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Archive through April 25, 1999

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I am a Strong Advocate for World Peace!
not Whirled Peas!

Peace not WoD!

MMMay Day!


Den de Cannabist

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in the

Fossil fuels leak thousands of gallons into lakes, rivers and seas,
not even counting the exxon valdeez. 4% biomass would fuel our needs.
World cotton yearly uses 1/4 million tons of petro-sides. Half the US Chemicals are used on the cotton.Cutting down
rainforests, ancient cypress and redwoods. Eco-systems destroyed,
undocumented species extinct. Corporate farms, workers poisoned for less than minimum wage. Natives, family farms and poor, loosing more everyday. Banned from growing the self fertilized pest free hemp.
Peoples, starving through-out the earth, seniors and children mal-nutritioned since birth. Jurys filled with corporate and government employees, while prisons rise faster than low income housing. Seniors jailed for illegally smiling. Fertilizer fluoridation.
Education depravation administrated on and by teachers, cops and preachers, mo money for building brownshirts and bleechers.
The hemp parchment constitution,by-passed to "ends justify means" rules. Illiteracy and unemployment maintain a steady labor pool. Incarcerating cannabis users to pay the "drug war" debt, pharmaceuticals tell us herbs are a threat.
Street people forced to dive into dumpsters, a war crime in Geneva,
none of it need happen if we just used the,stalks and seeds of sativa,
or the Cannabis flowers for medicinal needs, only we the people can stop this greed. squads eradicating FARMaceuticals, getting 99.28% Food,Fuel and Fiber. Little flipper babies of thalidomide, once banned, now FDA rebirthed to battle the heathen devil weed.
The Korpse reap, with meat, 4/1, cows/Mericans. Eating 80% of our, (half gone Ogalala reservoir watered, pestoherbofertolized) Ag. . 1/12 ratio meat/grain. Waste dung rising nitrates,causing mutated deformed, anti-choice, bible belt babies.
Reefer mad cowboys spraying agent orange. Kill grouse, pheasant homes and the most nutritionally complete food on the planet.
Now Israeli science says: CANNABIS PREVENTS BRAIN DAMAGE.....
Ok NATO and Milo go stand in the corner until you can behave...Bad Cops No Donuts!
Peace not WoD!
MMMay Day Week!
Cannabis is Food, Fuel, Fiber, FARMaceuticals
Den de Cannabist

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Me and my sister would love to take on your invatation.
Anything you want from Holland?


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Zoja suppositorium:

I have news for you, Nick is my name, and I am French. I have no interest in supporting the Serbs, nor the Yugoslavs. I just know they do not deserve this aggression. Don't be as dumb as you sound, report some news for a change instead of voicing your hatred like the other Morons Guido, Jack London and others who do not have any facts to report.

On this site there are people informing and other dreaming to kill them. So healthy.

Best regards


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One of the reasons the USA has been around so long is not only because we are raised to want to destroy evil, we have the intelligence to do it in a way that minimizes our own losses. If there was a cobra in your backyard, would you send your son out to kill it with his bare hands, or would you get a shotgun and kill it from a safe distance? This has nothing to do with bravery, it is intelligence, something you lack! When it comes to hand to hand combat you will poop in your pants because there is nothing more fierce than a 18 year old american with a gun. The bravery now consists of standing up for a people that we don't traditionally like(Moslems)because they are being massacred by our own (Christians)brothers, when their own people wont help them.

P.S. Just teasing about the 30-06, I have never even been in a fist fight in my life (42 years),
I am really a very slow to anger person, and I forgive very quickly. But I hate fascists. And you are one.

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Dearest Nick

Do you talk frorm experience? Can you, if you do, enlighten me on that???
As far as my experience concerned, in an earlier posting I already said it does not fall from the sky. I know what I write and why, from personal experience as well as my professional one, being a journalist, who did some work outside her own country, in war zones you never heard of.

Your opinions are the ones showing hate: hate on just about everthing except yourself.

One last question, did you already digest the contents of the website I posted twice?? Probably you haven't even noticed the hyperlink, so busy kicking other people in the butt.

You are really no conversationalist, no addition to this board at all. If all you can do is call everybody names, go somewhere else. War is not something to play with, which is an experience you can learn by sticking your big French nose outof your country and explore the world.
Good luck doing that!

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Nick, there are more people here who suppose an independent state doesn't deserve any aggression no matter what internal policy it pursues. As for Jack London - he is definitely obsessed. Just read his answer to my message in "Russian response". Emina, you've finally noticed insults? Then you must be surprisingly particular. Trace Jack's postings back - you'll find deliciously constructed ones. I'm sure he's got one for you in store - you'll find it out when you see him (if you do).

