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Archive through April 5, 1999

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Proposal to supply Serbians with new stickers.

Present stickers read : "TARGETS ?"

New stickers will read : "TARGETS !"

There is no question - they earned the exclamation mark!

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May the God of Abraham be with all people (non- Christians also) on this day we Christians celebrate the resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ, and may He forgive us all of our great sins against each other in Yugoslavia.

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Would some rich, concerned, person please contact your local Mafia representative and put a contract out on Milosevic, since the U.S.A. won't hit him with a cruise missile?

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If you had given that $1.5 million to Guido instead of refugee relief this war would be over!!

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Those cowardly Serbs better not harm one single ass hair of the 3 American detainees! Belgrade hasn't seen shhit yet. We'll flatten the whole of Serbia in one hour if harm comes to any of them.And the same goes for Yeltsin's alcoholic ass if he tries to get involved with his bankrupt country. Mielosevic and his goons are nothing but a bunch of Sissies murdering unarmed people for a grudge they have been holding against Muslims for something that occurred hundreds of years ago. The ethnic Albanians had nothing to do with it. It's the Turks who kicked the Shhit out of their worthless asses at Kosova and they think by murdering Albanians they are getting revenge. Wait till Turkey gets involved in this. It took Germany just two weeks to roll thru Serbia to get to Greece. It will take Turkey one week and history will repeat itself again at Kosova. If Greece makes the mistake of sticking it's nose where it does not belong, they will be decimated to.
Melosovic and his accomplices will be brought to justice one way or another.

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1. NATO SAYS SERBIA USED OLD VIDEO AND RUGOVA AND MILOSEVIC DIDN'T MEET FEW DAYS AGO. Our national television, which is very pro NATO and would never run this if it weren't true said today that there were only two Milosevic and Rugova meetings prior to this war. In both they were dressed differently and sat on different chairs. Indication that the old tapes were not used. Plus NATO says that they used the video of the meeting where they signed the deal about use of Albanian language in schools. That deal was signed but they didn't sign it together. Milosevic signed it in Beograd and Rugova in Pristina.
All that information comes from our national televisions archive.

2. CLINTON SAID HE IS 100% SURE MILOSEVIC WOULD RUN ALBANIANS OUT OF KOSOVO AND CREATE A GREAT DISASTER. If that is true why there was almost no preparation for the refugees? It is taking them two weeks to really start helping those people.
That doesn't show they were prepared, that doesn't show they anticipated what happened and that means they started the operation out of some different reasons.

3. SOURCES. Some official from one of the NATO countries says the meeting between Milosevic and Rugova didn't happen and Rugova is a prisoner.
Some official? One of the NATO countries? Some source!!! If that wasn't only the propaganda he would have identified himself. It's probably Thaci again. A man who has told many lies before, about 5 Kosovo politicians being murdered, about the mass graveyard. They have all proven to be false. Thaci also accused Rugova to be a traitor of his nation. Really, Thaci? You fleed and left your nation and you are now in Germany spreading lies while Rugova stayed with his people.

4. AND ABOUT DEAD AMERICAN SOLDIERS. When Greece and Macedonia are helping you then they are okay.
But when both countries state there were 19 dead soldiers transferred to America they are lying. Greek national tv is lying? Greek high officer is lying? Macedonian custom police is lying? They are all lying, all but Clinton. The whole world know he isn't capable of lying.

5. PEACE KEEPING FORCE BOMBS THE RAILROADS between Bosnia and Serbia. A violation of Dayton peace agreemnt plus it show what peace keeping means for Americans.

6. THREE SOLDIERS WERE A PART OF UN TROOP IN MACEDONIA. A big lie. The UN troops left Macedonia a month or more ago when China voted against then in the Security counsil of UN.

And one more thing. Clintons operation obviously is not producing any results. To give something to his fellow Americans he is bombing Beograd and Novi Sads civil infrastructure to be able to show his public anything. While there is no activity, or almost no activity in Kosovo. if you knew where Novi Sad is and what those bridges are for you would have know he is fooling you big time.

