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Archive through April 24, 1999

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Estimable Member
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Come to Texas Nick and I will blow your brains out and feed you to the coyotes! Yes we do have guns in the usa, and I have been killing innocent little animals since I was 6 years old. So I would love to blow a nazi like you away! I could take you in the neck with a 30-06 from 400 yards so it would be quick and painless or in the guts from 6 inches with a 22 so you would die real slow. Don't f*ck with the usa because we are born warriors. How do you think we became the most powerful nation in the world. WE LIKE TO KILL THE BAD GUYS!!!

Eminent Member
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Read "The Serb Blueprint for cleansing Kosovo", (Oct 1995)

Eminent Member
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Addressing the main part-takers: Guido, Maja, Nick, JACK LONDON (sorry, I'm back) and others...

In spite of all the differences in opinion concerning Kosovo, the Serbs' policy and NATO's actions we all have one thing in common - we're modern civilized citizens of the world who wouldn't prefer to get self-destroyed, aren't we?
The approximate date of the next and evidently last world war has become known - the 7-8th of May, 1999. This is the date of a ground launch on Yugoslavia. I have already proved JACK I'm Russian. So, I repeat: apart from the politicians' desire and decision Russia is DOOMED to be getting involved in the war, which, as many of the part-takers of the board have pointed out, is then sure to become nuclear. Only the blind don't see that, but even they can now almost sense it. This is a situation when all Russian Crazy Ivans, American Born Warriors from Texas and Serb Fanatic Supporters should SHUT UP! NATO's 50th anniversary celebrations should be interrupted and Russia's war preparations must be stopped! High time a peace conference on Yugoslavia was summoned. Forget the present contradictions, they are sure to seem ridiculous when it's too late. One can't play self-assertion when the international peace, future and prosperity of our children is at stake.

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Maja kaze: "Ovo je moja zemlja"
Ladies and gentlemen who don't speak Serbian, it means: this is MY COUNTRY

So, either Maja, indeed lurking, is a Serb or wishing so much she would be one, she has taken on their identity.

And no ethnic cleansing??? This girl will be so shocked when Molisebitch is dead, (he has cancer anyway) and Serbia finally has their free press back since ten years I might add, and all the Serbs, like the Germans in 1945, will be horrified to see and hear what they really so vigorously supported.

Maja has gone so called off the board, so I will say this in general: I really pity her and people like her, who live in a free country, with access to free press, and still supports a murdering dictatoriate in which the inhabitants can do nothing else BUT support. They get killed if they don't. And Maja, the lawyer, enjoys all freedom the Serb populations doesn't. but refuses to use it.
What a shame! Honey, half a milion people are not lying at the same time. That's an old trick, tried in several wars now. I whish it was a lie, but unfortunately it is the sad truth.


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He guys, Maja is gone, in comes an American who thinks it's funny to 'kick ass' while he doesnt even know what he is historically talking about: NICK. Speaking about hiding behind a name!!!

One advice to you Nick, go to a refugee camp on the border of Kosovo,offer yourself as a volunteer, experieince what war is really like, and then come back and tell us all about it. It really is not so pretty and heroic as you think.

But, as you are not going anyway, here's a decent site that offers you a nistoric background on things.
It's called the Albanian question. Read it and weep.

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Rosie, Guido,
Josue & wife ,
(did i miss anybody?)

We can sit and wait until Milosovic says "uncle"
or we can agree now
that the war is over
Serbia lost
and Greater Serbia will never be.

Whatever happens, I am happy with the idea
that in all this evil I have made friends.

Jack, Emina and Lisa will meet
in August,in Western Europe.

Josue and wife may be a part of it too.

Isn't this great ?

Without ever meeting, all the above know
that they share a basic love for HUMANITY.

So we will at some point meet over it - in person.
Soon enough we will attach faces to names.

Guido and Salvatore,
I don't know where you are.
But wherever you are
something can be arranged.
It is a small, small world.
Really SMALL.
SMALL - and I know it.
What do you think?
Come along guys.

If, of all the evil in this war,
all we achieve is to bring together
these good people,
I pledge to pay HALF of everybody's expenses
and 100% of Maja's.
For real.

MAJA I will arrange for you the Royal treatment.
For being Maja .... the star of the show.

