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Archive through April 30, 1999

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By Nick on Thursday, April 29, 1999 - 03:56 pm:
Here is a quote directed at our beloved NATO and Pentagon spokespersons when they target Guido and Jack London:

"In our time, political speech and writing are
largely the defense of the indefensible."

Isn't that what the chicken said in "Animal Farm"?

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Phil. I don't think anyone has had an original thought since Before the Eden Garden evictions. I would rather post cannabis information but its too dangerous to the sysop here. So I post things to make people think that both sides of a war is run on lies and deception. That capitolist America's greatest enemy is the American Constitution. And that if we don't stop we will be in the same situation as the natives, blacks, asians and cannabis using Americans.
Peace not WoD
MMMay Day
More "original" thoughts...
HT: [Fwd: More on KLA & Heroin Trade] (fwd)

Not hemp related but informative.

Forwarded message

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 02:29:19 -0700
Subject: [Fwd: More on KLA & Heroin Trade]

Mike Ruppert wrote:
> The Following is an article from the April 24 edition of my
newsletter, From
> The Wilderness, which is sent via U.S. Mail to paid subscribers. The
> issue also contains a detailed discussion of covert operative Richard
> Armitage's role in the current crisis and how CIA operatives with a
> tradition of drug dealing have planned this new Vietnam for a long
time. For
> subscription information please visit the web site at
> Kosovo Liberation Army and Albanian Sponsors Have Well Documented
Roots in
> The Heroin Trade
> The Drug Trade is an Entrenched Part of the World Economy and NATO
> by
> Michael C. Ruppert
> (c) COPYRIGHT 1999 Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness at
> . All rights reserved. Permission to quote or reprint
> non-profit purposes only if the preceding appears.
> An exceptional record of respected media sources from the U.S. and
> have documented that the Kosovo Liberation Army and their Albanian
> are heroin financed organized crime groups struggling to dominate the
> of middle eastern heroin into Europe and even the Eastern United
> The Christian Science Monitor reported on Oct. 20, 1994: "Disrupted
by the
> Yugoslav conflict, drug trafficking across the Balkans is making a
> as Albanian mafia barons carve out a new smuggling route to Western
> bypassing the peninsula's war zones, according to United Nations and
> narcotics experts." To document the increase in traffic through the
> Kosovar region The Monitor continued, "For example, just 14 pounds of
> drugs were seized by Hungarian police in 1990, but by August this
> [1994] the figure had risen to 1,304 pounds." In describing the then
> evolving trade, which was coming to be dominated by Kosovar Albanians
> Monitor added, "But European police chiefs fear the conduit will
> Kosovo Albanian drug syndicates - some of the most powerful on the
> continent - whose tentacles have stretched as far as the East coast
of the
> United States...
> "From their base in Velki Trnovac in southern Serbia, dubbed the
> of the Balkans,' Albanian mafia chiefs oversee their European drug
> and are suspected of masterminding the new Balkan route."
> Colombia in the Balkans
> The highly respected Jane's Intelligence Review from Great Britain
went much
> deeper in predicting the coming crisis in a February 1, 1995 article
> entitled The Balkan Medellin. Three paragraphs from that article are
> compelling we reprint them here in their entirety. "The
> region of western Macedonia accounts for a disproportionate share of
> Macedonia's (FYROM) shrinking GDP. This situation has strengthened
> Albanophobic sentiments among the ethnic Macedonian majority,
especially as
> a great deal of revenue is thought to derive from Albanian
> as well as associated gun-running and cross-border smuggling to and
> Albania, Bulgaria and the Kosovo province of Serbia. Although its
> and forms remain in dispute, this rising Albanian economic power is
> to turn the Balkans into a hub of criminality. "Previously
transported to
> Western Europe through former Yugoslavia, heroin from Turkey, the
> Transcaucus and points further east is now being increasingly routed
> Italy via the Black Sea, Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. This is a
> development that has strengthened the Albanian mafia which is now
thought to
> control 70% of the illegal heroin market in Germany and Switzerland.
> allied to the powerful Sicilian mafia, the Albanian associates have
> greatly benefited from the presence of large numbers of mainly
> Albanians in a number of western European countries;
> Switzerland alone now has over 100,000 ethnic Albanian residents. As
well as
> providing a perfect cover for Albanian criminals, this diaspora is
also a
> useful source of income for racketeers...
> "If left unchecked, this growing Albanian narco-terrorism could lead
to a
> Colombian syndrome in the Southern Balkans, or the emergence of a
> in which the Albanian mafia becomes powerful enough to control one or
> states in the region. In practical terms, this will involve either
> or Macedonia, or both. Politically, this is now being done by
> growing foreign exchange (forex) profits from narco-terrorism into
> governments and political parties. In Albania, the ruling Democratic
> (DP) led by President Sali Berisha is now widely suspected of tacitly
> tolerating and even directly profiting from drug-trafficking for
> politico-economic reasons, namely the financing of secessionist
> parties and other groupings in Kosovo and Macedonia." These
