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Archive through April 22, 1999

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I live in Holland and I was curious what for information the Serbs give to their people.
So I read some webpages, I felt as if I lived in 1941, in Hitler-Germany.
They have a Hitler, a genocide-filosophy and...
there own SS-panzer division.
But strangely, we still talk as if we are the agressors, although even a blind man can see what
happens in Kosovo.
And the Serbs will invade Albanie to finish off what they started. Isn't it time to say "STOP"?

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goed dat jij het ook ziet.
We are trying to break to pieces
the Panzers and every other bit of the murder machine
that has been terrorizing the Balkans
since the early 1990's.

If Hitler did not have his army
he would have been unable to carry on
with the Blitzkrieg and so on.
Destroy Milosovic's capacity to expand the war.
Destroy his army, his infrastructure and support systems.
If anything, it compares to destroying the Whermacht before it expanded WWII.
Stop them NOW.

If we had destroyed Hitler's army in time
at the most he would have kept his concentration camps in parts of Eastern Europe
And in due time we would have destroyed them too.

Evil is evil.
In 1940 or in 1990.
We have to destroy them.
Otherwise they get away with murder.

Let's fight evil.

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US to send troops to kill all Albanians? They doing it without sending the troops.. Can you imagine if they are there???

Send them NOW????????

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Well said.

Lets meet at
"Is Kosovo another Vietnam?" Board.
There hasn't been anybody there since the 16th.
(The board's question has been answered : no!)
Are you anywhere near Doetinchem?
I've been there a couple of times.

I've not heard from you.

Did you just turn me down? Was it something I said?
Maybe someday - if we work REAL hard at it - I could learn to like Serbs too.

You ask... "Have you bombed Arkan's or Milosevic's house? No, you have destroyed the property of Serbian people".
Wow, I guess all the houses your guys are burning
in Kosovo belong to KLA members?
The women and children you attack,
abuse and kill are all KLA?

What's up down-under?

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TO JACK LONDON (i wonder why london, you can try jack the ripper, it will suit better....)

I think your opinions are full of hate and your arguments ("the only thing you - serbs - understand is BOMBS") are fascist. You play with numbers so easy, in order to manipulate people ("60.000 dead kosovars" or "600.000 eye witnesses").
I don't know who Maja is, i don't like serbs more than albanians, i just like peace.
For that reason i don't like individuals like you, who call to kill in order to stop killings.
When humanity will throw away (IF EVER...?!?)pathologicals warriors like you, then we'll have peace !
You are not an ordinary guy, Jack..
You are just a perverse one !

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Project HOPE is responding to the humanitarian disaster with shipments
and deliveries of medicines and basic medical supplies for the flood of
refugees who have crossed into Macedonia. Health care companies have
offered to donate a minimum of $4 million worth of essential medicines
and supplies. The first shipment will arrive in Macedonia this week.
UPS has agreed to provide cargo space for this and future deliveries.

Please visit the Project HOPE Web site at to read the latest about HOPE's
medical relief efforts in Macedonia.

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Wise Ass,

What do you suggest to stop the killing by Serbs?

Diplomacy ?


It has been tried for TEN YEARS.

Are you aware of this ?

Diplomats talked for TEN YEARS,

and while they were at it,

children, women and men were systematically being killed - DAILY.

Pacifists like you will crawl
and hide behind ordinary men like me
if you were being herded at gun-point by these Heroic Serb Solders.

Your choices are
1. continue to TALK
2. Kick Serb ass.

Suggest something else.

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P.S. it is not hate

It is anger.

I am angry

that after 50 ••••••• years

NAZI's roam Europe again,

and people like you

want us to stand aside and TALK to them.

Piss the •••• off.

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Jack London, I did not understand your proposal so I did not comment.

Mate, I am a part Croatian myself and I am ashamed to be, almost. I have a great idea on how Croatia achieves peace. Like in the second world war, the NDH and everything that it did. Germans are ashamed of the Nazi past, Croatia is actually proud of it.
30. April 1941 NDH passes a law against Jews and Gipsys. Making them: Children kicked out of schools, they were not allowed to go to public places like bars and cinemas. There were 1.900.000 million Serbs living in Croatia at that time, one third of the population ( compare it to know and you will see who did the most of ethnic cleansing in Balkans ). The official plan was, one third should be turned into roman catholics, one third kicked to Serbia and one third killed. Croatia has killed atleast 700.000 people. Let's just take the Jesenovac concentration camp where somewhere between 80.000 to 100.000 were killed. After the second world war the monument was set up for the victims. But would you believe it, few years ago Croatians wanted to turn this monument into the monument for victims and their killers!
A country that praises it's murderous history has no right to moralise anybody.