In some Belgian Chateau
(that I will arrange)
we will, just US,
listen closely to what MAJA has to say.

Would you come, Maja ?
We want you there.
I GUARANTEE you all due respect.

Rosie - you are far from all of us.
But the invitation stands.
For being a humanist like me
I will cover your ticket 100% just the same,
Would you come ?

All the above stands
if EVERYBODY agrees
before the turn of the century.

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Nick, be as blind as you wish
but the part given to Russsia,
the role it has to play in this all,
is determined by NATO.

We will ALLOW you to be a part of it.
You carry no weigth,
you displace no water.
You are nothing.

We are showing courtesy,
because you barbarians can easily cause damage.
It takes an ignorant fool to push a button and start a world crisis.

Patton should have been allowed to destroy you in '45.

You are nothing....
but you can cause damage
You can hurt the world peace.
So we take you in consideration.
The alternative is to nuke you assholes!

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Barbarians at the gate.

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Maja, you are not really a Serb-lover, are you?

Nor are you a Milosovic sympathiser are you?

Reputable Member
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Posts: 369

Hey, Nick!
Talking of hiding behind a NICK! Nick for nickname, right???
You know what happens here when you use your real name???? You get death and in a woman's case rape and death threats. I suggest you try it once, just make your real name and e mailaddress public on this board, then spew your opinions, and then wait and see.

Anyway, apart from that, your information is not right. I would advise you one thing. Go to one of the refugee camps in Albania, as close to the border of Kosov as you can get, offer your help there as a volunteer, work there for a while, and then come back an tell us all about your experiences. It is so easy to shout when you don't live it.


For some historic perspective, check out this website:
The piece is called The Albanian Question.

By the way, for those who chose to believe in changelings, Zoja is not Emina. Zoja is Zoja, Eminas sister.

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I know Americans are not all rich.I heard enough stories from American people who are working like you and don't even get a healthcare insurance.

The help i offer i free.
They are come on Mail and i know it is you.

I made a mistake with typing of the site.If you want here it is again.


Reputable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 441


Maja doesn't it seem logical somehow that you fight lies with the truth.........???????

Btw i thought you did not want to be on the board anymore......Not very concistant are you.


Ps after you will see what the Serb police and army have done.I don't think you would be so proud anymore.Like you are NOT proud of your partly croation heritage.

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About the TV station.The only thing i regret is that NATO did not bomb hard enough to hit your friend Milosevic who was broadcasting "his truth"
A real shame indeed.


Reputable Member
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Posts: 441


jee i wonder if you had your shot before you wrote your piece.You seem delucional.

My advise get your facts straight.


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Posts: 182

Viet Viet

Your excuse of a country lost in Vietnam, and dishonourably which is worse.

Thank God some leaders found a bit of sense within their neurons and called it a day. I guess your weapons got all the tests they needed, it was a great time for napalm business.

Most nations lose honourably, but not the USA. First they creep in with their spies, like in PC games Civilization, Stratego and others. They indulge in corruption, bribery, assasination anything goes to remove the unwanted governments and replace those acceptable by your God-forsaken federal agencies.

You are real troopers: pushing your buttons from the Adriatic Sea, I admire the courage of your F16 pilots who risk a finger cramp when bombing tractors, trains on a bridge like sitting ducks, and refugee camps.

I despite your nation of cowards, who think they have to intervene when the objective is assigned by your weapons dealers at the Pentagon. This is one battle you are going to lose again, without honour as usual, because if your leaders are afraid Kosovo is going to be another Vietnam, you just wait. Serbs will be waiting. Your soldiers will defecate in their trousers at the mere sight of these giants who have only to lose their mother land, whereas you guys are questioning whether you should be there (like millions of US during Nam).

Your morale sucks: in "USA today" (Wednesday 21 April 1999), it shows how you wimps are scared by a little mud, hell some of you won't even go to the toilet !!! Ha ha ha ! I had great fun reading that.

And you can store your crap back in about being in the war. I despite you soldiers, you so-called heroes who brag about how many kills you got in combat. So creative. You are volunteers, and although some of you really have patriotic values, the great majority did not have to be there in Kosovo, waiting for your ships in hiding and so called invisible planes to burn a country to a standstill in order to conquer what is left.

See you at Nuremberg 2.

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