> evaluations, along with an abundance of other evidence of
> mafia expansion paint a whole new picture of what is really happening
> Kosovo. Clearly Serbia is legitimately defending itself from an
> crime syndicate taking control of one of its provinces. How powerful
is the
> Albanian mafia? Well, as far back as 1985 it was powerful enough to
> New York U.S. attorney Rudy Giulliani who, according to a Wall Street
> Journal story dated September 9, was receiving special personal
> after prosecuting a heroin case in New York City connected to a ring
> powerful Albanian traffickers. The Journal wrote, "But it is drug
> trafficking that has gained Albanian organized crime the most
> Some Albanians, according federal Drug Enforcement Agency officials,
are key
> traders in the 'Balkan connection' the Istanbul-to-Belgrade heroin
> While less well known than the so-called Sicilian and French
> the Balkan route in some years may move 24% to 40% of the U.S. heroin
> supply, officials say. If the Albanians were moving 24 to 40%
> years ago then, given their growing control over the traffic through
> region, their access to Western Europe and mobility throughout the
> they may well control more than half of the heroin now entering the
> States and law enforcement sources indicate that they control 75% of
> heroin entering Western Europe.
> A Brilliant Voice From Canada
> Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of
Ottawa has
> written an absolutely brilliant article on the Kosovo war which
> in its entirety, the U.S. government's stated version of events and
> bare a plan to re-colonize the region on behalf of Germany and the
> States. The meticulously footnoted article sums up the entire Kosovo
> nightmare in one sentence by saying, "The west was relying on its KLA
> puppets to rubber-stamp an agreement which would have transformed
> into an occupied territory under Western administration." After
> in detail the heroin-financed, organized crime, political power
structure of
> the region, and noting carefully that there are other organized
> entities not involved in the drug trade speaking on behalf of ethnic
> Albanians from Kosovo, Chossudovsky documents the military and
> alliance between Bonn (now Berlin) and Washington to create the KLA.
> "Since the early 1990s, Bonn and Washington have joined hands in
> establishing their respective spheres of influence in the Balkans.
> intelligence agencies have also collaborated. According to
> analyst John Whitley, covert support to the Kosovo rebel army was
> established between the CIA and Germany's [BND]...The task to create
> finance the KLA was initially given to Germany: "They used German
> East German weapons and were financed, in part, with drug money.
> to Whitley, the CIA was subsequently instrumental in training and
> the KLA in Albania."
> Giving the overall economic perspective, Chossudovsky notes the
effect of
> often brutal economic sanctions imposed by the IMF and other banking
> institutions which so often presage a region's descent into apparent
> before its rescue by the "benevolent" industrial powers. "The
> of strong 'economic' medicine' under the guidance of the Washington
> Bretton Woods institutions had contributed to wrecking Albania's
> system and precipitating the collapse of Albania's economy. The
> chaos enabled American and European transnationals to carefully
> themselves. Several western oil companies [some represented by
> Armitage] including Occidental, Shell and British Petroleum had their
> riveted on Albania's abundant and unexplored oil deposits. Western
> were also gawking Albania's extensive reserves of chrome, copper,
> nickel and platinum..." Given these undeniable facts, and a well
> history which the Internet and publications like this will not
forget, the
> current propaganda and very real war being fought in Kosovo takes on
a new
> and unforgivable light. Ronald Reagan's comparison of the Contras in
> America to America's Founding Fathers is today as comical as it is
> in light of what we know about the Contra war and how the Contras
> financed. The Mujahedeen Freedom Fighters of Afghanistan and Pakistan
who we
> financed with heroin from the same fields which now supply the KLA
> become terrorists who attack embassies and target American citizens.
> forgotten Meo tribesman of Laos, who Ted Shackley created with heroin
> the Golden Triangle are now basically forgotten - those who survived
> been resettled in the U.S. and elsewhere. But the warlords remain in
> Washington, Berlin, London, the Golden Triangle, the Golden Crescent,
> Albania and Kosovo.
> This writer has said many times and in many places that these wars,
> destabilizations and "economic cleansings" are planned and
> years, even decades in advance. It was a bittersweet affirmation for
me to
> read Chossudovsky's own analysis:
> "The fate of Kosovo had already been carefully laid out prior to the
> of the 1995 Dayton agreement. NATO had entered an unwholesome
'marriage of
> convenience' with the mafia. "Freedom Fighters were put in place, the
> narcotics trade enabled Washington and Bonn to "finance the Kosovo
> with the ultimate objective of destabilizing the Belgrade government
> fully recolonizing the Balkans."
> What remains to be seen is whether or not a badly misled American
> will be willing to sacrifice the blood of her sons in this utterly
> conflict. I read somewhere once that the historical memory of a
nation lasts
> only about one generation. Funny, Vietnam doesn't seem that long ago.
> Michel Chossudovsky, Department of Economics, University of Ottawa.
> Box 1-613-562-5800 ext. 1415, e-mail
> [The full text of Professor Chossudovsky's article will be placed on
the web
> by April 24, with permission, at]

