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Archive through April 2, 1999

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They don't have guts to do that plus their citizens would not aprove. It's easy to bomb
people with almost no danger to your army. Only
cowards fight like that. When condition of an American pilot was not known CNN called it a very serious situation. When the city with population of two million is being bombed CNN is not concerned all all. I have not see a more hypocritical war.

Ground troops or no ground troops NATO and America will never win this war. If they were smart they would stop. But they won't cause they would have to admit their mistake. And Clinton rather kills millions than admit he is wrong. We all know a bigger lier never sat in the Oval office.

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Yes ground troops must be sent. Thousands of refugees are streaming across boarders every day. These are confirmed facts and anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselfs. The only way to help them and give them back their homes is to fight the Serbs on the ground. We cannot morally sit by and have an entire group of people kicked out of their homes, and, in worse cases, killed. There are two sides to every story, but believe me, we in NATO and the west have no grand plan to take over the Balkans. The fact is we have seen genicide before, in many places.(my home for one) It's far past time that this behavior by evil politicians such as Milo.... stops. Wake up Serbs! Or live many generations with the guilt and pain of a Nation in mourning for it's outrageous actions.

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The troops are 4 years late. They should have not let it go this far. Beautiful Sarajevo is destroyed and a country is in ruins due to BOY's (Milo & co) bullying people. i thank god every night that my parents migrated to Australia and my relations are in Slovenjia. My family is my religion. Who will win out of this????? NO ONE! SAD SAD was like a time bomb waiting to happen....get over it, share and look after number and your family...FIGHT Kosovo for the next generations freedom or always live with a gun to your head...praying for you

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We all pray Marina. Well said.

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To lockdog :

You think that it's easy to send troops. Someone (Nato ?) talks about 200 000 guys. There is 40 000 Serbs in Kosovo...

Advanced Technologies is not enough. Lothar is rigth, you have to figth SERBS AND UCK to establish peace in Balkans... WW 1 and WW2 begin in Balkans, don't forget it !

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Stars and Stripes, Lockdog and Icarus,...(it's the same guy anyway!)

Are you proserbian or what? I don't quiet understand. Are you pretending to be a real stupid American to make a fool of them?

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I would love to see ground NATO troops in Yugoslavia and get down the bastards (but only bastards, there are some good people there, too) on their knees, once forever.
But think about this. WOULD anyone of YOU go in some other, completely strange country and FIGHT FOR SOMEONE ELSE, while your family is waiting for you to come back walking, not in horizontal position carried by 4 people.
I bet none of you would go there. It is easy to say :"Yes Clinton (or who ever else), send the troops", but once again WOULD YOU GO THERE ? Somebody has to go.
I've survived Bosnia war and I can tell you this from my experience.
If they send the troops, war will last for years, maybe longer than Vietnam. Young and innocent people will die, without knowing what did they fight for. People who want the country and freedom have to fight for it. I've seen on TV young people (25 -40 yrs of age) from Kosovo running away. They should stay and fight with big support from outside. They know every single inch of thier country. Foreign troops would look rather silly if they go there. They would not know where to go to take a pee.
In conclusion, somebody, somehow has to stop this, but once more : WOULD YOU GO THERE ???

If you would, go ahead I'll pray for you.

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I think the ground troop problem isn't a real one!
If NATO was willing to fight for human rights as it says, it should have known that ground troop forces were goiing to be needed.
If NATO supposed that it could be problematic, than it shouldn't have started in the first place. If one defends a right and justifies war by it, there would be no limites in sacrifices to reclaime that right.
If NATO started war too rapidly, without goverment, parlement and population support, it's no supprise that there is opposition to ground troops. That rises a question: How was it alowed!
The people who alowed it at the start aren't the same as they are now, how can that be? Aren't we supposed to be represented by our goverment?
TIME you will say! Was there realy a hurry? Was someone was afraid that if European goverments that if American papulation were consulted before it started maybe it would not have began? And now people are been consulted...they first have to be informed by propagando to justifie the act and than garantie that we won't have to sacrifie many lives. So up comes the ground troop problem: in army tactics...nothing is going to be achieved without them, but are we ready to pay the cost. It was easier showing of the knew military thechnology than to lose lives! Start a new Vietnam or stop a pseudo new threat in the name of human rights.
Everything looks as if the whole thing was achieved too fast and thought too little. On the other hand I'd say "il y a anguille sous roche", the purpose of the whole plot was not to stop Kosovo's domination, but more likeways to demantle the Middle-est by suppresing the Serbian domination. Once the NATO planes leave, the war will start again in the Balkans against the weekened Serbes and the whole Estern map will be once again redrawn, with little loss on the Euro-American side, but what a disaster that would be for the Balkans! Maybe it's a cheap solution to the bad ones bought up after the two first world wars.
For god sakes I hope I'm wrong and that NATO realy did act too fast!

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hi ,,,well i completly agree with rest of group as i see it the bombing stikes arent doin much,,,so send are boys in we have to scarafice a life to save one thats the american way!!!we better do it soon!!!otherwise be to late lets send are president a mesage so we can get this thing over with,,,lets save lives!!!!!!!!!!!and get hate mongers out of kosovo n stop the GENOCide!!!!!

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If you look at history you will see that in order to win this ground troops will have to be deployed.