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And who will see •••• for the 19 dead American soldiers who were transferred to America a day ago? Milosevic or Clinton that sent them there?

Greek television and newspapers, Greece is a NTO member, reported 19 American soldiers transferred from Macedonia to Greek hospital and from their on the airplane. Macedonian custom police opened the boxes and confirmed that. Greek high officer who was escotring bodies together with an American officer confirmed that. And Greek hospital, who prepared the bodies, confirmed they got 19 bodies from Macedonia, though doctors didn't know who the bodies were.

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Maja, did the Greeks report who killed them ? If the Greek reports are right, and if these guys did die, then I hope it was done by your Serbian comrades. This, surely, will be to your satisfaction and we can add it to the reasons why Milosovic is given the death penalty at the war crimes tribunal. But ask yourself who will you come running to when the Czechs decide to exterminate Slovenians ? YOU KNOW WHO! DAMN RIGHT. I can hear you now calling : "Help Me Captain America!"

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You stupid cow, that's all I can say. I don't live even close to Czechs republic. Never in history had Czechs had anything to do with my country. Knowing the difference between Slovenia and Slovakia is more than one can expect from an American. But that didn't stop you from trying to be smart. Go threaten somebody else. I would rather call Husein for help than your murderous goverment.
I would rather have you murders stay out of my country not use our air space to fly over to Serbia and kill innocent people. It's you who asked our help.

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Slow down, you are getting excited, your theories are going out of whack.

1. Regarding the videos. Did your state television also show the people "behind" the camara? Was Arkan among them? Anything Rugova says will mean nothing unless he is a free man and his family is interviewed by the Red Cross.

2. Who was prepared for such barbarity in the heart of Europe? Maybe only central European people who have a very confused idea of what it means to be human.

3. Again, even if Rugova did meet with the Devil, do you really think he was comfortably speaking his mind ?

4. You seem to enjoy the idea of 19 dead American soldiers. Who killed them ? Under what conditions (was it a battle or execution?) Where were they stationed? Rumors.

5. Your thinking on this is twisted : NATO must respect the Dayton Agreement and thus allow your Serb friends to use the railroad to transport amunition to kill Kosovars ! NATO must respect the Dayton Agreement to protect Serb right to violate even greater HUMAN RIGHTS CONVENTIONS ! WOW !?

6. So Maja, tell the world how can 3 guys in a jeep be a such threat to the invincible Army of the great state of Serbia ? Think about it. o.k. all three had light automatic weapons and they were wearing camouflage uniforms. Even if they are not UN, even if they were in Serb territory. So What ? Did they kill anybody? Were they blowing up things ? Not even your Serb friends make these accusations. All these guys did, IF they did, was to cross a line in the mud between two backward central European countries.

I can understand your pattern of thought. It is a product of the Soviet Era. But that is all gone now. It is time for Intellectual Renaissance in Central Europe. Synchronize your thinking, you've been watching too much SLOVENIAN STATE TELEVISION. Paranoia is starting to set in.

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The only way out for "decent Serbs" now is to throw out the thugs that run your government.

Stop denying the Holocaust in Kosovo, overthrow Milosevic and his criminal gang and then rejoin the human race.

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Sorry for the mistake.

Slovenia or Slovakia. Both are small irrelevant countries in Central Europe that contribute nothing to the world, yet hunger for western capital and then turn around to bad-mouth the west. As soon as •••• hits the fan : "Captain America Please Help Us". Your hero Hussein or Milosivic - no difference. That's why for me one size fits all : Slovenia, Slovakia, all Slobs.