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Hey folks,
Check this out. It is from the official Yugoslavian website. The brackets are mine. They still can't get their lies straight. I'm going back to get the other posting from the same site.
They both differ in what they say they have shot down.

Statement by the head of the supreme command HQ
Lieutanant General Dragoljub Ojdanic
My fellow citizens, men and officers of the Yugoslav Army - defenders of the country
For over a month, day and night, we have been resisting - defending our country all as one. We did not want this war, but our people and and our government could not accept the ultimatum equivalent to the capitulation and occupation of our country.
We are bearing enormous damages, suffering and bleeding in a resolute attempt to stop the conquest of the masters of war determined to rule the globe. A growing number of friends from all continents are giving us their moral support, admiring our courage and the adamant defense of our independent state where no foreign troops will ever be permitted.
In the conflict, in spite of all its technical superiority, the enemy failed to degrade our morale and defeat us militarily. This is precisely why the enemy is ruthlessly and cowardly attacking civilians and industrial facilities.
Still, contrary to what the enemy expected, the moral strength and the unity of the nation and the government is only growing stronger. No malefactor will ever have the satisfaction to see Serbia and Montenegro kneeling, even though they expected this to happen within two or three days.
Since the aggression started, the men of the Yugoslav Army carried out all the assignments they were given by the Supreme Command, based on the constitutional role of the YA.
The efficient commanding and the use of chosen strategy and operations' tactics, helped us preserve the lives of our people, war reserves and the available arsenal, and above all, we have managed to face and resist against a technically and numerically superior enemy.
Since the aggression on FR Yugoslavia broke out YA units managed to shoot down: 46 aircraft - including the highly praised F117A, six helicopters, eight drones and 182 cruise missiles. Furthermore, the number of men that the enemy lost are not negligible.
We, and all our the people, are greatly encouraged by these facts that prove that Motherland can and must be defended. News about our heroic resistance in spite of the obstacles and fabrications launched by the new fascist propaganda are gradually reaching the world.
Every day a growing number of people throughout Europe and the world over are raising their voice in protest against the insane crimes of the aggressors, realizing that peace and the future of Mankind is threatened.

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Here is the other one. Compare their lies. They cant get them straight. What a bunch of morons. Again the brackets are mine.

Major General Spasoje Smiljanic, commander of the YA Air Force and Air Defence
Operational capacity of the Yugoslav AF and AD fully preserved

The NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with the clear intention to occupy and dismember it, has been countered by unprecedented readiness of the people to defend its honor and dignity, its history, tradition and values and in the final instance its existence. The freedom-loving people of Serbia and Montenegro and their Army, said NO to the plans and the interests of the United States. They rejected the option of an occupation, regardless of the costs.
According to, NATO put into act its dire plans (dismembering FR Yugoslavia and subjugation of the people), and until April 25th (day 30 of the aggression) carried out more than 8000 sorties, launched over 600 cruise missiles and unloaded a total of 11.000 tons of high explosives on Yugoslav territory - equivalent to 1100 grams per capita!
General Smiljanic also stresses that ever since the aggression started, YA Air Force and Air Defence facilities and troops have been constantly targeted by NATO in 220 raids on 100 different AF and AD locations, and that the 5000 tons of explosives launched at these facilities, caused damages estimated at nearly 1 billion dollars.
In spite of the enormous military preponderance of the forces NATO mustered for the attack on FR Yugoslavia, the set objectives have not been accomplished, and it NATO has certainly lost the first battle, and suffered a complete moral catastrophe.
After a month of enormous military pressure, the YA AF and AD have preserved their combat potential and this proves the fact that NATO plans were completely unrealistic and the strategy fully off mark. All Air Defence subsystems are operational and continue to function with the anticipated efficiency - as the results confirm.YA Air Defence downed 24 enemy planes (two of them being stealth F117), two helicopters, two drones and 30 cruise missiles. Furthermore, The Yugoslav Army Air Force and Air Defence have carried out all their assignments related to the support for YA ground forces.
Speaking about the morale of the AF and DA troops, about their determination to fight to the victory, Major General Spasoje Smiljanic pointed out that this is the greatest strength of the men under his command. The combat morale is very high and the troops are fully aware what they are fighting for. The enemy forces are making a big mistake if they think that further massacres and destruction shall underline our morale. On the contrary, our determination to resist is now adamant, stressed the commander of the YA Air Force and Air Defence.