In reply to your question "would you Go?" No I would not and I will tell you why The military is no place for a Martial Artist. We Like to fight but we like to Fight in an honorable fashion. Face to Face no hiding behind trees or buildings no guns no airplanes, Missles, Bombs... Just Fists, Swords, Knives, ect. Most would disagree with me when I say that Modern warfare is for Wimps!!!! Where is the Honor in fighting someone from 1200 feet in the air and not being able to see your enemy Die in front of you? Not looking your enemy sqare in the eye and fighting to the death!!! I Hate what our world has become. No matter what, World peace is not an option as war is a part of humaity No matter how you look at it, But at least in the older days you had a chance of living in a fight. This war and every war after the discovery of gunpowder and the Gun and Cannon Are dishonerable acts commited by Dishonorable men who have forgotten the Meaning of HONOR!!! The U.S. Marines say in there commercials that it is Honor which drives them to be the best. Honor????? Where is your Honor? Most U.S. Marines I know dont even know the first thing about Honor, all they know is how to take orders from people and pull a trigger. Warriors are not made in such ways... Slaves are made in such ways... A true warrior does not take orders from anyone during a battle. He acts on Instinct and wins the battle not through firepower but through Spirit, concentration, and Patience.

- Maja -
Yes that is how cowards fight. But cowards also kill Inoccent People, burn homes, and shell Villages. YOu may be right saying that NATO (US) will not win this war but I think its sad to say that niether will Yugoslavia, My prediction.... THis conflict will escalate and we will be drawn into an all out war. In the end There will be nothing left og Yugoslavia or the american NATO
troops in the area. Sad situation for both of us. I wish you well!!


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By all means, NATO (i.e. American. Let's face it, Western Europe is worthless militarily) ground troops should be sent it. If we play it smart, we can easily establish a new reality on the ground. I see it unfolding this way:

NATO (US) builds on the troops already in bivouac in Macedonia, rapidly building up a force of upwards of 100,000 troops. Heavy cavalry-if we're going in, we're gotta win. Armored columns, backed up by massive air superiority, invade and effectively partition the country and seize Kosovo. I see no way the Albanians can live under the Serbs any longer, partition is now the only option. Blame Milosevic.

I don't believe there will be a large number of casualties. My understanding is that the Serb Army hates Milosevic because he favors the police with far greater pay and equipment. When they see the vanguard of the American military amassed against them and closing in from the South, they will either flee, or revolt and take down Milosevic. They can't be stupid. Iraq had the 4th largest army on Earth prior to Desert Storm. They cannot win, and they know it.

Sure, you knee-jerk peaceniks and Serb sympathizers out there will inevitably point to the Yugoslav resistance during WW2, but that was another time, with totally different circumstances. The Wehrmacht was overly occupied holding onto Russia and engaging Britian and the US in the West to supply the resources necessary to quell that rebellion. There are no such parallels this time.

Furthermore, technology has increased at a phenomenal pace. We have electronic eavesdropping, spy satellites, everything. It's a whole new ballgame. Besides, remember that the resistance movement was pretty factious. Tito and the partisans fought with and betrayed the royalists to the Nazis on numerous occasions, and vice versa. They weren't united then, and I doubt they are fully consolidated now.

During the next two to three years, America can sell or give massive quantities of outdated but effective military hardware to the Kosovar Albanians. Meanwhile, American military personnel train and can provide logistical support for the fledgling Kosovar Army, much like what was given to Croatia from 1993-95. When the Albanians are strong enough to defend themselves (they don't have to be strong enough to win a war against Serbia, just strong enough to inflict serious collatoral damage), NATO slowly pulls out. After the pull-out, for a period yet to be determined, we maintain a "No-Fly Zone" over Kosovo, a la Iraq. Any Serbian overflights or misadventures will be dealt with accordingly. The Serbs could theoretically invade once more, but they seem to be given to slaying unarmed or lightly armed men (or women and children if the mood should strike), and as we all know bullies are almost always cowards who back down when contronted. We shall bestow upon the Kosovar Albanians the ability to do just that.

By this time, Milosevic will probably have been tossed onto the "ash heap of history" by his own population, and the Serbs can slowly be welcomed back into the international community. The war criminals must pay, but the civilians shouldn't be made to.

Overly optimistic? Perhaps, but I am convinced it can work. We must NOT get caught once more in the Vietnam syndrome of limited engagement. If we're going to get involved, then we had best go in with guns blazing and achieve an overwhelming victory. I don't believe we can act as the world's policeman in perpetuity, but this is Europe, it's different. Cavalier attitude, perhaps, but realistic.


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People, you are blood hungry. As somebody said, nobody wins. America with all those weapons will also lose. It lost respect in the eyes of almost the whole world and it is continuing to lose it. Western media has admitted bombing made much more harm than it helped. Westen media already started admitting this operation was a failure and a big mistake. But it also told that NATO has to go on in order to save it's honor. And for the 50th anniversity of NATO it needs a sucess, a sucess at whatever price. You don't care about humanitarian reasons. You are not human, you are blood thirsty.
You want to rule the world and will kill for that.
May God have mercy on you. But he won't.

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Maja, there are 120,000 refugees that have fled your country within the last 5 days because you want to kill them. This is unacceptable to not only your neighbors who are helping them. It is unacceptable to the world.

The free world stood by and allowed the holocaust in Germany. It won't be allowed again and unless it stops, it will be stopped at whatever cost. I just hope that when we send in ground troops, we make it worth our effort and do it right. Not like we did in Iraq.

I believe that had we finished what we started in Iraq, we wouldn't have to deal with your insignificant little petty dictator now. He should stop and leave those people alone. Since he won't I guess we will just have to make him do it anyway.

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