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First of all, our television has nothing to do with Soviet era. Slovenia and Yugoslavia cut all links to Russians back in 1955. Check history books.
Second, I find our television more impartial than American ones. We don't have anything at stake in this conflict, you certainly do. if anything else it is more pro NATO than pro Serbia.
1. They showed two videos. In one they were alone, dressed differently, sat differently. In others there were some politicians with them but none of them was Arkan.
2. Clinton said he knew that would happen and that's why he started the war. If he was so sure, if he wasn't he should not start it, he should have been prepared. It's either he was lying then or he is lying now.
3. I can not speak about Rugovas mind and neither should NATO. No one but Rugova knows.
4. I don't enjoy anybodies death. Don't know but it might have something to do with the rumor of few days ago. Supposedly a helicopter with many soldiers fall down or was downed in a rescue of a plane that was downed near the border with Bosnia. Only speculation. Greek tv didn't say who they were or where they died.
5. The railroad was a link to Bosnia and not Kosovo. Look at the maps.
6. If I illegaly entered America I would be arrested. If I illegaly entered America carrying weapons God knows what would happen to me. If your country would be in war with mine I would probably end up in the gas chamber.

And once again, I have nothing to do with Soviets. My reasoning comes from being a student of international law and I have seen your country mock all the laws and conventions.
How many conventions you have violated with this action was already posted. No need to repeat that.
How you violated all UN laws in Desert fox is already being brought to light. Butler closest asociate Ritter admitted that UNSCOM was also gathering information it was not allowed to gather sending it to CIA. That's how CIA made targets to be hit. You attacted Iraq cause they didn't allow your spies to their country. And when they were saying you were spying you called them liers. If you don't believe me contact BBC World. They had a documentary about that today with Ritters admition. Or how you bombed Sudan and Afganistan. First you said because of attacts on your ambassies. Then you accused them of making biological weapons. Medaline Albright said you have evidence that factory was making biological weapons. How come we never saw this evidence? And the whole thing was hushed up.

Face it, when you come to help a country that country is doomed for sure.

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Like I said, a stupid cow. Countries are not measured by it's size and relevancy but people that live in it. Atleast we are not brainwashed idiots. We don't need to contribute anything. Atleast we are not spreading death around everywhere we go. Never in a history did America help us. The only thing that it did it took our land and gave it to Italians even though our soldiers liberated it from Germans. Thank you for your help, and in the future, no thank you.

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To Nick

You are always right. Aren't you?

PLEASE, PLEASE and ONCE AGAIN PLEASE STOP with ALL those LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(all other people here please exuse me those few bad words, but every person has limits and I can not listen this crap anymore. Sometimes I just wanna cry. My best friend is 30-year old Bosnian (Father-Serb,Mother-Muslim) who escaped from Bosnia five years ago. His own people - Serbs killed his father and sister just because he didn't want to fight in the name of "Milosevic" and for "THE GREAT SERBIA". He was crying then and he is crying now because of all those poor people outh there in Kosovo. I was with him many times when he started to cry because of all those lies on Serbian TV, sometimes I was just crying with him. Normal human being can not be without tears in eyes when someone who killed his family claim "all this is lying, we didn't doit, the others are killers, this is antiSerbian propaganda..." He just don't want to be a Serb anymore...I just stop here, it's to painfull...just hope you to understand where did this bad words come from.)


They all are lying (NATO and SERBIA - strategy reasons) but PLEASE tell me why does Serbian TV never show any refugees? And they should to, for good of it's own people if all those refugees have been escaped because of NATO bombarding. There are just news every hour on Serbian TV and that's it. No more informations....!!?? Why? (They have something to hide...for sure! from own people???)
We have had 10-days war with you Serbs, but we have had access to Informations NON-STOP 24 hours/day (TV's,RADIO's and Press Conferences)

I wish you people could have a chance to see and listen Serbian TV. Someone who is looking this can only laugh or cry. Every second word they are saying there is a BIG LIE.

I can really understand people in Serbia and why they all have their brain washed. But I can not understand all you Serbian people living in rest of the world.

I will never again come to this board and I also suggest all others to neglect this board because of such madpeople like MAJA and NICK are. Noone will never convince such people to use brain and logic.

Regards from Slovenia

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