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Archive through April 29, 1999

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So the "novelist" (Jack L.) goes:

" But are you inclined to say that this "tension"
is best solved by deporting and killing these people? "

<< Again, did you manage to read the whole
article ?
Did you ever read the Rambouillet peace proposal,the first one? Or the second.

"I'm sure you did not mean it like that."

<< Not me, but NATO certainly does!
It refused any peace proposal from the day one.

"But if you read your message
it sounds very much like that."

<<Than you have a serious problem to grasp a simple concept...

NO JUSTIFICATION for Genocide, Deportation, Rape."

<<Absolutely! If you claim it was done by the
Serbian side - it has to make you wonder, how
the population of 60% of Serbs got reduced to
about 10% ??? Does it ?!

"About "Serbian proposals for a peaceful solution
are falling on deaf ears".
Tell us more about this proposal."

<< When one get's involved in a discussion it has
to be prepared better.
Before the bombing the offer was full indipendance (within the Yugoslav borders)
with the presence of intarnational observers,
and some UN 'peace keepers'.

And what happened next?

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To Emina

Thanks for your support again. I find it really important especially now when there appeared some people on the board who ignore an open mind discussion and preach threat and violence on others' territory. Of course it's easy to shout "Go in with troops on the ground!" sitting in a comfortable arm-chair in front of TV. But it turns out to multiply one's personality.
As you probably know I am Russian. Being Russian nowadays doesn't mean being pro-Serb. But it definitely means being against war as a diplomatic means. Of course I mean my people, not me government. I'm far from being superficial, though Russia has enough power to ensure her security and not to join oil embargoes and the sort. I wouldn't like to stress it. I don't know what my American opponents think about the present ways in my country, and to tell the truth I don't much care about that. I'll tell you - "Serb propaganda" can't be applied to Russia - there's none. People here can choose what TV channel to watch and what paper to read - they form their viewpoint themselves.
I am desperately addressing you 'cause I consider you sort of neutral and just. Besides I'm willing to support you through your hard times and visit you when you are back at HOME safe and sound. I want your motherland to be threatened by no personality (including Milo), no war machine (including NATO and Russia) and no ideology. You should know it.

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Through various meetings with Russians, Greeks, Cypriot, and Talbott yesterday plus numerous phone conversations, please find as follow peace proposals attempted by Milosevic and subsequent answers:

1. Withdraw part of Serb army and police forces despite risk of seeing Kosovo invaded by NATO

NATO: NO, withdraw all troops and accept only NATO's.

2. Allow troops from non-NATO countries, even including Russia which stirred anger among Serb population

NATO: NO, withdraw all troops and accept only NATO's.

3. Accept International observers to monitor situation in Kosovo

NATO: NO, withdraw all troops and accept only NATO's.

4. Accept United Nations troops

NATO: NO, withdraw all troops and accept only NATO's.

Conclusion: NATO want to conquer Kosovo, not help Kosovars.

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On this site, there are people who think they are Jesus.

There are people who attempt to make friends simply because they found a user who claims he/she experienced something similar.

There are people who are paranoid.

There are people who resort to insults when they run out of arguments, facts or more plainly, a leg to stand on.

There are people who draft up agreements only to breach them in a later post.

There are people who complain because other users do not think like them.

There are people who would nuke Serbia and Kosovo if they could.

there are people who write waaaayyyyyyy too many posts.


And there are people who suggest that things do not appear like in your car mirror.

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To Nick

<<<There are people who attempt to make friends simply because they found a user who claims he/she experienced something similar.

There are people who draft up agreements only to breach them in a later post.<<<

By these words you evidently hinted at me.

1. I share your concern about the situation in Kosovo.
2. I share even some of your ideas. I've posted a number of letters where I keep to one point: NATO are AGRESSORS.
3. On the board I have gone through extensive debates with my American opponents only to find out that insults are useless.
4. What you and some other people on the board are doing is not very different from NATO's position on Kosovo. The same obstinacy, agression...

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Is this attack neccesary. Did you read all the agreements yourself?
I did read your whole peace....You know what I had the same questions.
Isnt that funny.
For your info im not on jacks lap, so we did not think of the questions together.


