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Archive through April 22, 1999

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All authority and by extention, power, flows from the people.

If Ivan sticks a pitch fork in Joe Stalins's belly, Joe looses power and by extention authority.

All tyrants understand this without question.

Milo understands this, Maja doesn't. phil

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"The question isn't, "Is what is happening to the Kosovars right?" Of course it is not right! But the real question Jack should be asking himself is: Would the people of Kosovo have been better off if the NATO bombing would not have taken place? I think they would have been."

Ceejay, the history of Bosnia from the early '90s on suggests your wrong. There is every reason to believe Milo would repeat in Kosovo what he, Arkan and Arkan's Tigers did in Bosnia-Herzegovina. And your are absolutely right, the bombing gave Milo an opportunity (and the cover) to accelerate his plans for Kosovo. But the critical question is, do we have waited (as in Bosnia-Herzegovina) or act as we did. I say acting as we did was the correct course of action given Milo's history.

Milo, on the other hand, has to accept responsibility for his program of ethnic clensing, and for the way he implements it. He, nor anyone else, can balme NATO. To use the "that bad boy Billly made me do it" argument to justify actions like his is, to put it simply, childish. phil

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Maja, CeeJay, Alexei.

Whatever floats your boat !
If you really believe what you write,
save it on hard copy and read it again
a few years from now.

I used to think like you when I was
in college - a long time ago.
Believe me, you too will EVOLVE
Like it or not.

I don't care about the politics
I don't care about the history
But I am deeply troubled by the human
suffering - and YOU KNOW who started
the killing and burning of villages.

I take pleasure in the fact that
the Milosovic Murder Machine
is being disintegrated. FOREVER.
It is already damaged beyond repair.
A few more bombs, then we MAY stop.

I enjoy the idea that there will
NEVER be a Greater Serbia.
Like the THIRD REICH it is an
evil twisted concept,
doomed to die at inception.

Above all, I look forward to
I treasure the idea that as we speak
free people of the world are preparing
to prosecute these War Criminals.

Slob's modern NAZI's WILL be punished.
Maybe not immediately,
but they WILL be punished.
Even today we still catch NAZI's
They can run - but they can't hide.


Don't try to explain their reasons
What reason can ever be accepted ?
SERBS started it - NATO will finish it
This time FOR GOOD !

A free capitalist christian man.

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Jack, isn't it funny how they want to discuss everything except the criminal actions of Malosovich and his minions? He displaces hundreds of thousands of civilians. He burns their homes. His police and military kill civilians and what's thier reply? Well the US had a civil war about 130 years ago.

The simple truth of the matter is that, for the first time in many years, I'm proud that NATO has had the balls to do the right thing simply because it's the right thing to do. Sometimes, you have to do something, not because it's in your own best interest, but because it's the right thing to do.

These guys want to say, "Yeah, it's not right, but..." There aren't any "but's". It's not right and you know it. If you support it, then you are no better than those who are doing it.

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I cannot believe that even you believe what you are saying. Yes, under the present circumstances it is right for Serb's to burn peopl's houses, drive them from them their homes, even kill them? Why? Because the KLA killed some Serbian police. Do you people have no sense of justice? Yes-the American Civil War was fought because the majority of one region (the South) wanted to secede and Abraham Lincoln correctly saw that this was not the exercise of a democratic right but rather the disintegration of a country. And today, if some seperatist group plotted to secede they would be tried and if found guilty, sent to prison. But we would not burn their homes, send their families back to "where they came from", then proceed to get rid of everyone else of that ethnicity, down to the last man, woman and child. And we would not call for the services of such a great patriot as Arkan the Tiger (really, I mean how can you people even take such a person seriously). If you doubt this-look into My Lai. Forget the current crisis-this man is a murderer and the Serbian Mick Jagger. You say you have names of the dead innocents killed by the bloodthirsty Kosavars. OK-give us a few. Did we help in WW II? If not, I would be really interesed in what you think happened to the Germans.

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Oh, and if somebody is thinking that the USSR "really" finally got rid of the third reich-do you honestly believe that Marshall Tito kept Stalin out of Yugoslavia without the threat of western intervention. It is ironic that while once Yugoslavia was the free-est society in Eastern Europe today it is the last stand of Commmunist dictatorship-and now the west is intervening-agaiunst Yugoslavia.

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I am here now. Gee inpatient are we?
Yes i know Sue was telling me something if you read well you also might have noticed that I AGREE with her. SO what are you bullin me for?