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Clinton, maybe you should stop thinking of disarming Serbs and start disarming your youth.

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The Croatia of today is not the Croatia of WW II. As bad as NDH was, it was matched in killing and ferocity by the Cetnici. Today's generation of Croatians, like the Bosnian Muslims and Albanians, should not be punished for what our great grandfathers did to one another.

As I stated, like most Serbs, you sensationalize and echo propaganda. 1,9000,000 Serbs were not killed in Croatia in WW II. Independent Croat and Serbs studies put the numbers near 200,000 Serbs and 100,000 Croats. Even 1 killing is bad, but why raise numbers for political effect?

Of course Croatia must reconcile with her past and the Ustasha are guilty for unjust killings. I am not proud of this past. Yet, this was 60 years ago, before my time or yours. You cannot persecute me or my family for this. Attacking us will only compel us to fight back.

Only Serbia echoes today the era of WW II. Wake up and see reality for what it is. Vukovar. Zadar. Sibenik. Dubrovnik. Osijek. Sarajevo. Gorazde. Srebrenica. Pristina. This is today, this is what is happening now! You can fight the ghosts of WW II, but I would rather focus on today and the real killing being committed by Serb forces.

I will admit to Croatian transgressions in WW II, even injustice against the Bosnian Muslims in our recent war. But nothing that Croats or Bosnian Muslims did can compare to the systematic, organized actions of the Serb forces.

Can you admit to any of this? I do not hold it personally against any Serb, as you should no hold me cupable for NDH in WW II. But, I ask you to stand up and speak as a human being.


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The following was taken from the official Yugoslavian Government Web site.

Unprecedented massacre
The NATO strike list is turning into a horrible indictment. After the air raid that caused dozens of casualties on the international passenger train in the Grdelica Gorge, NATO "surgical warfare" resulted in an unprecedented massacre in Kosovo and Metohija, the worse since this war of aggression started. Dozens of refugees - mostly women, children and eldrely - have been killed and many more civilian casualties have been reported. NATO aircraft have returned four times to raid mercilessely a long column of Albanian refugees that were returning home along the Djakovica-Prizren road with the escort of Yugoslav security forces.
The number of casualties slaugtered by genocidal bombing has yet to be established. General Lazarevic - commander of the Pristina Corps, is personally heading a group of experts in the field.

Supreme Command HQ
Informations Service

Bullsh*t!!! The refugees were human shields for the Serbian forces! But why were they mostly women, children, and elderly? Where were the young men? In mass graves that is where!! Why would they be returning home if it is as you say and they are fleeing NATO bombs? The bombing has not stopped! If they were returning home it was because they were being forced to! The Serbian forces now fear the truth that is being told by the refugees when they reach safety. They realize the war is lost and they fear the war crimes trials that are going to happen!

You are an ignorant b*tch! Why don't you go to Kosovo this week and see for yourself? Or does the government refuse you access to your own country? Personally, I think you could even be a Serbian govm't. agent, just trying to fill us full of Milo,s propaganda!! Up yours! I've had enough of trying to reason with you Serbs. You can't reason with a blind cobra! All you can do is stomp it's head until it does'nt move anymore!!!

Put your stupid targets on top of your little pointed NAZI heads so it will be easier to blow your a*ses off!!!

P*ss on you and your whole genocidal nation!!!!!!!

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thanks your message was a possitive one to start my day.
I agree with sort of all of it only one detail i miss.
Small children also in Serbia are innocent, its the parents and jerks like Milosevic and everything they see and hear that makes them behave later like all the others before him/h
And thats the sad thing aboutit.


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goede morgen.

Good question i am near Nijmegen 30 km from it.
ok we can meet there how do i get there as this is preprogrammed for now?

Ps you can e mail me.Did you get mine?

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Sorry to say, but your words are not very nice either. To tell you the truth non of this is nice.By using the language you just used on Jack you also show that your pretty capable of war ,hate and destruction. If you want peace you of all people should treat your opponent with peace in mind.
Just a friendly advice.


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