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Archive through April 4, 1999

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To Nick Serb •••• Milosevic Ass licker.

The Only thing i can say to your responces is that i doubt if they ever gave you a BRAIN at all.

Cause if they did yuou would THINK twice, and not be such a Milosevic ASS LICKER ,and feeding yourself of Serb State Televion.

Ofcourse i don't have to ask you How you would feel if the tables where turned.Think about it.You being Almost shot throw the head ,knees etc and nobody is willing to come to your recque.


You will never learn and they should have shot Milosevic threw the head right from the beginning,cause thats the only way Serbs keep there big mouth.And ofcourse don't forget to wipe out all the milosevices after him And those who walk with him.


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Once this is all over, I really believe there needs to be a heavy discussion about the US role in world affairs. This conflict has, if nothing else, shown the weakness of the US political hegonomy. For 50 years now the US has been the proxy Armed Services of Europe, and the protector of the free East. When the rest of the world sits on its haunches and looks the other way, the US stands defiant, and is time and time again reviled not for its inaction, but for its initiative. The very people whose prosperity has been predicated on US resolve are the very people who time and time again stab us in the back and call us criminals. The French for instance, make me absolutely sick. If you've ever been in France you know the attitude of the French towards Americans. And yet it was the American nuclear umbrella and US resolve to consider Paris as valuable as New York that kept it from being the People's Republik of France. Its time, I believe, for a change...

Preferably EURO-guys and Slavs. Americans are too easy to use for propoganda purposes>>

And its too easy for Europe and the world to wallow in its apathy and let Americans do the dirty work and take the blame. Time to leave Europe deal with its own skeletons.

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We agree on #1 and #5. The unfortuante reality is that there is no free press left in Serbia to distribute the pictures to the people.
The way to fight this situation in the first place was to use information and public opinion to turn the peole of Yugoslavia against Milosovic. Now, thanks to the bombing, they are more behind him than ever and we have given him the justification for silencing what opposition there was as being unpatriotic. The state of war has also given him an excuse to silence what free media there was. Read the letter at
On #2, I am not as sure as you are that there will not be a world conflict. Russia is weak, but very worried about NATO interference in the domestic affairs of other nations. There are those in Russia who would welcome an excuse to topple the budding democratic forces there and paint the US and capitalist European nations as the enemies who have caused the current economic crisis. China has reason for concern also. With NATO fighting in Kosovo, it opens the doors for other Anti-democratic governments to test us. Things could heat up in Iraq and Korea. Are we prepared to send planes and troops to three separate areas of the world to fight ground wars at the same time? If N. Korea decides to test us, will that draw China into the conflict? Remember, it was people in a devistated German economy that united behind Hitler. Russian people have fought a lot of wars in the midst of poverty. Don't discount them.
On #3, we haven't had a lot of civilian casualties in Serbia yet, but what we are doing isn't working either. There is growing pressure on NATO to expand the type of targets and we will be seeing more civilians hurt as we do this. Continuation of our present policy will give us no choice but to inflict this type of pain on the peole in the region.
On #4, if NATO sends in ground troops, are we prepared to do it for all places in the world where governments are violating the human rights of their people. That includes a lot of countries. Having NATO invade a nation and rearrange borders based on ethnic divisons and terrorist acts by one group done to another is a bad precident to set. It is a policy that we cannot enforce, and it is a policy that does not resolve the real issues.
Using military action to force people into democracy and freedom of religion has never worked unless you totally get rid of the government and set up another as the US did in Japan and Germany after WWII. This would mean taking over Serbia and occupying it for a period of time and investing heavily in their economy. To do that you would probably have to kill off large numbers of Serb civilians and military troops. Short of doing that, we are only making the plight of all of the people in this area worse.

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I was living in Europe when all this started in the early 90's.

I knew then that Europe would be unable to take a resolute position in this matter and I also knew that it would take American involvement (AGAIN) to save lives.

