing to rid the world of American Idiot and spelling champ,former V.P.Dan Quayle... sincerly, Gene Schumann "Published Dailey on the B-92 Guest Book"">,---Please patronize our new sponser,Yugo Motor Co."Where dreams come true"

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Maja - here are TWO GOOD THINGS so far (there are more I can volunteer if you ask):

The Serb Army and Police have been on a rampage
since the start of the 1990's.

FINALLY, it has been CRIPPLED.

communications systems, chain of command
and the infrastructure needed to support
this - and larger - wars in the Balkan IS NO MORE.

Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and the world
is a little more at ease...


For the last TEN YEARS the SERBS in Serbia proper
have been watching AND SUPPORTING war and destruction
..... from a "distance".
The bombing, the burning, the raping and the killing
were being done in Croatia and Bosnia.

Now FINALLY your Serbs get to feel what WAR really is like.
You were high on a jolt of feverish nationalism,
but feel now what it is to be the TARGET of aggression.

I hope they learn a thing or two about war.
In this decade they seemed have to enjoyed aggression against others
(first Croatia, then Bosnia, now Kosovo).
Hopefully this touch of reality
will control their behavior toward Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia.

What do you think?


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(Einsategruppe Serbia)


Serb Police and Army seem to be doing
a much better job
than the very efficient E-GRUPPE (Einsategruppe)
that so methodically "purified" Eastern Europe
in the 1940's.

The E-GRUPPE had no need for concentration camps.
Because they never took prisoners.

Milo should not even try to say
"Wir haben es nicht gewusst".

I love the idea that BENJAMIN FERENCZ
is still around.

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Jack London, aside from what NATO is saying ( read serious comments on what journalists think of what NATo is saying )do you notice any sign of this crippleness? I do not think so.

You call destroying factories that are in most cases civilian an achievement of NATO? I don't.
It makes them as bad as they are acussing Serbs to be. Destroying lives of innocent civilians.

Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia are at ease?
Really? I am sure Montenegran's enjoy being bombed. Macedonia's seem really happy having all those refugees plus being used as a storage for KLA amunition. And Albania, aside for having 300.000 refugees it has become a military camp for NATO soldiers.

Get real.

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I did write about the subject .Its a while ago probably you forgot.

And another thing we did not start anything.NO Serbian Army,police Arkan did by sytimatically murdering Kosovars, Raping woman and children.
So yes here its all about Etnic Albanians(Kosovars).If they discribed above forces wouldn't have started this there would be no butt to kick would there.About time they blow up Milosevic and companions.....This makes me furies.

Besides isn't it easy to blame someone else for the cruelties discribed above.

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jl can't get real. Its pretty obvious from reading jls ravings that he did his time as a cold warrior. These guys hailed the mujahadeen as freedom fighters (free to skin alive school teachers who dared to teach little girls to read) they used pretty much the same vile bombast to justify slaughtering millions in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia . Over 1000000 have died from preventable cause in Iraq and jl and his perverted klan stick to the same old racist rhetoric. When US used nuclear bombs on Japanese cities jl and those like him used the same old crap. So jl cant get real because he would then not even be a bag of hot air as he is now

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Pitty we wont get anymore postings from you.You where a good asset to the list.


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I can even add a third thing to JACKS list.

Afther this is all over there will be more freedom of speech and Milosevic is now cencering all. And only a minority of the people in Serbia know what this gross dictater is doing.Later on with freedom back and NO state controlled TV they know the truth about that A-HOLE.


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Maja if someone has to get real its you.
Or better to say get a life!

Besides did you ever answer JACKS question about the freedom of speech? I did not see the answer yet.


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Your postings getting more and more racist facistic .It discusts me.
As i told you before i HAD distant family in Kosova. They where honest workers and you know what how amazing it would sound for your little judgemental mind THEY PAYED THERE TAXES TOO!!!

Before you make accuseations like that please check if you took your oorab,prozac or other medication you might need.


Ps you really pissed me of girl. your talking about my family too.
What about your family?how would that feel......huh?

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Freedom of speech eh? What do the victims of the WACO slaughter think of Imperialisms free speech?

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Lets get one thing straight.Free speech should be there for everybody.Period!


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Big brave Serbian Rape perpertrators begin eyeing men as most women now have fled Kosovo...Hauge officials order pink curtains for cell reserved for Mirjana Markovic,wife of Slobo,....Milosevic takes the bait refuses settle....Arkan,the tiger having marrital problems"He is just not the Tiger he used to be,complained his wife to a source" GGrrrr Get um Tiger.....Milosevic admits his son does indeed have sheet for brains.... Gene{">

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