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Archive through April 28, 1999

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Ref : your message APR.28.99

Forgive me for asking,
and no ill is meant by it,
I want to understand what you
are trying to say.

You say that the "source of the tensions in Kosovo"
is the explosive growth of Albanian population et cetera.
It may be so.
You could be absolutely right.

But are you inclined to say that this "tension"
is best solved by deporting and killing these people?
I'm sure you did not mean it like that.

But if you read your message
it sounds very much like that.
That would be against our Principle # 1,
which basically states that THERE IS NO EXCUSE,
NO JUSTIFICATION for Genocide, Deportation, Rape.

About "Serbian proposals for a peaceful solution
are falling on deaf ears".
Tell us more about this proposal.

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"The islamic declaration"
by Alija Izetbegovic (president of Bosnia-Hercegovina),first published in 1970.

The book was reprinted by "Bosna",Sarajevo 1990.

"... The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on the incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can
be no peace or coexistence between the "Islamic faith" and non-Islamic societies and political institutions. ... Islam clearly
excludes the right and possibility of activity of any strange ideology on its own turf. Therefore, there is no question of any laicistic principles, and the state should be an expression and
should support the moral concepts of the
religion. ..."
p. 22

" Islam contains the principle of ummet, i.e. the tendency
towards unification of all Muslims into a single community - a
spiritual, cultural and political community. Islam is not a nationality, it is above nationalities. ..."
p. 27

"... The upbringing of the nation, and especially the mass media
- the press, TV and film - should be in the hands of people whose
Islamic moral and intellectual authority is undisputed. ...

... Islamic renewal cannot be initiated without a religious, and
cannot be successfully continued and concluded without a political
p. 32

"... Establishing of an Islamic order is thus shown as the
ultimate act of democracy, because it means the implementation of
the deepest desires of the Muslim nations and common man. One thing
is certain: no matter what a part of the rich and the intelligence
wants, the common man wants Islam and living in his Islamic
community. ..."
p. 33

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ik heb lang geen post gehad.
Stuur eens wat.

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You tell them brother! I've run out of patience again.
I can't stand not being capable of making the Serbs see the truth. Get a bed ready for me at Sunce. My paranoid schizophrenic, megalomaniacal, multiple personalities are about to take over again!

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL (hysterical,maniacal,laughter,resulting from complete nervous breakdown)

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There is no Islamic brotherhood. They fight among themselves more than other religous groups fight against them.Why aren't they in Kosovo helping their "brothers" there

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Good night all. May all the bombs fall on military targets and harm no innocents. May Milosevic die in his sleep from guilt.

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To Emina:
Thanks for your comments.
You know, war is such an ugly thing that it always takes a lot of effort to estimate it correctly. What I'm saying is: unfortunately it is no use trying to justify casualties by necessity of destroying military objects.
Of course I'm expecting an objection. A lot of people believe that striving for success in war makes one to reconcile with some dirty stuff. I understand it but refuse to take it.
As I have already mentioned, I don't care about Milo AT ALL. But does a TV crew deserve being killed just because Milo was around? Even to end it all with one single blow?

The scales will never get balanced.

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Examples you gave about bombing the Nazi Germany are rather vivid. I absolutely agree that this part of Allied strategy was necessary.
This was done to break down the gigantic war machine which threatened THE WHOLE WORLD - capitalists and communists -ALL. I suppose you'll agree that no SEPARATE country could successfully resist and survive in 1939-45. And you'll probably agree that no country knows the meaning of the words "TO REBUILD/RECOVER" better than Russia.
But isn't this tiny Yugoslavia a different matter?

You know Jack, I read an article in a newspaper a couple of days ago. (Here I'm not expecting you to believe me, but I'm just sharing my opinion). So the point is: one of NATO officers (don't remember the nationality) was asked what was to be done about the civilians who walk out into the bridges and stay there trying to protect them from destruction. Were the troops ready to hit bridges with people on it?
ANSWER: A possible way out is to bomb one of the bridges, no matter who there is, to prevent any further attempts to be in the way of the bombers.
Well, consider it a lie or propaganda, but I wouldn't mind your and other's opinion.

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Hello Emina.
I'm probably the last one to congratulate you with you successful escape from the war. There can be absolutely no excuse for people who torture civilians (as well as soldiers). Since you are the first person I've met who flew from that battlefield, I ought to ask you some questions. If remembering it all still causes pain and makes you feel uncomfortable, just don't read and don't answer it. I'll understand.

Now, when people fight, a lot of them become personally involved in war. They loose families and go to war not to fight for their country but to REVENGE. Some find pleasure in it. These people are sick, but governments use them extensively. Such is that Arkan man. These people stop being members of the REGULAR ARMY, they are sent on expeditions to destroy and burn down.

My question is who were those people who tortured you, what do you think. If States bombed my country, I would go I fight back, but I' m absolutely sure I wouldn't tear off an Ichkerian girl's fingernails to stop the bombing. I somehow think that Serbs are not inborn monsters just because they were born Serbs and no Beograd student, baker, construction worker would do that just so. I understand that you probably had no time to ask them show you their IDs, but I hope you recollected all that date later - I mean the date and the exact place where you had to crawl , hiding from the sniper fire. I'll be on you your side when you go to court.
Hope you don't think I am being insulting anyway, but there's such a terrible information war going on on both parts, so I want to listen to people who were there.

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Missiles being brainlessly fired and jettisonned all over SE Europe.

Wheelcarts, sacks with clothes and people are being taken for tanks and being burned down, mutilated bodies srayed along the road, teeth clenched forever, drying open eyes staring up.

Battle choppers, claimed to be very advanced and equipped for nightflight are being unskillfully dropped down and burned (!!!!!)

Isn't that too much?

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Jack i think what Basil preposed is a very good idea.And leaves us with the thought of what would you do if you have to look at it from a diplomatic angle.

Second these thoughts might work fine for you.I can understand that as we are the opposites of eachother.You had peace in your life i did not.

For me its a luxury thought to just think TIME WILL TELL. I can't


Ps I joined this board to get things of my mind not by shouting and cursing, but by chairing opinions.For me this board at the moment keeps me going, cause i have a place to chair my thoughts like a family.I have no otherway to discribe it.

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Lets agree to another thing here?

If someone calls you names just don't answer or go namecalling too.
Some people don't know any better then calling names just leave them and they will fade away.

Jack this Rice who ever he/she is it won't help to make the person realize anything.
It only incourages the p[erson to shout harder.Leave it Ok?


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This book is wriiten from a man's perspective on islam.
I am a Muslim too, but agreeing with it all -NO


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Hoe kan dat nou ik heb allang mail gestuurd?
Ik heb ook geen mail van jou dat duurt ook altijd lang........hhhhhmmmmmmm trage server? hihi ik niet:-))


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OH MY GOD!...........So many diorders in one mind
Don't worry ill arange that you are taken away to the funnyfarm.

BTW everyone here as his/her own truth that makes us human. It has advantages you know. :-))))))))


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