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Thanks for the offer, but I can't afford to take off of work or pay half the fare. I have a family to support. Maybe I will hit the lottery! God bless you and yours.

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To Guido
If you really loathe fascists, vote against the war; otherwise - stop cheating and confess you're double-minded. I don't threaten anyone like Jack London who pretends to be first-rate and considers some nations second-rate (fascism?)

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I did not finally notice insults.As you've been away for awile i suggest you don't judge on that.And if you would have read my posts better you can also see that i noticed insults a long time ago, i only don't like to make them much only when i am really angry.

So read my messages again and try to see the deeper meaning.


Ps your not talking to some dumb, uneducated young girl.Who haven't been around see previous messages.

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Jack, you make this too easy for me.

"We can sit and wait until Milosovic says "uncle"
or we can agree now that the war is over Serbia lost and Greater Serbia will never be."

Serbia was greater before it was successfully broken up at the beginning of the 1990's by your evil schemes. History taught us not to deal with nazis, so you won't get Kosovo.

"Whatever happens, I am happy with the idea that in all this evil I have made friends."

Healthy individuals, such as Guido ? Your friends still respect you after the lies you post ?

"Jack, Emina and Lisa will meet in August,in Western Europe. Josue and wife may be a part of it too. Isn't this great ? "

Yes, I am sure the 550,000 refugees the US bombing threw out of their homes agree too.

"Without ever meeting, all the above know that they share a basic love for HUMANITY."

You can tell from what they post, and from the end of your latest post too.

"So we will at some point meet over it - in person. Soon enough we will attach faces to names. "

Well, that would be a change from remote controlled bombing !

"Guido and Salvatore, I don't know where you are. "

Guido is in his backgarden shooting little animals, like his daddy taught him. Salvatore is writing poems about drinking people's blood.

"But wherever you are something can be arranged.
It is a small, small world. Really SMALL. SMALL - and I know it."

Kosovo is too big for you, too many mountains. Had you really been there you would know. Maybe someone should have told your Mexican soldiers before they got caught.

"What do you think? Come along guys. If, of all the evil in this war, all we achieve is to bring together these good people, I pledge to pay HALF of everybody's expenses and 100% of Maja's. For real."

Oh, a promise made on the Internet. How is that for commitment ?

"MAJA I will arrange for you the Royal treatment.
For being Maja .... the star of the show."

Is this your best shot to attempt to demean someone objective ? Maja is way out of your league. You will never be half of what she is. You are sad.

"In some Belgian Chateau (that I will arrange)
we will, just US, listen closely to what MAJA has to say."

I should have known ! Belgium, like these wonderful soldiers who mutilated, set on fire and peed on civilians from Somalia. That explains a lot.

"Rosie - you are far from all of us. But the invitation stands. For being a humanist like me".

You do not understand the meaning of "humanist". You would have to go back to the 16th Century to witness the Renaissance masterpieces. I doubt your range exceeds Beavis and Butthead, so perhaps you should give Erasmus a break in his grave...

"The part given to Russsia, the role it has to play in this all, is determined by NATO."

Russia together with the Serbs courage are the main data NATO cannot control. Everytime Russia made a stand, your media downplayed it. When Yeltsin siad "don't f... with us", Clinton said that Russia reaffirmed that they would not be drawned into the war. Are you scared ? You should be.

"We will ALLOW you to be a part of it."

Would that be a part of your New World Order ? No thanks, I preferred it when the USSR was around. They did not bomb countries into oblivion together with 18 other countries of morons. And they were a good deterrent for the evil US governments.

"You carry no weigth, you displace no water. You are nothing."

I must be something, you are clearly aware that my words are heard. I am on over six discussion sites in four languages. I read my own quotes from one site to the other, and from one language to the next. I must be right somewhere.

You cannot fight the power of words that carry facts.

"We are showing courtesy, because you barbarians can easily cause damage."

Barbarians are usually those who kill without understanding what they deal with: that is what the US do. Easily cause damage ? Yes, with a button on a ship or aboard a B52. You did do your research.

"It takes an ignorant fool to push a button and start a world crisis."

It takes a Bill Clinton pressured by an evil disgruntled excuse of a being: Madeleine Albright.

"Patton should have been allowed to destroy you in '45."

Oh, he thinks I am Russian now. Patton could not destroy Russians, in your dreams pal. Patton was more clever than listening to emotionally disturbed people like you as he had a job to do.
You should have traded your playboys for history books...

