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Archive through April 5, 1999

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The three US solders were part of a UN peace keeping force that heve been over there for months before this action started. They were not part of the NATO action and should not be considered prisioners of war but their treatment should still be covered by the Geneva Convention as long as they are held captive.

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Just like all Serbs ( civils and soldiers ) are enemy of NATO all NATO troops are enemy of Serbia. I would personally put them on the bridges you bomb and stick the TARGET STICKER on their hands and let them wait for bombs. They are not keeping peace but help NATO in the war. Geneva Convention has nothing to do with those three soldiers since America is not legally in war with Yugoslavia. They should be charged with ilegally intering the country carrying deadly weapons. Milosevic should treat them as human and civil as Clinton is treating his citizens.

Nevertheless I feel sorry for those three guys. They have probably entered the army to get a better education and earn some college money. While other peoples children are fighting a deadly war and putting their lives in danger Clintons daughter is parading in Africa protected by hundreds of bodyguards.

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God bless our boys & girls in harms way...and God bless the U.S.A..I fear the worst over there is yet to come.

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american people can ask them self:
is kosovo worth dying for?
if the answer is no, than stay out, and say NO!!
it is clear that serbs will not surender,
bombs can not solve anything, it is sad that
people have learn nothing during the history.
This can very well be war, think about
that..... and do something about it now!
demonstrate have civilian courage, dont belive politicans, they have lie to us before, and they
are doing that again.. just try to stop the war what ever it takes to do that.

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Today will be my last day posting here, see my post in "Should ground troops be sent".
If the Americans are put in harms way then NATO should level every city in Serbia (No rules) on either side.
It seems the prophets were right. This is going to lead to WW-3 and the world will be destroyed by nukes so enjoy life while you can, why worry we can't stop it.

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The only way to avoid sending ground troops into Kosovo at this time is the destruction of the man resposible for all of these atrocities, Milosovic. Without his death this will go on. Every bomb that NATO has dropped into Serbia is the direct result of the madman in charge. He was responsible for atrocities in Bosnia, he is resposible for the albanians that lay thier yards dead, he is resposible for the family that weep the loss of their family members, and he is responsible for the lives of our three servicemen now being held. He must not be allowed to sue for peace. The atrocities that he has committed cannot be forgiven. We cannot rest until the uprooted albanians can sleep peacefully knowing that they will not be persecuted for their religion, ancestroy, or heritage.

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I have the solution !

..... in Kosovo.

Then have NATO aim all
firepower on Belgrade,
and shower downtown
with a concentrated
barrage of bombs,
so intense that it'll drill
a hole straight to HELL,
so that Milosovic can
rapidly reclaim
his rightful position
next to his tutor.

To appease the nationalistic
pride of the Serbian butchers
we'll make a
movie called
"Holocaust Hero's"
featuring Hitler, Stalin
and Milosovic.

The movie will feature
a brave army killing women
and children in the defense
of an ancient culture that
has no value for human life
and a long proud history
of murder and destruction.

The movie will sell well
in Russia and Serbia
because they love to
see others suffer.
The funds generated by
the movie can be used to
rebuild Kosovo.

Win - win proposal !

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I say Serbs should kill them and then drag them on th estreets of Belgrad, Just like in Somali.
You f... Americans.

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To Sergey;

Thanks for your comments.(By Sergey on Saturday, April 3, 1999 - 02:05 am:
To Smout: ..Hi. I don't think the length or "unforgettability" of the name of the peace talker is relevant in the case. .

My reply;
It seems you, and as it happens, a large number of others agree, or did agree, that the basic idea of a politically neutral humanitarian envoy visiting Mr Milo with a global agenda is a good idea. I feel the choice of envoy is important, and I had meant to suggest Gro Harlem Brundtland, ex Norwegian PM, for her excellent record on humanitarian and environmental issues, as such a candidate, but I acknowledge there are many others.

I do not think the answer lies in Serbia just getting rid of Milosovic. (or in the US getting rid of Clinton or in any country getting rid of anyone else; that is just Hollywood farce..)

For peace to come to the Balkans, the attitude of the majority of Balkan people, and for that matter a lot of other people, will need to change so that they no longer hate each other because of some atrocity committed by one or the other group in the past. These atrocities happened whenever people believed, or were led to believe, they were different or superior, and most importantly whenever and wherever in the world there has been some kind of exploitative regime and ordinary people become victims. This has been no more true than in the Balkan counties during this century. If people saw themselves as victims of the same oppression, they would not want to fight out old battles over and over.

True, Serbia, Kosova is not our country, but we owe it to all civilian victims to stop the suffering.

As military intervention seems so useless, and runs the risk of over stimulating a few teenage minds in NATO countries, we must think of peaceful alternatives which is why I made the suggestions I made since I am not an advocate of violence to solve any problem.

Other suggestions I made have, coincidentally, now been taken up, At least we are told NATO troops are now helping out with the refugee crisis and next week there is to be a Euro / NATO summit, but still the bombing goes on and the tide of refugees shows no signs of slowing.

More pressure needs to come, to bring this to a peaceful end.



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To face a military court you must have committed a military crime. the US soldiers commited the crime of being unable to read a map.

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Compass Bearing, sometimes the maps are not accurate or the boundaries are NOT clearly marked, I know that from an experiance in Korea during the early 60s as a scout with A/2/10 Cav.

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What kind of a crime do you have to be guilty of in order to be bombed?
Let's say you are a one day old Serbian baby and Clinton is a judge? What is the crime for the deadth penatly Clinton is imposing on them?
They for sure are more innocent than American payed murderers. If they have to be treated in the civil and human way, how should babies be treated.
Hypocracy in the first digree.

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Innocent people died in WWII from Allied bombs, their only crime to be born in a Nazi state.

Hitler had to be stopped in his program of ethnic cleansing. And in order to do that, other people suffered. But compare the holocaust of jews and gypsies in the millions and the much smaller number of german civilians, and consider also the organized repression and murder of hundreds of thousands of muslims in kosovo.

England learned to its cost the danger of appeasement and hoping the problem would go away.
If Hitler had been stopped in Czechoslovakia rather than Poland how many could have been saved - and if Milosevic had been stopped in Vukovar rather than Albania?

NATO's crime is that it's taken so long to take action against him. When I was in Yugoslavia during the war with Croatia, Kosovo Albanians were being persecuted by Serb security forces - it's only taken 6 years for the world to wake up.

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Maja, you and Sergey are close to irrelevancy. Really, baby appeal? Please. That form of argumentation is an appeal to emotion and is not an argument, unless you count bad arguments or non-arguments as arguments. Bone up on your critical thinking and logic, friend.

As to hypocrisy, the Serbs dont seem to concerned about babies that are threatened with starvation in refugee camps along the frontiers. They dont seem concerned with the welfare of people they are systematically erasing by destroying all records in Belgrade. Im afraid it is you that is being hypocritical.

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Your argument were as emotional as mine. Clinton should be thinking about the Albanian babies when he started throwing bombs.
Such a refugee crises would have never have happened if the bombing didn't start. I might have but never in such scale. 3000 refugees a week and 300.000 a week is a very different matter. Before bombs there weren't even 3000 a week and now we have 300.000 a week.
Tell me, how did Clinton help Albanian babies?

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