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Archive through April 28, 1999

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No a TV crew does not deserve to die because they happen to be around.
And i also realize that these people not even want to be behind those camera's spreading Milo's words, but it remains that he(Milo) is still there and i am sorry to say, but i think he deserves to die after all what he has done in the past 10 years together with his buddies Karadic and Mladic and a lot of others.


Ps I don't wish something like that very quickly, but these brutalities have gone way behond limits

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No had no time to ask for there ID's and i could not see there faces as the blindvolded me most of the time.

I do know why they cought me. Simple because i was making people aware of what was about to happen.And because they feared me cause of my study background.
I know some later go for revenge, but i am one of those persons who can't hate.I can grieve and all but hate is not in my recnik (sorry don't know the word in english)

Yes crawling was hard, painfull and difficult if i understand your question right.

Sergey i don't mind talking about it as long as people show some respect and don't try to butcher me as some did on thisboard that was the hard part and it will still be the hardpart.

I don't know if i answered your question correctly i hope i did.


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Well, usa bombs missed again, killing civilians. Why in the hell won't they go in on the ground with troops? We didn't bomb saddam this long before sending in ground troops. NATO get your chicken •••• asses in there now, quit killing civilians with our damn bombs. Somebody PLEASE assasinate Milosevic!!!!

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If i could i would, but then again i am not so good at assenating someone.
Shame real shame.
Btw which of your personalities am i talking too?:-)


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To Jack London

True - NATO is acting as NATO. Double true - it didn't request the UN's content. So, if you know the international law, such actions are specifically defined as AGGRESSION. So, such countries as the US, France, Italy (I'm not mentioning the UK, because in matters of international policy they seem to be another American state) claiming to defend human rights worldwide, severely violate the very basis of the modern world - its LAW. The Allied Forces had the right to bomb German cities in 1945 only because Germany was the AGGRESSOR. Remember, Chechoslovakia, Poland, France, Belgium and others? So, I'll have to repeat: the principles we share naturally suggest that NATO didn't have the right to, as you put it, stop it, because it was on sovereign Serb territory. In other words, it's no business of NATO's as a military alliance designed to defend its members. Otherwise you'll have to acknowledge NATO's desire to become the world's SHERIFF. And we've already experienced all those GLOBAL ideas - WORLD COMMUNISM, WORLD REICH...NO party regardless of its basic concept has the right to break international law. DEPORTATION, GENOCIDE and RAPE are also issues of international law. If the Serb government is guilty in that - and Emina and other refugees' evidence leaves almost no doubt in that - their crime is proved or, better, they are caught red-handed - they should be trialed. But I'll never agree NATO is to judge others.
But nowadays there's a much more urgent issue: probability of a global war. It mainly has to do with the desire to have Russia involved in it, to what I strongly object. STOP BOMBING immediately and join the peace process initiated by Russia - it's the only way out for thousands of refugees to return home safely and soon. Be human, not just declare it!

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