"You are nothing.... but you can cause damage
You can hurt the world peace. So we take you in consideration. The alternative is to nuke you assholes! "

That is your fear of Russian nuclear warheads speaking. You would not talk about it if you really meant what you write. How dare you write that the Russians can hurt world peace whereas they did nothing but fight to restore peace NATO will never have.

Launch one missile, nazi murderer, and the Russians will obliterate your excuse of a country. Just one...

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Anyway, the end of NATO-US killings is near.

You can speed up all the bombings, kill the Serbs faster and with more pain, pollute what is left of their land and accuse them of all the evil in this world, the TRUTH is lurking:

Posted by EAGLE FORUM on April 23, 1999 at 23:12:11:


"The Eagle Forum is a conservative, pro-family political action committee that has been operating in Washington since 1972.

House & Senate VOTE on Clinton's WAR Coming Soon - Let Your Voice be Heard!
(Action Items Below)

One Member of Congress has finally introduced legislation to stop Clinton's unconstitutional war against Yugoslavia. The Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war, NOT the President. Rep. Tom Campbell (R-CA) has
introduced two resolutions to force Congress to vote on this fundamental issue.

H.J.Res. 44 states: "A state of war is declared to exist between the United States and the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia."

H.Con.Res. 82 states: "Pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, the Congress hereby directs the President to remove United States Armed Forces from their positions in connection with the present operations against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia within 30 days after the passage of this resolution or within such longer period as may be necessary to effectuate their safe

Rep. Campbell is trying to force Members of Congress to choose one or the other, and Eagle Forum fully supports him in this effort. Whether we go to war or not should be up to Congress, NOT up to Clinton. Votes on these resolutions are expected by the end of the month.

Clinton's war is foolish, dangerous, dishonest, and a failure. It's the wrong war at the wrong time at the wrong place. None of the Administration's arguments makes any sense. His bombing has caused enormous misery, and he
brushes off the killing of civilians as just "collateral damage." What Clinton is doing is an act of aggressive, offensive war against a sovereign nation that never attacked us or threatened our allies.

Clinton issued an Executive Order designating Yugoslavia and Albania as "a combat zone," and he has designated our three captured soldiers as Prisoners of War. Congress cannot let Clinton get by with his unconstitutional actions or Congress itself will become irrelevant.

This war is serving all Clinton's goals. It's a "wag the dog" maneuver that has successfully distracted public attention and news coverage away from Chinagate, Chinese espionage, his personal scandals, and his contempt of court conviction.

It's a clever way to avoid giving Americans a tax cut from the surplus. Clinton wants to spend the surplus on his war.


Call, write, fax, and e-mail your Members of Congress immediately and urge them to vote NO on H.J.Res. 44 declaring war, and vote YES on H.Con.Res. 82 to withdraw U.S. troops.

We also urge all to call, write, fax and e-mail your Members of Congress and tell them to vote No on ALL funds for Clinton's war. Clinton is demanding $4 billion now, and his war is projected to cost at least $1 billion a month more. Of course, as soon as Clinton stops bombing, he will ask for "Marshall Plan" funds to rebuild the bridges and properties he destroyed.

We must also repudiate any Republicans who are backing up Clinton. Tell your Senators not to go along with Sen. John McCain's idea authorizing "whatever force necessary" for victory. McCain is trying to give us one-party government. On Meet the Press on April 11, he said, "We need Joe Biden for Secretary of State." When an astonished Tim Russert asked, "Is that an offer by President McCain?". McCain replied, "Absolutely!"
CONTACT INFO: All Members can be reached through the Capitol Hill Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, Members' E-mail addresses and their office addresses can be found at or

Visit Eagle Forum's website ( where you can:

Read our Talking Points and Phyllis Schlafly columns about Kosovo.

Sign our Petition urging Congress to use its power to stop Clinton's war (over 5,000 have signed as of Friday, April 16!)

Find out who is your Member of Congress (based on your 9-digit Zipcode) Send E-mail to your Member and your two Senators using our convenient forms! "

Not long to go before judgement falls.


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Have you ever been a refugee? I quess not well i have and i still think that i am.
Jack helped me a great deal here on the board.Can't expect that from you can i?


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I have lived in seven different countries and soaked every bit of it.

That is probably six more then you have.

Anyway if you have to be on this site bring some contribution instead of wasting people's time.



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You have no idea which countries i've been to, so dont judge on that either.
Meanwhile you did not answer my question.
Have you ever been a refugee Nick?

BTW i've been more constructive then you up to now.
You are just a boy who shouts wolve all the time.A nothing, no life experience nothing.If you would have life experience you would not talk like this.


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