By the way for people who don't understand i put the news item there for people who still arque against Or mor for etnic cleaning.People saying that it never happened! GOT IT DANIELLA?


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You all seem to be intelligent people. Please give me an answer to this question that I have posted several times with no reply forthcoming.

If there is no ethnic cleansing going on in Yugoslavia, what does the USA have to gain from bombing a third world country that has nothing the americans need or want? The USA is expending millions of dollars and risking their sons lives for what, if there is no genocide occuring?

I am sorry you are having hardships, but they are nothing in comparison to what the Kosovar refugees are reporting to the relief agencies that the Serbian military, police, and paramilitary units are perpetrating upon them.

Please answer me.

Thank you,

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This is addressed to NATO = USA
The world suffers most from the disinterested
tyranny of its well-wisher.

Rabindranath Tagore

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Maja are you still there ?
Please answer Guido.

Let's hear about international conspiracies
and Nato expansionism
Western Imperialism
and all that rethoric
still smoldering
in the ashes of the
good old - but paranoid - Soviet Union.

Please entertain us.


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YES!!!!!!!! DEFINITELY!!!!!!!

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You must see what is ACTUALLY hapening in Yugoslavia.


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No Law In International Law
Following Washington’s dictate, NATO has continued its terrorist and criminal bombing of Yugoslavia. The media, which have turned into the mouth-piece of countries taking part in this aggression, pay little attention to the suffering of Yugoslavia. They solely talk about a
humanitarian catastrophe that befell the Kosovo refugees, and keep hushing up the fact that not all the refugees are Albanians, and that it
was NATO’s intervention that caused the humanitarian catastrophe. The humanitarian situation would not have been so difficult if the Kosovo Verification Mission had remained in Kosovo. Also, had the peace talks resumed, the bombing of Yugoslavia would have been impossible,
also I pointed out the facts both the authorities and the people in Yugoslavia would have to take into account while making all future decisions.

Shamelessly, and in a manner so typical of the U.S. president, Bill Clinton claims that even the refugees support aggression against
Yugoslavia. “I am impressed,” says Clinton, “that the refugees strongly support NATO’s action, and understand that it was not the action that has caused their exile, but that the process has been going on since last year.” In a word, the U.S. president believes that everyone love the bombs – both the Serbs, who are the major victims of the bombing, and the Albanians, whom the very same bombs forced to leave their homes.

On the other hand, the Western countries’ propaganda does not mention at all a humanitarian catastrophe caused by the bombing of
Yugoslavia. By continuing the terrorist bombing of Yugoslavia, NATO is getting deeper and deeper into an operation of utter destruction that involves both civilian and military targets. The destruction of economic facilities and infrastructure directly threatens the existence of millions of citizens. Apparently, sanctions were not enough. Washington now threatens the lives of Yugoslav citizens, and deprives them from the

NATO is trying to weaken the Yugoslav army. However, this is a mere tool in NATO’s efforts to achieve its major goal. As one of NATO spokesmen said, the North Atlantic Alliance’s aim is to “force the Yugoslav army out of Kosovo,” thereby expelling the Serbian population as well, so that the Albanian refugees could get back to the province,escorted by the NATO troops of course. Thus, an ethnically pure Kosovo would come under Washington’s full control. Just like it cleansed Krajina of the Serbs, the Clinton regime, supported by the obedient throughout Europe, intends to do a similar thing in Kosovo. This is the only true goal of the aggression against Yugoslavia, while media manipulation of the humanitarian catastrophe is only an instrument to help achieving the goal.

Adolph Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia, in which he used the Sudeten Germans, is not much different from what Bill Clinton is trying to do through the Kosovo Albanians. However, there is something else that more pronouncedly links the U.S. president with Adolph Hitler and his regime – the collapse of the existing international legal order and security system. Washington and NATO placed themselves above the international legal order. After them, any country or international organisation can do the same. There is no law in the international law
any longer – what remains is force and the law of the stronger. The strong do what they want, and the weak what they have to.

History has its own court trying the violent on the Earth. It is above earthly courts, including the one at The Hague. That court can hardly ignore William Jefferson Clinton and acquit him of all charges relating to his countless crimes committed throughout the world, particularly those on the soil of former Yugoslavia.

