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Archive through April 23, 1999

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Sorry about the repost, but this is still relevant.

Where did the brave Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) fighters get their weapons from? Who trained them and gave them those shiny uniforms? Who provided the logistics, command and control etc?

There is no "guerilla army" without a major supporter. And guess who created the KLA - CIA and BND (German CIA).

A similar destabilization scenario has been developed and tested in South America, Asia etc. -

The intelligence goes in first. It establishes guerilla bases in a neighboring country. "Retired officers" start training the able bodied guerilla
volunteers. Use Russian origin hand weapons. Select good spots for border crossing, send insurgents in. They use own villages as transit
points. The "freedom fighters" do death and destruction and rush back over the border into base. This invokes reaction from the police, which
starts prosecuting supporters. The extremists on both sides are in control now. The circle of violence has been established.

The situation keeps escalating. The West starts clamoring about Human Rights. Media are now employed to manufacture consent of the domestic
populace. Pictures of crying children are splashed regularly over TV screens (all news are centrally sourced on the global basis - Reuters,CNN,BBC,DW).

Next, calls for intervention are now engineered - "Stop the massacres! We have to do something! ..." scream the front pages of newspapers and readers' letters. This is the time for the bombers to start flying.

Since it is not safe yet for the Western troops to move in - they start openly arming the friendly ethnic guerilla force and continue supporting it from the air.

Finally, the "peace keepers" roll in to preserve the "peace" won.

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BELGRADE (Reuters) - Yugoslavia put out a peace feeler over Kosovo late Thursday when President Slobodan Milosevic was quoted as telling Russia he was willing to accept an ''international presence'' there under U.N. auspices.




(only much faster).

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Even if Albanians win Kosovo for the Greater Albania, they will have a present from their "humanitarians" for the generations to come - the
depleted uranium shells.

Albanians will not need electricity any more - they will all glow in the dark.


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This is another lie by the Yugoslavian Government, it contradicts their other news release. Here is the Yugoslavian version.They freely admit Serbian forces were travelling with the refugees.The official URL is

Unprecedented massacre
The NATO strike list is turning into a horrible indictment. After the air raid that caused dozens of casualties on the international passenger train in the Grdelica Gorge, NATO "surgical warfare" resulted in an unprecedented massacre in Kosovo and Metohija, the worse since this war of aggression started. Dozens of refugees - mostly women, children and eldrely - have been killed and many more civilian casualties have been reported. NATO aircraft have returned four times to raid mercilessely a long column of Albanian refugees that were returning home along the Djakovica-Prizren road with the escort of Yugoslav security forces.
The number of casualties slaugtered by genocidal bombing has yet to be established. General Lazarevic - commander of the Pristina Corps, is personally heading a group of experts in the field.

Supreme Command HQ
Informations Service

They said all Albanians were fleeing NATO bombs, now they say they were returning home. Why? Nato has increased bombing, not stopped it. They said there was no Serbian forces travelling with the refugees. Now they say they were escorting the refugees. Why? The truth is they stopped the refugees and were "escorting" them home because they are afraid of the stories of their attrocities the Albanians are telling the world.

We (NATO) must send in ground troops before the Serbians erase all the evidence of what they have done!

I really do apologize for my remarks. This is a forum for free speech and I should not have lost my temper. Please return and I promise I will not call you bad names again. We miss your version of the war and truly care about the innocent people in your country that have no knowledge of, or part in, the ethnic cleansing. The only reason we argue with you is because we care, and want you to see the truth and not live in darkness. I know you are very proud of your heritage and love your country, but you must understand that you have been deceived by your leaders and media. As an American I can say that my President is a sorry S.O.B. and I didn't vote for him or agree with his politics. But he has deceived a majority of the U.S. into believing he is a good guy (like Milosevic has deceived many Yugoslavians) but he has helped in the destruction of our country by supporting anti-christian morals (abortion, homosexuals, adultery, drug abuse, etc...), our country was founded on christian morals, but no longer stands on these principles. All politicians lie to their own people to gain and maintain power. I pray that you will come to see the truth. I know you can see the lies your government has told. Just ask yourself, "What are they trying to hide?"

Please forgive me as I have no grudge against you personally, and excuse any ignorance I have displayed pertaining to the situation in Kosovo, but I only have a ninth grade education (my fault) and am not well versed in the historical, geopolitical situations of the world. I will continue praying for all the innocent people on both sides of this war. And when all is said and done, we will still not know the whole truth, but you will see that you were wrong.

