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Archive through April 2, 1999

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That's nice Maja, but having read your other posts, it's pretty obvious to anyone with even an iota of common sense that you're the one riven by hatred and spite. Support the Butcher of Belgrade all you want, I still think he deserves an assassin's bullet.

As for losing respect, get real. Exactly what nation of any consequence is so diametrically opposed to the US? Russia needs us way more than we need Russia. I think we should help them out and actively engage them, and I think Clinton is just pathetic for not doing more (he could have got START II ratified if he had a clue), but thems the breaks. China? Bah, they're just posturing about intervention because of the Taiwan factor. Communism has 10-20 years left there at the utmost. Europe? They're on the bandwagon. Latin America? They're coming around from 170 years of gringo-bashing and embracing our economic and political philosophies. Africa? France's influence is finished with the fall of Mobutu, American MNCs will almost certainly carry the day there. The Middle East? The one area where were certainly usually have problems, but how can they object to a mission to save Muslims? Get real. East Asia? Economic disaster, they desperately need the American consumer market to pull out of their recessions/depressions, and they know it. Let's see, that's pretty much the whole world. I can't see much disrespect.

When you're the big fish, you're always gonna have someone hating you no matter what you do. Whether or not a couple of pariah states like Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea detest us doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, I'm kinda proud. Yeah, we've messed up big in other places (Latin America in the 60s-80s), but at least we're doing something right now, which is a far site more than can be said for your beloved little tinpot dictator.

You're just angry and letting it cloud your judgement. China and Russia's routine (I repeat, routine) UNSC belligerence is nothing out of the ordinary, it happens every couple of years.

The case is pretty well made against Milosevic. He's a common thug. Think what you want, but I believe a NATO invasion would go down in history as a humanitarian triumph second only to Vietnam's 1979 invasion of Cambodia, whereupon they crushed Pol Pot's genocidal regime and cast its scattered remnants all the way to the Thai border. I can't believe a literate person would want to defend one of Pol's spiritual brethren.


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I dont want to see ground troops in Yugoslavia. Is this cowardice, or are the US Armed Services cowards? No. The US military goes where it is told. Maja, if you think that the Yugoslav army would stand a chance against even a Marine expeditionary force, you are deluded. Make no mistake, if ground forces are sent in, the first ones will be US Marines and the 101st Airborne. It may be bloody, but you will see how cowardly US boys are when they get on the ground. Am I or the American people cowardly for not wanting ground troops sent in? Who is the bloodthirsty party here, eh Maja?

Will this happen, or is this a good idea? Probably not. Policy is not decided by the military, it is decided by the Administration who has botched things up badly. NATO and the US has made it a central policy to use air power and cruise missiles and keep men off the ground. That is our mistake, that is the miscalculation that may save Serbia from a ground assault. Air power will not win the day. Paul from Switzerland, rest assured, this situation is not a lack of NATO seriousness, but a lack of policy that jibes with military recommendations. It is a political mistake. Our civilian leaders honestly think that air power alone can win decisively. NATO should have hung the threat of ground troops over Milo's head from the start, as well as the threat of arming the KLA. And then we should have made good on our promises. We didnt. For that, Im embarrassed.

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to whom it may concern this is terrible what happening n i think if we cant bomb the right places we should get out or send troops in but that may last longer than Viet-nam did from what im reading n seeing online shape up or ship out!!!!!!!!!!!

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There is one person that can stop all the bombing, but he is either to stupid or doesn't care about the Yugoslavian people...... MILOSEVIC

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You should also do some research about Milosevic's friend ARCAM, it will make you sick.

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Exactly Toay. But read the posts in this discussion group and all over the internet. The Serbs and their supporters seek only to distract from this fact and place blame on NATO. Watch what people post, watch what is being argued about. Everywhere you find the discussion steered away from Milosevich's responsibility. If you did not know what was going on, you'd think from reading a lot of posts that NATO got bored and decided to bomb Serbia out of the blue. This has been forewarned for almost three years now. He knew what he was doing. He is a racist and an opportunist. All he needed to do was shout "Remember Kosovo!" and Serbs were blinded to his mechanizations.

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Bob and all the others. Nobody has forced anybody from my country. I live in Slovenia.
As for everything else, read my other postings.

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Most Americans don't really care. We go to work each day, watch CNN, play with our kids, have a nice diner, •••• our wives and then do the same thing all over again. Let the idiots burn their country. Let them kill their countrymen, rape their neighbors, slaughter each other......We don't give a ••••!

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I think now that NATO is at war ground troops are inevitable. I doubt we (NATO/USA) has any real hope of submission via bombing missions. Iraq limps along despite the 'awesome' power of western military technology.

The funny part here is how much of a joke bombing missions really are; since Cuba everytime America flexs its military muscle we see it for the hot air it really is...ground troops will go in eventually and the occupation is going to last years.

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To lockdog, aka Icarus, aka stars and f*cks or whatever the thousand of the names of the same little bastard are.

Send ground troops? You do that , baby, just do that. Don't forget to enlist. You've seen war on TV a lot, haven't you? So you must be some John Cool F*** Wayne, right.

I don't think I'd like to see any dead american soldiers, guys mustn't have to be responsible for the follies of their government. But there will be a lot coffins coming from Balkans to US. In some there'll be bodies. In some - only parts of bodies. In some just ashes.

Heroes die on their home ground. None of them will be a hero.

Besides, all the world knows what poor soldiers americans are if they are not covered by tomahawks, invisible planes, smart missiles. Even these they can't launch properly, BULGARIANS CAN PROVE THAT

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