Washington makes meaningless or impossible any attempt at resuming peace talks. The Serbian and Albanian suffering and blood do not mean much for those creating the new world order. The Albanians are also victimised. The Americans created the Kosovo Liberation Army for them and sent a stark message: do not negotiate – carry out terrorist acts instead! The Americans have praised Ibrahim Rugova to the skies for
years, only to give him up and turn to the worst part of the Albanian separatist movement – terrorists and drug dealers – and try to
transform them into a reputable military and political force.

To say the truth, something that could be a fresh diplomatic initiative regarding Kosovo emerged at yesterday’s meeting of German, French,British, Italian and U.S. foreign ministers in Bonn. Still, this could be a mere move to calm the Western European governments that are not
over-enthusiastic when it comes to the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia. It was concluded at the meeting that the signing of the Rambouillet agreement was no longer the major prerequisite for the continuation of the talks, and that they could resume on the basis of “a political framework for Kosovo, based on the Rambouillet agreement.”
However, an important thing was forgotten. The West has sent two clear messages to the Serbs and the Albanians from Rambouillet. The
Serbs were told: “Sign the agreement or we will bomb you.” The message to the Albanians was also crystal clear: “Sing the agreement,so that we could bomb the Serbs.” In the meantime, the “rules of the game” have changed. It is no longer necessary to sign the accord, but the Serbs are still bombed.

Washington trying to “make the people happy,” who told the regime in Belgrade not to lay a finger on Djukanovic’s regime in Montenegro, even though they had already sent their humanitarian bombs to that same regime. Just like the story on a humanitarian catastrophe is a flimsy excuse for the invasion of Kosovo, a claim that Djukanovic’s “democrats” are in danger should serve as another excuse for Washington to support and encourage Montenegro’s independence.

Finally, it should be noted that all wars are accompanied go hand in hand with stupidity, lacking sense of reality and stubbornness. John Fitzgerald Kennedy entered Vietnam to show that he had no intention to yield to communism, not even in a far-away country like Vietnam. Of course, he couldn’t possibly hit the communism regime in Kremlin.Having continued the war in Vietnam’s jungles, Kennedy’s successor,Lyndon Johnson, said that he would never lose that war. After 500,000 people were killed, the war was lost. America got nothing and learned nothing from that war, the best illustration of which are different wars the present-day U.S. president is waging throughout the world,including the one in Yugoslavia.

MUST SEE this link

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It seems that the Iron Curtain has
kept many Yugo's living in the past.

The past is important,
we must learn from it,
but we have to live for present
and prepare for the future.

Serbs are still angry that the
Ottoman Turks defeated them in 1389 in Kosovo.
So they fight and destroy everything.
!!!!!!! 1389 !!!!!!!!

The US fought England in late 1700's
they've been best buddies since,
working toward the future.

The English, French and Americans were involved
in bombing Germany in 1940's.
But that is all OVER
today we work together
working toward the future.

But behind the Iron Curtain the
emphasis is on the past
they bask in past glories
and glorify past WARS
The Slob's progranda is based on the mythology
of heroic defense of Kosovo - as in 1389!

For those looking to the future
WAR is something incidental
a temporary but necessary EVIL.
But for those that glorify it
... for them it is structural - their lives evolve around it.

Von Clausewitz is right,
"War is an extension of politics"
But bear in mind
The purpose of WAR is to serve a political end,
but the true nature of war is to serve itself.
This is why countries that glorify war

Let's discuss the PRESENT issues (the Genocide, Deportation, Humiliation, Rape and other Hurting of the Kosovars by Serbians, which ultimately resulted in NATO's bombing campaign).

The question is - what will it take to stop it.
Please - this is a question about the FUTURE.

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How can you say that NATO has continued its terrorist and criminal bombing of Serbia. Just look at what the Hitler Milosevic is doing to all those people!!!!! First he started doing this to the Croats then the Bosnians and now the Kosovars. It was about time that NATO had to do something!!! NATO had let all this Genocide and ethnic cleansing go on for way way way toooooo long. I just feel sorry for the odd good Serb (and I know there are some, 'cause my friend is one and is totally against what Milosevic is doing and is backing NATO up), Milosevic and his barbaric army gives you poor guys a bad name, 'cause it isn't your fault its the beast himself, Milosevic!!!! But one thing I don't understand is, why couldn't some of the good ones, if there is many out there, stand up to Milosevic and put and end to this. Haven't you heard of civil wars. As far as I'm concerned if most of the Serbs are supporting what Milosevic and his army are doing, it just makes you guys just as bad as him.

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