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I think i sound more neutal, because i don't like to use rude language. And i am not in favour of wars.Never have been.
The only thing i pray for is that Milosevic goes one way or another.I have no solution for this.

Its very kind to offer to come and look me up when i am back in Bosnia, only i can never go back there. It will not be safe for me to life.
This because of my activaties before everything started 10 years ago.
We A group of about 3000 people both christian and muslim tried to make the public aware of what was going on.No guns, no bombs just facts stealing blueprints from the army, tape converations etc.
I live in Holland now and i concider this safe, and i pray it will always be safe.
I have a practice here again as a psychiatrist and thank god still everyday i can work.

I know not all Russian people are pro serbia.
I know you can view your opinions.

Maybe just maybe who knows we will meet like like to meet a lot of people on this board.
I go back sometimes for short holidays to my beloved city of Sarajevo, so that could be a way.


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May i ask what you mean by the word claim in this statement of yours?

There are people who attempt to make friends simply because
they found a user who claims he/she experienced something

Are you trying to say i make my stories up?Are you saying that other people make their stories up?

Just got a bad feeling about this.


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Milosoviclomaniac!! LOL

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To Basil:

Nothing to do with you, mate.

I rather like your posts.

I did not and would not insult you either.

But I resent No. 4. Obstinate ? Only as far as I believe to be right about certain things. Agressive ? What are you referring to ? Me reporting NATO's atrocities maybe.

Just don't push it.

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A quote from Barbara Tuchman
(for those who know about the art of war).

"In military, as in other human affairs,
WILL is what makes things happen. There are
circumstances that can modify it or
nullify it, but for offense or defense
its presence is essential and its absence fatal."

Now, in this crisis,
Both sides are showing solid WILL.
But let's realize fully that ONE side is
much more powerful than the other.
Everybody agree so far?

Ceteris paribus, then the question,
"How long should the weaker side hold-on to its dream of victory?"

With each passing day the weaker side is destroyed some more.
It is like water building up behind a weak dam.
One day the dam must break.
It is the same as Chinese torture.

We have always known what the final outcome will be.
So why does Milo insist on this punishment of his people?
It is a serious question - he knows he can never win.
But he wants his people bombed.
It is in Milo's hands to stop the bombing.
Why is he so stubborn?

Like a pitbull.
Pitbulls cause damage and after they attack
pitbulls are usually terminated,
because they bite and don't let go.
You beat them on their head, pinch out their eyes,
but they don't let go .... until they are killed.

NATO right, NATO wrong, whatever.
We all know this.

Milo is in dead-end street - he knows it.
But he is taking the country down with him. WHY?
How much longer will Serbs have the WILL to support him?

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they killed @ wounded so many people today. some of you hypocryts should adopt their children, there is your opportunity; what would your church
friends say?

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Thanks again.
You know the thing is i don't hate christians.Why should i. I think the whole issue of murdering a person, or not talking to a person because he/she has a different religion is absolute crap to me.This is also what makes us human.
Humans need something to hold onto.For me god is god and even if you or whoever would be purple coloured with yellow dots i still will be talking to you.

The only human quality i can't stand is hate, ignorance,brutality and so on.

I try as much as my life permits to see the possitive.

For me every human is in essention good until they proof otherwise.


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I would adopt if it where still possible.But as it isnt i help out in a different way.By helping the people who come to the country i live now to deal with their loses and trauma's.

You adres other people to adopt what about you are you willing to adopt?
Or are you affraid yourself of the reactions in your neighberhood?


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I would gladly adopt a Serbian child if I had the money to do so. We have one 12 year old boy, but he was a miracle the doctors told us. My wife is virtually barren, and we have not used birth control for 12 years. I want another child. If you will give me the money to do this I would be forever grateful. I have nothing against any race, religion, or culture as a whole. I just can't stand people that do, and think they should be stopped or eradicated if necessary. So in all honesty Bohem, if you will pay for the expense, I will adopt a Serbian child. He/She would be raised to be a Baptist in a loving home, and receive a good public education in a small town away from all the violence in the cities.

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