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Archive through April 20, 1999

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Still don't think with your own head?

Sorry for delay (my chat promise a few days ago.).
I was not at home.
So if you have time and are on-line we can chat now. I'll be in in the room "war in kosovo". From 22.15 till 22.40 for sure under nickname 'nighthavk_si'.

If you don't make to come today I'll be there at same time tomorow.


Use your name as nickname...

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Weather you like it or not i am going to react on your message. Yes being raped is terrible, but its not the point oif it was a Serb or not.Do i make any sence now.
Second i questioned your intelengce because you insulted distant family of mine.Maja if you dont want to be insulted cause you happen to have a different few on thing , don't insult me either nor my distant family.
About the journalist journalist are no spies.You know that just as well as i do.The journalist reporing from Belgrad was not allow to show his footege to the rest of the world.I call it cencership.


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Well excuse me, America admits it is desperate to have somebody who would know what is going on in the country. I am sure they would take advantage of anybody knowing anything. I know for a fact that Wesley Clark called a journalist from England when the first week of attacts ended asking what the hell is going on in there ( journalist was in Pristina ). Seems like NATO knows very well what is few feet under the Kosovo soil but have no clue what is happening on it. Like losing 50.000 refugess or mistaking tractors with army trucks. They are lying so much they don't even know what they made up the day before. Not to mention NATo saying something, Pentagon something totaly different.

Samo, still using my own head. Hope you are aswell. Sorry but am never online at the time you have mentioned.

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This is a good site. Check this one

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Is this doublethink, or what? NATO is considering a blockade on Yugoslavia to stop oil imports, but says that would be an act of war requiring UN approval. What on earth do you call dropping thousand pound bombs all over the place?
(Their explanation??? this is an armed conflict, not a war.(!)) I say war by any other name is still a war. And just as deadly. You can call a skunk a lilac, but if you get on its wrong end it will still let you have it!

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No no no Pete, James Rubin already stated they do not need an approval. Cause America is beyond all the rules and laws. They only come in handy when they need to accuse somebody of violeting it. I could start writing how many they have violeted in the past weeks but there is not enough space. And somebody has written them previously.

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Sorry, I meant above the rules and laws.

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"Lying is a form of our patriotism and is evidence of our innate intelligence. We lie in a creative, imaginative, and inventive way." - Dobrica COSIC - former president of self styled Yougoslavia.

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Ref your statement :"That I want to be raped
two more time so I can understand how you feel?"
Maja, PLEASE lets be more sensitive.

Your message to JOSUE "there were a lot of things that could be done
before the bombings have started".
For TEN YEARS we tried talking.
From Lord Carrington to now.
Talking achieved NOTHING.
The only thing you will understand is BOMBS.
Even BOMBS you seem not to understand.
Do we have to anihilate you totally?
Maja, is EVERYBODY a spy
is EVERYBODY a part of this CONSPIRACY?
600.000 eye witnesses
International Red Cross
Amnesty International
Medicines Sans Frontiers.
United Nations Humanitarian Relief.
The press of the FREE WORLD?

Is everybody in on the conspiracy

Hell, NATO is having a hard time agreeing
to bomb you.
How can they have this secret CONSPIRACY?

At some time in the near future
YOU will show REMORSE
for your radical position.
It costs lives. Human lives.

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Maja says : "Pay Serbia a war damage and help rebuild the part of Kosovo that will be Albanian".

Pay a criminal for killing?
Pay a burglar for stealing?
Pay racists for deportation?
Pay Serbia for waging war?

Not in the WEST !
Crime does not pay.

O.K. we will rebuild Kosovo.
O.K. it will be Albanian.

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Lying is a form of our patriotism and is evidence of our innate intelligence. We lie in a creative,
imaginative, and inventive way." - Dobrica COSIC - former president of self styled Yougoslavia.

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"Lying is a form of our patriotism and is vidence of our innate intelligence. We lie in a creative, imaginative, and inventive way." - Dobrica COSIC - former president of self styled Yougoslavia.

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is it my fantasy or could I one day come into your life
and show you that hate is better left alone.
By itself.

Do you think I could someday knock on the door,
of your student's room,
and you will open
and find that Jack
is just an ordinary guy.

Would you look me in the eyes - if I looked for yours?
Are you taller than I am?
What does your hair smell like?
Would you hold my hand if I offered mine?

Would you believe Jack is an ordinary guy.
He's been around the world, yet simple.
He speaks languages - yet talks clearly.

Would you go out with me in the park?
A stroll with time on our side in the Spring of '99?
And never a word about the war. Ever.

Just two people - a guy and a girl.
At the waterfountains,
near the statues, watching the birds.

At peace ....
Under the sun - SUNCE.
No Kosovo, no Serbia, no NATO.
Just Jack and Maja.

Milan Kundera would call it
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

I will enjoy your company,
and my mind would wonder off ....
to Emina who I think deserves it all.

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Just a human touch to the madness.

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For the Albanian and Serbian people to be safe must they live in seperate countries? Does Bill Clinton think of all the hundreds of thousands of innocent people's lives that he is destroying? He may not kill, but many people will now be emotionally and psychologically scarred because of the NATO bombings.
Does Mr Milosovic think of all the children now without father's, mother's without their son's and wives without their husbands?

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