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Archive through April 29, 1999

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To Ddc

First of all, I am very happy to see some real discussion going on ont this board. KEEP IT UP, GUYS!

About your points, Ddc, very interesting. Really. But you know what the worst of it all is? Half the world knew years and years ago what Milosevic, Mladic, and Karadic were up to, and they were not stopped. Strong diplomatic intervention could have been succesful when tens of thousands of people were still marching through the streets protesting against the ever growing powers of these three war loving men. Now, ten years later, the Third Reich is alive again, and all the evil plans implemented.

Now we have few options. And whatever you choose it will lead to one thing: bloodshed. If Nato continues bombing, innocent people will be killed, Serbs and Kosovar Albanians. The option of sending in groundtroops will make the death toll on all sides even worse. And the option of pulling out NATO troops will just as much result in bloodshed, as Milovevic will feel he has won, and will extend his grip on Serbia and Kosova even more.

To put it very simply, the world is in a death grip here, brought on us by leaders all over the world who did not take the upcoming threat in post Tito Yugoslavia seriously and let things ge out of hand. What to do? I would not know. The only thing I know is that my heart bleeds to see all the suffering going on.

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Ik heb dat mailtje inderdaad niet gehad, maar ik zou het heel erg leuk vinden.En ik weet zeker mijn zuster ook.
We hadden er nog niet aangedacht nou ja je snapt wel waarom.
Moeten we wel snel regelen dan anders is er geen vliegtuig meer.


Guido is in the US jack, but i am affraid that he won't be able to pay for this trip either

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I would like to shape your history view a little.
Kosovo was a gift to the serbians right after ww2.
So it's actualy not Serbian territory.

What the bombing concerns i agree i don't like innocent people to die either, but about roads, factories etc i want to tell you another story.
Roads & bridges are very usefull to have intact if you want to wipe out a whole region.By Milo ofcourse i don't blame innocent people.

Factories : There was already proven that the Nazi's in ww2 had a very good way of rebuilding a factory for hoovers into a munition factory and a weaponary factory.

I would like to see that this ends to and that the "so called given" land is returned to whom it belongs.

UN/NATO should not have put Milosevic there in the first place. Serbian people did not want it and demonstated 24 days against it .It would have been more right if they would have withrawn their decission then.
Don't you think?


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Milosevic is not a madman - he is just a power hungray
politician, not different in attitude then Clinton, Blair,
Shroder or Chirack. The only difference is in resources he
has at his disposal - little army against a huge army of the
other four guys.

Yes Milo's little army who tries to whipe out a whole aria.
So that is in your eyes justified? Sorry i know that little army and that little police of him too well, very resourcefull i must say, and sickening too.


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If i would give you a temporary e mail address it 's probably better from there i will give you my real email ok?


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Homany kids did NATO killed today?????????????????

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Homany kids did NATO killed today?????????????????

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Zdravo MIRO.

I don't know how much they killed this time, but i do know that i would like to hear your opinion on :How to stop this ?


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Don't worry about the e_mail address. I can say what i need to on the board. somebody may be able to track you somehow. There are too many weirdos out there.

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The work of RUDER& FINN Global Public Affairs was indeed 'marvellous'!!!

We still belive that croats and muslims were angels in that civil war ???

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What about you during war time?
Where you an angel too?
Quess not.
Come up with something constructive not from another site, but out of your own mouth.


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To Jack London

You've ignored my reasoning. Instead I read your words: NATO - right, NATO - wrong, all the same - NATO will TRIUMPH. It's extremely illustrative: you don't care a damn about the fate of Kosovar Albanians or your favourite GENOCIDE. Your ambitions don't leave any place for compassion or justice. Instead you start talking about the WILL of the peoples involved in the war. You're mistaken again, old chap. In this war the WILL is opposed to AMBITIONS. And as time flies and the Serb find strength to resist NATO's AGGRESSION and Russian and Serb numerous peace initiatives get rejected, more and more people become convinced it's NATO (USA) and not MILO who are building the REICH.

It's funny but some people on the board have gone nuts with helpless anger watching the US war machine desperately bombing a TV station, Beograd's suburbs, Sofia's (!!!) suburbs and Macedonian territory. Well, really it takes a lunatic to support such accurate punishment of Milosevich. Such people are infatuated with "massive amounts of ground troops" evidently aimed at spreading the idea of the new REICH.

Jack, you are asking to give you a viable alternative. Have you ever heard of the principles of CO-EXISTENCE? Being one of the basic principles of the UN, it's now being severely violated by NATO. Meanwhile, it suggests COOPERATION of the world community in problem-solving issues. NATO shan't succeed by means of ultimatums!

Tell me, Jack, how did it come about that I, a totalitarian country spring, should teach you international LAW and CO-EXISTENCE? I didn't even try to persuade you that power can be RED (anyone who learnt history knows it) - you stated it was GREEN. Yeah, it's power you're after. Confess it.

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Emina's first(?)name was Kolina - back then she
made a 'lapsus calami' saying that she's
welcoming albanian refugees into "her" country,
with the next one ooopsing that it was a "small"
mistake in her writing ...Welcoming them in Albania then?
Her other claims made me belive that she(Kolina,Emina and God -knows-how-many-other names she' been using; what she addmited already!)
is not a refugee (every time she wrote about it,
it's a diferent story and diferent facts!).
And every time I try to make a point about somethig to somebody she keeps asking if it's an atack on her .Whenewer I try to answer to somebody - she feels compelled to reveal herself-what does it mean "I'm not on Jack's lap"?

And all this fairy tales about Kosovo not being
Serbian? To me, it is finally clear that you are
Albanian, which in itself is fine; BUT LIES ?
Who can belive anything you write???
You already admitted some of those lies which doesn't make it better since being confronted
with obvious facts; and you already made a threat
saying: "I wish something really bad to happen to you" !
Where is your credibility ?
What is the next step after lying?

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you can make up about me all you want in your little fantasy world.
That i tell my story in peaces its my business.You want to hear it all.Does that make you feel good i dont think so.
Come to Holland and check me out so you can see for yourself.
Dare to take the invatation on?

By the way yes i am willing as a psychiatrist to help people from Kosovo over there trauma's.Albanians and Serbs i dont have a politacal agenda.

Would you help probably not your to caught up and to paranoid.And you still believe changelings are real, you watch too much TV girl.


Ps You really think this divertion works so you don't have to answer any questions and can only copy things from other sites?
Dream on! It won't work.Besides if you have nothing better to do then from a safe distance butchering me, AGAIN COME ON OVER AND SEE WHAT THEY DID. YOU CAN ADMIRE MY REFUGEE PASS TOO THEN!!!!!!!

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