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Go on check it out. The way to get there and see all the bullsh*t is: Then click on Press Centar, Then under daily review click on 29.04.1999.cetvitak/thusday. They can't spell wednesday either. What a bunch of maroons!!!

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Gee guys!! You need to appoint a new propaganda minister. This guy is making you all look like a bunch of idiots.
Den De Cannabis,
Come on dude, we don't give a crap about Cristobal Colombo. This is a Yugoslavian Disaster message service. Quit smoking so much dope it is giving you alzheimers and you don't know where you are. Give us a break.

Still sorry about the innocents dying on both sides. Maybe some Serb that can see the truth will take Milosevic out. Or maybe some of those errant missiles will accidently hit him.

Cao, goot nacht, good night.

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Guido excuse me but are they really maroons?

Peace not WoD
MMMay Day is Saturday

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Guido Nutz whatever.
The story is about control. This is very relivent even to moroons. It has nothing to do with my using cannabis. Cannabis prevents brain damage bubba. ain't you heard?
MMMay Day

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For Guido Nutz in the interest of International Peace. Sysop I'm not posting this to free the cannabis ignorant. Just to Guido Nutz for the Interest of World Peace over Whirled Peas! LOL!
MMMay Day this Saturday

Science Daddies Rejoice: Marijuana Prevents Brain Damage!

BETHESDA, MD--"Coming up at eleven," local TV newscasters around the country were breathlessly promising all last week: "how pot could save your life!"
The disclosure that marijuana's prime active ingredients can shield human beings from brain damage was all over the media the second week in July, even though it wasn't exactly news. HIGH TIMES had already been covering the development, by an Israeli/American drug company called Pharmos, of a marijuana-derived nerve-preserving medication which is well on its way to market (see Feds Welcome Medical-Marijuana Research?). This new synthetic cannabinoid, dexanabinol, has been shown to reliably forestall permanent nerve damage in lab animals subjected to cerebral stroke and surgical shock, and is undergoing human trials now in Israeli hospitals.
The determination that marijuana's natural cannabinoid constituents exert the same neuroprotective effects was belatedly reported in the July 7 installment of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers for the National Institute for Mental Health here, under the guidance of Dr. Julius Axelrod (a legend in the field of neuropsychopharmacology), infused exquisitely delicate preparations of fetal rat-brain neurons with highly corrosive, "oxidative" nerve-toxins like glutamate and peroxide, and bathed them gently in marijuana's two most active cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Dr. Axelrod duly reported that the toxicity of the nerve poisons was greatly reduced, thanks to the anti-oxidant properties of THC and CBD.
"We have found that cannabinoids are very powerful anti-oxidants," emphasized Dr. Aidan Hampson, a biologist on the project, for reporters. "In fact they appear to be more powerful than vitamin C or vitamin E."
Health-food fanciers, who incessantly glorify the "life-extending" and "tissue-preserving" properties of dietary anti-oxidants like vitamins and melatonin, may be startled to learn that cannabis can do the same sort of thing, only better. And since, unlike vitamins, THC and CBD readily enter the brain after ingestion, they can be of unique importance in preventing damage to the central nervous system. "We have something that passes the blood-brain barrier," noted Dr. Hampson, "has low toxicity and appears to be working in animal trials--so I think we have a chance."
In cases of cerebral stroke or concussion, when the brain's oxygen supply is cut off by an obstruction of blood circulation, nerve-cell death is caused by the release of toxic glutamate in the brain; but cannabinoids, if they're administered within about an hour of the trauma, can prevent this cell "necrosis" by arresting the action of glutamate in critical nerve-cell receptor sites.
In the same way, conclude the NIMH researchers, cannabinoids are likely to be useful in preventively forestalling progressive, oxidation-mediated brain diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's syndromes. Dr. Axelrod also considers cannabinoids promising for the treatment of meningitis; and both arthritis and AIDS dementia are oxidative neurological conditions, involving an inflammatory body chemical called TNF-a, "tumor necrosis factor alpha," which is known to be suppressed by cannabinoids.
Of the two neuroprotective cannabinoids they studied, THC and CBD, the NIMH team accords preference to CBD as "a better candidate" for therapeutic application, according to Dr. Hampson. Unlike THC, cannabidiol confers no euphoric high; in fact, strains of pot which are higher in CBD than THC are worthless to recreational pot smokers, since CBD seems to block the intoxicating action of THC in the brain as well as it does glutamate and peroxide. While both cannabinoids have neuroprotective effects, that is, CBD doesn't operate in the same high-making nerve receptors as THC, and so the high is eliminated.
Therefore a sort of asthma-style inhaler administering some aerosol preparation of CBD has been suggested by the NIMH workers. It might be particularly important to provide CBD by inhalation, since when taken orally it's metabolized by the liver into a compound that has notably sedative, barbiturate-like effects when it reaches the brain. CBD also, in the liver, can complicate the metabolism of several other drugs, such as the anti-AIDS compound indinivar--a CBD complication currently being investigated in AIDS patients by Dr. Donald Abrams at the University of California at San Francisco.
So while CBD may be less "euphoric" than THC, this purportedly nonpsychoactive cannabinoid could turn out to pose problems of its own in isolation--particularly when taken by sick people, who have to use other drugs as well. In the long run, when they're designing cannabinoid-based medications for long-term, low-dose, regular application by patients in the prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, pharmacognocists like Dr. Axelrod are likely to discover that a blend of CBD with THC works best. And you could be growing some in your window box right now.
- Dean Latimer, HT Web News Crew, filed 6/8/98