Review the time-frame of events since start, notice that the US policy-makers did not consider this their problem (which it was not). And when the attrocities started they first asked European leaders to handle the situation.

Europe send Britain's Lord Carrington who travelled up and down between Belgrade and Brussels - but diplomacy was doomed ..... and that was the extend of European attempts for peace.

The European approach was simple : "Don't throw water on the flames because the fire is too hot. If we get too close to the fire we may get burned. Let the Americans do it."

In short, Europeans were and are too involved trying to create their EURO (to compete with the US dollar). AGAIN they have no time to deal with GENOCIDE on their own soil. SHAME on Europe !

We the Peoples of the Americas have to go help them out again.

And I mean "Peoples of the Americas" because two of the three prisoners/hostages have Latin relatives, a fair reflection of the composition of US armed forces.

We've had our share of dictators in South America, we've had Pinochets and Noriegas. And we are all different peoples. But we've never killed one another so passionately. The dictators are all gone now in this hemisphere.

I agree that after Nuremberg II the US will have to review its US role in the world. It should announce that, considering Europe's inability to learn, effective day 1 of the 21st century all costs related to intervention to stop their wars or down their dictators will be billed to the respective countries.

But first, let's send Milosovic and crew to the gallows.

Nuremberg II
Europe may want to forget
The world will not.

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I will agree this minute to stop the bombing if we can replace it with FREE television images to the people of Serbia. Why, if we have such sophisticated weapons technology, are we unable to interfere with the Slob Milosovic's propaganda machine?

Testimonials of the Red Cross and Amnesty International (Greenpeace even), all human rights groups of the world, along with pictures will enrage even the Serbs.

Please search under YAHOO at Kosova Crisis Center to see some Amnesty International pictures of Serb Police attrocities. You will be enraged.

In this side of the world, whenever you hear Serb delegates on TV, you can see clearly that many of them have no clue of what has been happening. They speak with confidence that there have been no massacre and that there were no attrocities. It is a sorry state, to have such fanatical opinion based on no information.

Sadly, we cannot stop the bombing unless and until the Serbians repent (and they will repent only after they become aware of the deeds of their Police). After WWII most Germans were very sorry they supported Hitler because it was only after the war that they became aware of the deeds of the SS and Gestapo.

I agree with you that there is a real risk that the conflict will spread. But did you ever consider what would happen if the Slob is allowed to push peoples into neighboring countries, destabilize ethnic compositions and economies WITHOUT PUNISHMENT ?

His army and infrastructure will be left intact to further pursue the ideal of a GREATER SERBIA. And the pictures show - they do not value human life.

In short, if we walk away now, if we turn our backs now, you can be assured that Milosovic and his SS will, continue to rampage and reign like DRACULA in the Balkans (not Nosferatu, the real one).


A dilema is when one must make a choice between two options, neither of which is popular. When you face a choice between two evils, chose the one option that will HURT THE DEVIL most because good must always win over evil.

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Hopfully there are still some people of reason around Milsovic who do not want to throw away their lives supporting this fat airbag his quest to kill the people he is charged with governing..Is there any truth to the rumor he won the first annual B92 farting contest? I hope he brings the contest back now that he controls the station again.... Gene

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We must immediately start sending US and Nato troops to this area of the world and usurp Milosevitch and his bloodthirsty, cowardly, murdering gang of criminals from existence.
The Kosovar people are defenseless without arms. We must lift the arms embargo so that they may protect themselves. Why is the world dragging their feet? When World War II ended and Hitler's crimes against humanity began to unfold, our excuse was we did not know. What is our excuse today?

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Bob, you regret what is gonna happen to my country? What does my country have to do with it except it let your murderous planes fly over our country to kill people?
It seems like you don't know what you are talking about.

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Should we send troops read this report by the Human Rights Watch. Sept,1998. #P675_102454...then make up your mind, I now say we should.

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This is the reason the bombing began...Another Human Rights Watch report. ...

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