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Archive through April 20, 1999

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Ref : "Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia are at ease?"

Well, no - they are not.
In this you are absolutely right.
Nobody is jumping with joy in those countries.

But they will be as soon as these two conditions are met :
1. Milosovic Murder Machine (3M) is on its knees
2. Refugees can return to Kosovo.

Monten/Alb/Mac - cooperate fully with NATO's effort to achieve #1 and #2.
Even MONTENEGRO - an integral part of FRY - cooperates fully.

They "absorb" these refugees - on a temporary basis
while allowing NATO to bomb 3M to its knees.
As soon as that is completed, the Kosovars can return.
All 3 countries will be adequately rewarded
for their valiant contribution in this effort to CAGE EVIL in the Balkans.

And if they didn't cooperate then Milo's Army and Police
Would have remained intact to export its
rampaging, pillaging, plundering and burning.

They all want GREATER SERBIA to go down in history
as it will, along with the THIRD REICH.

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Please take a minute to think about the lyrics below, then encourage Serbian and NATO soldiers you know to just stop....

It's about individual responsibility for war and how the old feudal thinking kills us all.

Buffy Sainte-Marie
© Caleb Music-ASCAP

He's five feet two and he's six feet four
He fights with missiles and with spears
He's all of 31 and he's only 17
He's been a soldier for a thousand years

He's a Catholic, a Hindu, an athiest, a Jain,
a Buddhist and a Baptist and a Jew
and he knows he shouldn't kill
and he knows he always will
kill you for me my friend and me for you

And he's fighting for Canada,
he's fighting for France,
he's fighting for the USA,
and he's fighting for the Russians
and he's fighting for Japan,
and he thinks we'll put an end to war this way

And he's fighting for Democracy
and fighting for the Reds
He says it's for the peace of all
He's the one who must decide
who's to live and who's to die
and he never sees the writing on the walls

But without him how would Hitler have
condemned him at Dachau
Without him Caesar would have stood alone
He's the one who gives his body
as a weapon to a war
and without him all this killing can't go on

He's the universal soldier and he
really is to blame
His orders come from far away no more
They come from him, and you, and me
and brothers can't you see
this is not the way we put an end to war.

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The big problem with NATO bombing and the reason civilian convoys are being hit is that they are being bombed from three miles up, by a pilot flying alone who has to fly the plane, drop the bomb and guide it to its target, all at the same time. At that altitude it is just not possible for the pilot to tell exactly what is in the convoy. If NATO wants to strike convoys, given the propensity of Milosevich's thugs to mix military vehicles with civilians (human shields) they should come down to an altitude where they can see what they are hitting, and use munitions suitable for the target--not thousand pound bombs that blow away everything within a 100 foot radius. If they are so afraid of losing aircraft that they can't do this, they don't belong in a war.

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Right on pete!

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Jack London, I did not see you answer my question sufficiently. You are giving me the same speach NATO politicians do.
Defending another dictator and regime, am I really? Did America bomb five dictators of five civilians? Give me a break really. Do you know how many innocent people were murdered by America in last years? The whole world knowns it has nothing to do with regime or human rights in Iraq but only with oil.
Kosovar Albanians won't be going back for some time so they might aswell take them ( like non agressor countries did, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Austria, Sweden, but only three agressor countries). Kosovo is full of cluster bombes and
deleted uranimum.

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maja is not capable of thinking i gave up hope.I even wonder how she gets trew law school.

I looked at CNN once now it has been a long time you know what the first thing was i saw a journalist reporting from Belgrad saying that he was NOT allowed to report freely.
The question if it doesnt make you wonder seems almost useless, but i better ask it anyway?
Doesnt it?

And another thing i agree with the refugee who said that Serbs living in Kosova distabalizes the region. And then comes something from me i would not want to life next to someone with blood on his hands. And if you think your pittyfull that you've been raped when you where 16 it happened to me 3 times you probably would be able to look at yourself anymore.
Thing is i don't ask for pitty i just be honest and open.


PS the rest of these remarks you made im not even bother to answer.

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You've got more support


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To Maja:

Maja, I've been watching this site for the last 2-3 weeks, and i admire your strong position about the "free press", but ask me please, just one thing:

i read (in older messages) that you do not suport Milo., and you dont suport the etnic cleannig on Kosovo, you also dont suport NATO and his bombing.
I ask: How do you think it would be the best way to end this war and at the same time punish Milo.?

In some points i agree with you, i also think war isnt the best way to stop war

I would like to understand a little more of you point of wiew.

Josué R.

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Don't be surprised that these mass graves are being customized with booby-traps to kill international monitors once they eventually get on the ground in Kosovo. The Serb police and army
reek of evil and this idea is not new!
To those with good hearts, be careful!!!
To those who reek of evil, YOU WILL PERISH!

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Join the club .there are a few among us that think we are not the aggressors, but Sebian army and police controlled by Milosevic are the actual aggrressors. Only also some on this board are either to dumb or to young to see that.


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Emina, I do not want you to comment on my intelligence. Or what happened to me years ago. What do you want me to say? That I want to be raped two more time so I can understand how you feel? I have asked few times that if people do not agree with me ( and they have every right not to )
they can present their arguments. If they can not do that they can ignore me. Insults just show how you are like, not how I am like. About journalists. Why in the world would they let NATO journalists wonder around their country freely? So they can serve as spies? Aren't KLA good enough spies?
Josue, there were a lot of things that could be done before the bombings have started. There are a lot of prominent people who agree with me that diplomacy has failed one hundred procents. Mostly because there were people who wanted war. What can be done now? The only thing possible from my point of view is something that both sides find unexcatable. Divide Kosovo and divide this people forever. It is not possible for this two to live together again. Pay Serbia a war damage and help rebuild the part of Kosovo that will be Albanian.
And get ready for a war that will start in Macedonia in, let's say five years when Albanians want to secede the part of Macedonia. Forget about having NATO troops in Serbia. That will never happen. Or it could if they want to kill ten million Serbs. The longer this goes one the worse for both sides. If NATO thinks it is gonna end up a winner with a clear concience, it is mistaking big time.
Josue, you can e-mail me if you want to discuss it with me any further. And for Emina, Jack and others who enjoy insulting me cause don't share the same opinion, don't bother.

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Just recived an mass E-mail from the "Serbian Democratic Youth" same old lame sheet,except for one particular item from the Mirjana Markovic controlled group...the item stated that the killings in Kosovo are not sanctioned by Milosevic and that those respondible will be punished by Yugoslav law..To me that sounds like Milsovic may attempting to distance his own fine self from the inevitable trip to the Hauge by his field army...perhaps that explains some of the reported desertions ..of the Co, Boys Rok On B-92

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Just recived an mass E-mail from the "Serbian Democratic Youth" same old lame sheet,except for one particular item from the Mirjana Markovic controlled group...the item stated that the killings in Kosovo are not sanctioned by Milosevic and that those respondible will be punished by Yugoslav law..To me that sounds like Milsovic may attempting to distance his own fine self from the inevitable trip to the Hauge by his field army...perhaps that explains some of the reported desertions ..of the Co, Boys Rok On B-92

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I have already posted the site where you can find the first mass grave evidence is a fake.
Now I was able to see the tape of the second village mass graves are supposed to be in. The Albanian farmer who owns the land mass graves
( 150 graves ) are supposed to be in doesn't know anything about this happening. And this village of 70 people seem to have grown few new buidlings in the NATO computer picture.

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