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If one is against violence he's sure to protect nextdoor neighbor's wife from abuse and beating.

If one has guts.

But the thing (possibly it's ridiculous) that happens too often (not always, though)- is when the abused wife tries to scratch the face of the cop who is protecting her from HER OWN HUSBAND and trying to kick the bastard. So she goes: "Don't do it, you idiot, he's MY HUSBAND and we ARE A FAMILY!"
So, who's right?
P.S. The answer isn't obvious.
P.P.S. Poor cop. He must hate situations like that.

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<<< You are obviously ignorant of how war really is. Innocent people will die from mistakes, hell we even kill our own people by mistake.<<<

You'll even kill your own family by mistake and the mistake-factor will let you feel no guilt.

<<<I am not really nuts (Emina may dispute this)<<<

Who else may do it? You already know MY diagnosis for the consilium.

<<<I just can't stand to see innocent people die when there is an alternative.<<<

There is more than one I should say. Texan air must be really harmful for one's eyes and brains particularly. Look at him! The one who can't stand to see innocent people die raves with "massive ground troops". Oh, we know too well American air forces' accuracy. We can only imagine that of the ground troops.

<<<Ground troops can see their intended targets (please keep them on when we invade) and discern between civilians and military.<<<

Some can and some simply can't. INVADE? That's the true word for it, the only exact word in your message. AGGRESSORS = INVADERS

<<<Just be thankful we are not genocidal like Milosevics paramilitary units or the war would already be over and there would be no more Serbians.<<<

I'm thankful Milosevic is patient enough - and especially Boris Yeltsin. Or the GLOBE would already be over, with no difference between Serbians, Americans or Russians.

<<<The USA war machine is not desperate, we have all the time and recources we need to defeat a little piss ant dictator like Milosevic.<<<

These are only words. There has passed a MONTH with the most POWERFUL countries bombing tiny Serbia. Show the RESULTS. Oh, yes, I've quite forgotten, there are some - quite a number of killed civilians and destroyed buildings of NO military importance.

Face the truth: NATO (USA) are trying to establish a new one-pole world order, to get appointed the world's SHERIFF. They don't care a DAMN about Kosovars.

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The almost Aesop fable told to us by Jack London would be funny if it wasn't so horrible. I wonder how much that London- boy knows about wife abuse. Probably from Hollywood movies.

Well , that's where all US learn. In a drive-in, in a Chevy's backseat, with girlfriend's panties halfway down and popcorn in poodles of Sprite on the floor they learn a lot. Like about things where Serbia is, if it doesn't border with Iraq. Sometimes their senators even might explain to them how to spell "potato".