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"Depleted Uranium"

Depleted means they no longer have a dangerous level of radiation in them. They are used for their ability to penetrate armor plating due to the fact that they are heavier and harder than any other available humanitarian materials. You receive more radiation at the beach in the summer from the sun.

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The modus operandi you present is realistic.
It can be made to work in the sequence you suggest.
CIA has social scientists in place to execute such a plan.
I have no answer on the question of the money-shooter(s).

Assume the money-suppliers are foreign powers.
Their motive : "control" Serbia.
Yes, control its behavior, check the aggression.
Not to allow Serbians to export the aggression
that has been at the core of its politics since the early 1990's.

The state of Yugoslavia was undergoing a revolution.
Like Sandinista's fighting the Contras,
Serb police and army had to fight the KLA.
But this state overreacted.
The Sandinistas did not "cleanse" Managua
they did not push its population into Costa Rica and El Salvador.

Deportation and genocide are crimes,
even in wartime.
Human rights violations were rampant in Central America,
but largely as a result of the chaos.
It was not structural, organized and systematic.

If the CIA, KGB, MOSSAD were indeed behind the KLA,
then so be it.
But the Serbs overreacted.
They burned the kitchen to kill a rat.
Because of this there is no sympathy for their cause.

This is all Organic Evolution of States.
A State will defend itself at all costs when facing disintegration.
The Serb state reacted violently
because it was breaking up from the inside.

Foreign powers had to keep the violence within the Yugoslav borders.
Revolutions tend to expand (export).

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salvatore, can you gives everybody the name of "yours newspaper" ? that must be a very interesting lecture.....

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Sorry, I dont come from Yugoslavia. I never live in yhe region.
I now how to loose family, freinds, and children but not in Jugoslavia.
I loose my best friend in Jugoslavia but in a car-crach when we travel to her homecountry Greece.
I have live in many countrys, I have loose friens in Marroco, Angola, Baskia, Irland and India.
Yes I have naightmars, always dream about the War-time. I cant go to sleep if I dont check my hous (I have a ritual) and every day I need to talk with my children (how in life) and my grandchildren. If I sleep 2-4 houres by naigth I am happy.
I am sad for the situationa in the hole world, not only for Jugolsavia.
I never anderstand War and what they think they won whit it. Nobady won samting in War only the peopel will bee suffred. I cant wrigt so good englesh and I cant see so well to but I hope you anderstand me.
By Jenny.

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Give up SLOB
NATO has set your country back 50 years.You will lose Kosovo forever thank GOD.They can return in peace.GOD BLESS NATO AND THE GOOD OLE USA.

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I don't know about the monument,but i will ask my sister.She knows a lot about these things.And if it is there we make sure you will get to see it.
Ok my sister koms in!
And tells me it is called Kamp Wesrerbork.In the province od Drenthe.

Jeeee something from the Carabien.............

I don't know what you nice guys have there. Let me tell you what i like so does my sis btw.

Clothing Tradional
Alles wat er classy uitziet en niet belachelijk duur :-))

I hope im of a bit of help here.
By the way lets all go to the Zoo??????


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Maja is just lurking now on the board.

For me it means some peace at heart, I am tired of her insults and propaganda.For her sake i hope she is studying this from other angles too.


Ps we don't alwayds have to agree, but this went too far.

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Is the fact that Albanians are muslim (some or all?) the reason why NATO is not doing anything directly to help the Kosovo Albanians? Do they just want to be seen to be helping without actually helping so far?

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Oh , not again !
Now even Kolina - Emina -Zoja with the same story .Has anybody had a chance to tell this "person"
to stop lying ? Who is observing this website ?

There are some informative sites for the interested :

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If you have any questions ill be happy to try and give you some advice.
If you want go to my websit and mail me from there......OK?

Thanks for the support


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thanks for your support brother, but butchered i was already today by DANIELA who cannot read and thinks i am a changeling, and everytime i change i seem to take on another name. I wonder if what she reads she can understand too? Frankly I am getting sick of her accusations.

Zoja is my identical twinsister ofcourse you
would feel differently.....well Daniela let me tell you something as you cant be reasoned with.....GO TO HELL!! Got enough of you as a peron.

As a psychiatrist i would reccoment you to treat your post traumatic stress disorder. As far as your not suffering from a Borderline Syndrome.


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