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Archive through April 20, 1999

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Jack London.
Excuse me, there was not a lot of talking about Kosovo. They deliberately avoided it in Dayton not to put Milosevic in a bad mood. They said so themselves.
And yes, when Serbian infrastructure and civiliand buildings are concerned, you are war criminals. It's you who have destroyed it and it is you who will pay for them. Have you bombed Arkan's or Milosevic's house? No, you have destroyed the property of Serbian people and you will pay for it. Unless you call the whole nation war criminals. But you will have a hard time proving it, my dear. Just for your information, I am not living of my country, not live in the dorm.
Slobo, I appriciate the quote. You might want to write down few of many lies America has produce in the years it has been spreading death around the world. If you don't I will.

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I was wondering about the same thing,jack asked you maja, only then in a ladies way.
Only then my toughts would go out to Kanto my husband who was never ment to survive, my toughts would go out to my 3 wonderfull,loving and caring children who also where never ment to survive.


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The most beautiful example of western democracy.
Madeline Albright asked about the Washington NATO summit said: We will decide the future of Balkans.
What kind of a democracy is that when you have people 5000 miles away who have no clue what the region is all about deciding on it's future.

Emina, I don't know what you are refering to. I said it again and I can repeat it. I am sorry for the tragedy your family has indured. I never wished this to happen, none of this. But try to understand that we have different experiences in life and they shape our point of view.
I see it like this. Serbs want to secede their part of Bosnia and they get bombed. Kosovars want to secede their part of Serbia and Serbs get bombed. They only thing common to both is Serns being bombed. I have already told you I am partial. Eventhough I never ( before ) hated anybody I liked Serbs and Bosnian muslims more than Croats ( that I despice eventhough I am part Croat )and Albanians.
Nothing to do with your situation. I have heard many Albanians saying to the camera; NATO PLEASE BOMB. Well you can not wish misery, death and destruction and think you will not endure it yourself. Did they think Serbs will suffer and they will get away?

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I was not referring.I only read the message that JACK sent you and i could not help remenising.
Thats why i wrote down that i was wondering about the same thing meaning knocking at your door and wonder who you are, what you look like, could we ever talk without the war subject.Thats all.
I said it i was thinking in a ladies way cause as a lady i don't have to wonder so much if your taller then me or what your hair smells like.
Thats all. I know you did not want the missery to happen on me.I only wish that you could think all of the human race like this.Because weather you believe it or not now its the Albanians needing help treatment when the would arrive where i am, next time it could be Serbs and i would not hassitate to help again.


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If a peaceful dog rolls over to show non-aggression to a rabid dog, does the rabid dog not bite?? NO!!...he chews your peaceful butt up!! Anyone who believes they can think, pray, or rationalize their way out of this one is sadly mistaken...they must be thinking that the "rabid dog" is some "misunderstood soul"...and they would probably rationalize the destruction of an entire race rather than accept the hard truth...some people in this world just suck...and many of them are people of power.

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I must take issue with constant Serbian referencees to their being "cleansed" out of Croatia. I was with the Croatian Army for some time and can attest that it was Serb paramilitaries and the JNA that in fact took 1/3 of Croatia and expelled 200,000 Croatian inhabitants. Serbian forces continually bombed Croatian cities, hurting our economy as well as killing people.

It was our only recourse to counterattack and restore our territorial integrity. Yes, some innocent Serbs died, given that we had a few soldiers driven by revenge. But nothing occurred on the scale of mass Serbian killings in Croatia and Bosnia. Terrible as our decision seemed, it brought peace to Croatia, although it marked the end of our centuries old Serbian community.

Bear in mind that ordinary Serbs did nothing to protest the destruction committed by Serb forces. In fact, most Serbs tacitly accepted conquest in Croatia and Bosnia, as they do in Kosovo. Yet now most Serbs people seek sympathy, invoking pictures of children cowering in shelters under NATO bombing raids.

I would suggest you direct some sympathy towards the Croatians, Bosnian Muslims, and Albanians that your bretheran in arms have committed and continue to commit against these peoples. You cannot forever claim victim status as some holy sanction to deny the rights of others.

Most Serbs are lying to themselves. Milosevic will lead you to disaster, similar to what happened in Croatia.

I understand that even my country Croatia is not without blame and fault, but for all our problems, we at least do not resort to systematic killing and conquest. History is hard to shake, but at some point you have to join civilization and try.

I wish peace to all the embattled peoples of the Balkans.


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