Now they even know that there is a country called Bulgaria, after doing some territorial HARM - pis#ing around SE Europe.

Alex, there's no use teaching that Jackas#, who loves fables so dearly. It amuses me how easily people drag lines of points of similiarities - even when only the basic structure of events coinsides.

If Serbs look like a rabid husband bullying his wife, Miz Kosova, Unkle KKK Sam looks like a horny neighbour, throwing bottles with Molotov cocktail into their window to warn the raging husband off. The Unkle might hit the abuser, might not do him a lot of harm. For the present he managed only to definitely get the woman out the house.

What does he want from her now?

NATO show NATO soldiers playing football with little Albanians. How touching! Why not send teachers and more doctors instead of soldiers?
Conditions under which Albanians live in the camps are horrible.
Many die.
Deseases spread.
Prostitution rate climbs.

CNN shows playing soldiers.

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To Maja and Daniela

Gee guys, what can I say? Join the shapeshifters!! OK, eat this. MAJA, why do you get so pissed off with Jack when he thinks you post under another name, and right after that go blame someone else for doing that? As far as I'm concerned you and Daniela are the same person, both being such propaganda lovers and very full of youselves. Childish too. But OK.

Girls, the last time Emina and I were one was the time when our one egg sitting inside our mother's body was not parted into two yet. If you don't want to believe that stuff about twins and my sis being a doctor, fine, go right ahead! A liar won't believe anyone else, a good friend once said. And he is so right!

You were both to young to read papers at the time my sister got her docor's title and her PhD's and made herself known as the youngest doctor in Yugoslavia. Otherwise you would not have disputed. Or should I see all the damage done as a figment of my imagination? What did I bury two years ago? Were they not the bones of my brother in law, being pulled out of a mass grave? Is it not the mames of my family appearing on the concentration camps lists? Or it it a figment of my imagination?

O, yes, sure! I am probably making it up, as I'm a split personality! Right??!!

Girls, the pain and heart ache is real, the rest of the damage, too, so stop bullsh**ing and add something worth wile, instead of hiding behind propaganda, lies and false accusations. It makes you both look SO stupid!

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To Jack

Nootje van Zoja

Zullen we allemaal die twee meiden eens een poosje plat negeren als ze onzin uitkramen? Gewoon totaal niet op in gaan?! Ze verzieken de sfeer hier, en leiden bovendien erg af van waar het werkelijk om gaat. Fascisten zijn erg goed in de aandacht naar zich toe trekken je afleiden. Een truuk zodat je niet ziet wie zij werkelijk zijn.
Goed idee? Laat her rond gaan in de rest van 'ons' groepje. En dan eens kijken wat er gebeurt!

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First of all, sorry to hear that somebody else was using your NICK! I hope it doesn't happen again; it's the act of a coward.

About your piece. Sure the people did not know what really happened at Bloody Sunday in Derry, or about Section 31, or the Guildford four or what really went on in Long Kesh before Bobby Sands started his hunger strike. Mr Gerry Adams of the Sinn Fein once said to me that the hardest battle of all was the publicity battle. For a long time he was branded a terrorist, while he and his armed forces were only trying to get the occupationers out of the North of Ireland. and everybody, despite all the evidence mounting, was behind the British. I am really glad to see the tide is turning somewhat, inspired by Mr Mandelas great victory.

Unfortunately what I say about the British, I can say about Milo and his gang. Ten years ago he was the same killing bastard as he is now, only the world failed to see it. Before these bombings started, he already had the blood on his hands of thousands and thousands of innocent Bosnians. He took part in setting up concentration camps in Bosnia, and he and his partner Karaic took part in mass killing (in one of which my brother in law, nieces, nephewes, ther grandparens, etc etc, were wiped out) when nobody ever got to know about it. Trying to get the press to listen was impossible by then, just as it was for the Sinn fein to get attention for the restriction laws and the mass torture going on in Her Majesties Prisons.

It saddens me to disagree with you that the bombing set Milosevic to go deporting and killing. He was already doing so years and years ago, but nobody wanted to listen. the big media stations in Europe and America are too much focussed on things when it's to late. usually they fail to report and put significance to the start of things. Which is why, if I really want to know what is going on in a country, I try to tun to just these papers and orgainsations gouvernments condemn, like An Phobleacht, or Dani. Put the one side and the other together, and you get a bette picture. Really, it clarifies a lot.

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